It seems to be a CD tower.
Sometimes I see something with a function so specific but so briefly useful that it makes me wonder what archeologists some centuries from now are gonna guess it was for.
It seems to be a CD tower.
Yeah, make us millennials feel old, why don't you :chomsky-yes-honey:
(I instantly identified this and I suspect most people my age would too)
Nah I remember cd towers and this looked like the outer shell of a tower fan
Glas I'm not the only one that thought it looked like an anime sword.
This a ceremonial artifact used in the Great Lakes region of the former US during their numerous cheese rituals. It was used to grate enormous blocks of cheese, and the resulting grated cheese was used in various initiations and executions.
I blame this poster earlier. Going from that thread to this one did something. Thanks, @leonadas444.
you're not alone, i was just gonna reply with that old gif where the guys just like "thats a penis"
it looks like a CD tower (I have something similar) but it really should have a rod running up the "spine" to prevent CD cases from just slipping out the back so I'm inclined to think it's something else
Perhaps there is an... odd perspective? It looks to me like the slats are facing downward if that's the case and would still dump your CDs on the floor.