F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is good and Phoebe is the best character by far

    • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Let a thousand flowers bloom, and cut down the weeds like DalaiLamarxist that sprout. Only by doing so may mankind follow the (red and) Golden Path and ensure it's survival.

  • PresterJohnBrown [any]
    4 years ago

    Unpopular opinions thread: I unironically think we all should vote for Joe Biden and we should all hope he wins.

    Why? Libs dominate the entirety of our politics right now. They are too strong to openly challenge and succeed with a new leftish candidate in 2024. Bernie for sure is not running again. None of the new progressives in the House will be in a good position to run by then, either. Practically speaking, it does not look like the left will have any potential path to success with the presidency in 2024, obviously.

    Therefore, our focus must be on increasing the progressive takeover of the House, primarying the fuck out of old shitlibs, organizing independent fundraising arms and independent organizational structure so the left can actually gain a foothold to challenge the DNC from within the party by 2024.

    To do that, we need to weaken the shitlibs. We need to show how incompetent old guard Democratic politics are to even the most passionate MSNBC wine mom girlboss. We can't do that if we don't force them to take the fucking reigns for once instead of sitting on the sidelines bitching about Trump. Watch as they do nothing differently and they are still blaming it on Trump in 2022, which is about how long it takes those narratives to die out before people start holding current power responsible, conveniently in time for another Congressional election, where we could oust Chuck Schumer with a progressive from New York; Sam Seder has announced he will run, AOC could also potentially run. I can easily see Dan Lipinski get primaried the fuck out.

    There is a lot of room to grow fueled by discontent at the failure of the Democrats, and I really don't think those people are going to turn towards Republicans. The left can grow with the fertilizer of a rotting Democratic party, but only if that Democratic party is taken out of the freezer and told to put up or shut up. The left has momentum right now and while I think 4 more years of Trump doesn't kill it, it doesn't grow it nearly as much.

    • glimmer_twin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Start thinking outside the sphere of bourgeois elections, I beg you

      • PresterJohnBrown [any]
        4 years ago

        I am, but the elections exist and it's stupid to ignore them because everyone's bitter they didn't get a good candidate.

      • PresterJohnBrown [any]
        4 years ago

        We don't need to convince the shitlibs, we just need to show everyone else that the shitlibs are not the responsible and steady leaders many people think they are.

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I agree with you. Its honestly trendy on here to be like "all electoralism bad, lose your chains". It ignores our current reality. That reality is there is no possible way for a leftist revolution to go besides Jakarta style right now. People want to sit on their hands playing "who's the most pure revolutionary" game and its not going to accomplish shit. Mutual aid, community defense, and organization outside the electoral frame work is all extremely important but right now, only one of those frameworks are making laws and effecting material reality on a large scale. Both can exist and both should be a focus. like, It would be genuinely helpful, no matter how shitty the FBI is, if they kept an eye on fasc/white supremacist terrorism.

      I really don't want to vote for Biden, especially when I remember the painful box check for Hillary in 2016. At the end of the day, its important to vote for local progressive candidates and shit, you're already there, just check the box, its no skin off your back.

      • PresterJohnBrown [any]
        4 years ago

        I fucking hate Biden. I literally cried after Super Tuesday. OVER POLITICS! Such lib shit. But ignoring the elections does the left no favors and, historically, has only led to an even more empowered right wing. The Nazis rose when the German Communists were so disgusted with the Social Democrats and Centre Party that they basically sat out the 1933 election, preferring instead fo fight Nazis directly on the streets. Noble idea, but OOPS, they got actual motherfucking Hitler and ended up being the first people to be sent to camps. BIG OOF

        Mutual aid, community defense, and organization outside the electoral frame work is all extremely important but right now, only one of those frameworks are making laws and effecting material reality on a large scale.

        Exactly, the left is so weak right now because we don't actually have any of that national organizing we need to actually defeat the entrenched interests of capital in politics. We needed to do this shit decades ago, and the Black Panthers and a number of organizations originally did before the FBI broke them up. We not only need them to organize concentrated political power, but we need them to survive as the government continues to retreat from any responsibility for the welfare of its citizens.

        Both can exist and both should be a focus. like, It would be genuinely helpful, no matter how shitty the FBI is, if they kept an eye on fasc/white supremacist terrorism.

        Or just having someone not directly ordering the DHS to be more Gestapo-like every day, that would be immensely helpful. Biden will likely just keep it as fascist as it already is and that sucks but it's better than what Trump is and will do with it since it's one of the few Federal Agencies that does whatever he says without complaint or hesitation.

        At the end of the day, its important to vote for local progressive candidates and shit, you’re already there, just check the box, its no skin off your back.

        I'm not sure if I will end up voting for Biden since I'm in California and there is no universe where even the worst election rigging hands California to Trump, plus I don't want to contribute to Biden's national popular vote, simply because the Democrats will use it as a weapon to gaslight the left into thinking they're vastly outnumbered by Biden supporters and should shut up. However, I can see the possibility that even my shitty popular vote contribution will be used to prevent Trump from easily stealing the election by running up the difference between popular votes and electoral college votes.

        I mean, this just fucking sucks. We're facing the end of the world and our champion against it is the man who led us here and is now promising to lead us back if we just blindly trust him again. However, I want liberals to win so they cannot complain anymore about how obviously dogshit the country is, but then pinning it entirely on Trump. I want them to know that, actually, the country was fucked the whole time and even when you get your way and get Biden, the fuckening doesn't stop at all. Unlike Obama, Biden is not popular or well liked and he's an awful speaker, both boring and untrustworthy. I can easily see a very, very hostile public reacting to a Biden administration. I want to make that old man lose his hair plugs from stress. I want him to see molotov cocktails being thrown over the White House lawn. I want him to get his wish and for it to be the least satisfying thing he's ever accomplished. I fucking hate this man and I desperately want to spend 4 years bullying the shitlibs mercilessly until they leave politics entirely for being too mean.

    • duck [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Sounds good, doesn't work, no Obama or Bill Clinton terms convinced libs of their incompetence

      • PresterJohnBrown [any]
        4 years ago

        Because those were very popular incoming presidents. Biden is not that. Biden is coming into office with everyone skeptical of his abilities. This is the perfect candidate to demonstrate their failures, which they are already witnessing on the campaign trail.

        Find me one who fits that role better.

  • Owl [he/him]
    4 years ago

    edit: wait why am I posting so far after my bed time this is always a bad idea

          • Chapo0114 [comrade/them, he/him]
            4 years ago

            True, but she also always learns from the villains and we do see Republic City and the Earth Kingdom become less hierarchy bound over the show, for a American cartoon aimed at kids on broadcast television, I think that's pretty good.

            It also has the cops look REALLY fucking bad in season 1, and has the avatar side with the oppressed against the cops she was formerly allied with.