When you see poor workers taking the train because it's the cheapest option, you can tell it's the train that made them poor
If you stand too close to a poor person, it rubs off on you and makes you poor, too. That's why poor people need to be ghettoized and segregated and made as invisible as possible to the Hard Working Ubermensch of society.
That or a legitimately stupid person if they are arguing in good faith
Increased wages are bad because it just increases the money that people spend which goes to the capitalists checkmate
This chud's brain is beyond rotten. Cars aren't expensive in city centers only, they're expensive everywhere else too. Urban centers aren't where the elites live, they live in suburban mansions. If you watch closely, you can find small trails alongside stroads to the burbs. These are there because the help doesn't get public transit
Ofc he switched to that rhetoric to fuck with Jack because that's a common right wing strategy - painting leftist policies as pro elite and anti working class. Since many people are worryingly uneducated, sadly it catches on
Jordan Petersen made that comment on how the efficiency of Mass transit is a way to limit people's individual movement hence it is totalitarian.
Do Angloids based their life in a car or ?
Yes. You must be a free individual, buy a car, buy the mandatory insurance for the car, pay for its inspection, fuel, and maintenance, and drive on the roads that federal and local governments created, in the manner than they dictate. and only then will you truly be a free burgerlander.
I think everyone should drive unlicensed, uninsured, unregulated cars on a patchy network of Amazon™ toll/subscription roads where the asphalt is 40% strychnine
buddy if you don't need to put in a quarter to turn over the car you're a slave to Big Starter.
also breathalyzers are marxist and made my kids stop liking my ultramaga facebook posts
Did they end up passing the infrastructure bill that had mandatory breathalyzers in it?
leaving my wooden box to get in my metal box to drive along pre-made lines to the wooden box where I work all day and have no agency or control
This is what free people do
Mass transit only allows people to travel to and from places the government wants them to go! As opposed to roads and highways, which allow me to go offroading through a public park filled with children in my prius on my way to Walmart
Freedom of movement is when I can't move my legs for 2.5 hours a day or I and several other people will die.
Deadpan9 is saying why westerners actually want cars, despite the cost, despite the risk to life, despite how much it dumps carbon into the atmosphere, because they imagine "cars = freedom." Which is totally idealist, any analysis based in material reality would point you to mass transit or bikes if you value materialism-based freedom. If you think "freedom" exists as a platonic ideal then of course you come up with "and that means having to pay a private insurer for shit healthcare means I'm actually freer - same with needing to buy a car, repair and maintain it and my private expense, insure it because of how catastrophic accidents with it are at high cost because of how common traffic accidents are, etc, I can in principle just drive until I need more gas so I am free."
There's little that gives you as clear an insight into people thinking goverment and business are some totally unrelated entities which have no bearing on each other has the whole cars = freedom thing.
You see, in the Yankee mind mass transit is both only for the undesirables in society, and exclusively for urban elites.
"Mass transit is a waste of space"
I don't think it's possible to more wrong on a take than that.
he's saying the quiet part out loud, you'd be surprised at the number of people that, when probed, will admit they want cars because having a car makes them not feel poor.
Doesn't help when shitlibs in power go out of their way to make mass transit as unappealing and underfunded as possible lest they get hit with a "how are you gunna' pay for it" retort when anything from bike lanes to busses that are the cheapest shit are announced.
you'd think with an argument like that, he wants the complete overthrow of capitalism and the abolition of class society, right? oh no lol he's actually a boring ohio chud who hates dogs for some reason
His other greatest hits seem to include hating the student debt relief plan and teachers as well lol
Teachers unions are corrupt with the media and I will not take your word, PBS' word, or even the Columbus Dispatch's(which was bought out by a media conglomerate years ago and is now printed in Indianapolis) word ever again.
Teachers punch down on the community all day long with their bullshit.
Other fun bits:
So many NeoCons/NeoLibs in here grr downvoting. I miss the donald
Fascism is merely the natural reaction to communism.
which was bought out by a media conglomerate years ago
lol yeah I thought maybe he was some kind of weird internet "anarchist" calling mass transit oppressive, I was a little surprised by who he actually is
i mean say what you like about the belief that human society was a mistake, at the least gives you a good idea of what you're against
What is it with them being anti-dog? My dad's like that too and he's fucking miserable. Trump's anti-dog. I see it all the time. Is it because they require a modicum of nurturing to another living being? It's weird because owning a big dog is so integral to like rural chud masculinity and they don't seem to support any measures to actually do anything about dogs. It's like an extension of overpopulation rhetoric extended to other people's pets or something.
Is it because they require a modicum of nurturing to another living being?
Dogs are like an emotional mirror. They reflect what they're given ten-fold. Show a dog a bit of kindness and it'll respond with unconditional love. Show your dog enthusiasm and it will follow you to the ends of the earth. Show the dog stoic patience and it will loyally wait at your side forever.
Of course, the reverse is true. Dogs that are neglected grow neurotic and destructive. Dogs that are abused become vicious in turn. If you treat a dog like you treat "the help", then they become obnoxious, needy, petulant, and mean. You end up with an animal reflecting all the worse characteristics of yourself. Who would want that?
i mean the other half of them are strongly pro-dog. honestly it seems about 50 50 to me.
Back in the 00's I was stuck in morning traffic over the SF/Oakland Bay bridge and there was a guy with an electric griddle on his dash like Homer Simpson.
He was making eggs and pancakes. I could smell it like 3-4 cars over.
I'm glad I work from home. Drivers have way too many distractions these days.
People being able to get to work on time is elitist, actually 💅
Cars also have an exclusive right of way path, that's much larger than a train track (not even getting into passenger density).
stuck in traffic, late to work, fired, homeless: freedom
get to work reliably on schedule, keep job: opression