• huf [he/him]
    3 months ago

    the smurfs may be commies but they're also incels. they make(!) one (1) smurfwoman for themselves and i really dont want to know what they do to her...

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 months ago

    In 2011 a french guy wrote a book accusing the Smurfs of being antisemites, racists and communists: Smurfs accused of antisemitism and racism

    Antoine Buéno, a lecturer at Sciences Po university in Paris, makes the claims in his new book Le Petit Livre Bleu: Analyse critique et politique de la société des Schtroumpfs, in which he points out that the Smurfs live in a world where private initiative is rarely rewarded, where meals are all taken together in a communal room, where there is one leader and where the Smurfs rarely leave their small country.

    "Does that not remind you of anything? A political dictatorship, for example?" asks Buéno, going on to compare the Smurfs' world to a totalitarian utopia reminiscent of Stalinist communism (Papa wears a red outfit and resembles Stalin, while Brainy is similar to Trotsky) and nazism (the character of the Smurfs' enemy Gargamel is an antisemitic caricature of a Jew, he proposes). A story about the Black Smurfs, meanwhile, in which the Smurfs are bitten by a fly which turns their skin black and renders them unable to speak, has colonial overtones.

    • yuli [she/her]
      3 months ago

      never ever had i expected someone to make a book length argument on how the smurfs are fucking nazbols lmao

  • D61 [any]
    3 months ago

    Potentially a gender-less society too. The only "girl" smurf was made by Gargamel through magic, right?