I've had it up to here with bad faith rhetoric from liberals since this started. I have had a very bad day/year. I'm fuckin diving into storm front and earning my ban.

        • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
          2 years ago

          At least we can use our freedom of speech to say mean things against Interim-President-for-Life DeSantis as his blackshirts line us up against a wall for being within 100 yards of a Trans person.

          Can that happen in China? I don’t think so!

          :so-true: :stalin-gun-1::frothingfash:

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      My grandfather was old. I'm talking wore leather helmets when playing football levels of old. I will never forgive the media for taking that man and turning him into a bitter asshole in his twilight years. God damn I still resent that. Mostly for how hard it was on my poor mother.

    • neroiscariot [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      It's the worst. I'm just busting chops till they call the cops. Or until my kids need to go to sleep...but that doesn't sound badass

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Harambe slava.

      I don't even know what to say about this except that I'm tired and sad. :desolate:

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Would but I already got banned during the days after Trump executed Soleimani.

    • Big_Bob [any]
      2 years ago

      Bazinga ukraini!

      Jesus, I need chemo after this.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    "As long as it takes"

    Do they really, honest to fucking god, think that Ukraine can actually fucking win a WAR against a nuclear armed world power?

    I would say I want some of what they're smoking, except then I might turn into a :LIB:

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      the goal isn't for ukraine to win, the goal is for american military companies to profit off of the war and for american energy companies to profit off of the destruction of nordstream 2. they're willing to sacrifice ukraine and it's people for this while baiting them with false promises of inclusion in the imperial core. Also they wanted ukraine to have NATO membership since NATO membership allows america to build bases and station nukes much closer to moscow than previously. America simply uses the language of liberalism (human rights, westphalian sovereignty) to justify this imperialist expansion of NATO into the former soviet countries. A long term goal might also be the balkanization of Russia from internal pressure. If Russia keeps having to fight proxy wars against the USA (Afghanistan in the 80s, then syria, now ukraine, I forget whether Georgia and Chechnya were US proxy wars) then all that conscription and war spending will eventually cause societal collapse. If Russia is balkanized the way Yugoslavia was, the imperial core capitalists get to loot the entrails of the collapsed Russia and play the new balkanized regions of russia against each other. This would also cause russia's large nuclear arsenal to be split up amongst smaller states.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Ukraine already lost. Basically all their civil rights have been crushed by their own government. All of Ukraine's state assets and farmland have been sold off to foreign owners at firesale prices. The Nazis have completely, utterly dominated the culture war and dissent from the Nazi line is worth your life.

        ALl because (nomianlly) what's his ass didn't want to sell Ukraine out to the EU on terrible, terrible terms.

        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          All of Ukraine’s state assets and farmland have been sold off to foreign owners at firesale prices.

          oh yeah, that happened in like 2015 after the USA couped yanukovych in 2014 because he refused an IMF loan in 2013. The USA installed arseniy yatsenyuk who went through with those IMF loans




      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        the goal isn’t for ukraine to win, the goal is for american military companies to profit off of the war and for american energy companies to profit off of the destruction of nordstream 2

        You best start believing in Metal Gear story arcs.

        You're in one. :jetstream-troll:

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        This has been every Westerners wet dream since Napoleon. It'll surely become reality this time though. Even the Soviet collapse didn't balkanize Russia itself.

      • Gucci_Minh [he/him]
        2 years ago

        What is there left to loot? They looted the corpse of the soviets already and modern Russia has never recovered, but they still want to loot what little it has?

        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          Russia's top 10 annual exports

          Mineral fuels including oil: US$211.5 billion (43% of total exports)

          Gems, precious metals: $31.6 billion (6.4%)

          Iron, steel: $28.9 billion (5.9%)

          Fertilizers: $12.5 billion (2.5%)

          Wood: $11.7 billion (2.4%)

          Machinery including computers: $10.7 billion (2.2%)

          Cereals: $9.1 billion (1.9%)

          Aluminum: $8.8 billion (1.8%)

          Ores, slag, ash: $7.4 billion (1.5%)

          Plastics, plastic articles: $6.2 billion (1.3%)

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Fucking exactly. Russia holds the ultimate card in this exchange. Backing Ukraine to the hilt just jeopardizes the entire world through a very clear act of complicity. The west is playing with fire like this is another Afghanistan. The Soviets were extremely reluctant to use nukes because they lost 27 million people in a brutal war of attrition. Russia in these days isn't the USSR. It is capitalist like the rest of them, and reckless about power like the rest of them. They finally got their peerage. God save us all.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Eh, personally I think that Russia would only launch the nukes if Ukraine were to start occupying large swathes of Russia (not including Crimea or the Donbas) and even then, I think things would have to go pretty far. If you think that Russia has been out of missiles since March (as libs do), it's not unreasonable to expect a victory where Ukraine recovers all the occupied territory.

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        its very bizarre that they think russia is out of missiles when there are videos of missiles hitting targets every day

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    2 years ago

    It's basically the Soviet-Afghan War playbook all over again. USSR invades neighbor. United States provides arms, weapons and training to the locals to resist. USSR spends the next decade fighting a brutal war it can't win. The U.S. sits back and enjoys the view while Moscow destroys its own economy and military because it stubbornly refuses to admit its failure.


    • scarletdevil [she/her]
      2 years ago

      There's been zero thought as to where all these weapons and equipment will end up after the war. And you already know they'll end up in the hands of America's next target. Purposely setting up the next theater in the forever war.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Don't ask questions, just consume news product, and get excited to post snarky reddit comments under next news product

    • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      There were no consequences to arming and training right wing political extremists in Afghanistan, and there will be no consequences to arming and training right wing political extremists in Ukraine :maybe-later-honey: :maybe-later-kiddo:

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Let’s just hope it doesn’t take longer than Biden is President

    [In reply...] Presidents aren't kings and foreign policy doesn't bend on whim. The larger the American footprint in Ukraine is, the more enduring it becomes.

    My goodness, these wolves are self-aware. Just a shame this honest insight into our foreign policy ends as soon as the more uncomfortable questions start.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The larger the American footprint in Ukraine is, the more enduring it becomes.



      The larger the US footprint in Ukraine becomes the more we step closer to total nuclear annihilation. Fuck these people.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    The most dangerous thing about this war is that - unlike the cold war - there exists no arm of the (western) government or media that has any interest in understanding Russia's motives. They're 100% lock-step in supporting Ukraine at any cost.

    A recent study (which I'm too lazy to find right now) found that out of all mainstream Canadian media outlets only one even gently pitched the idea of a diplomatic settlement to the conflict.

    I know I'll probably get shit on for quoting Trotsky , buuuut ...

    The bourgeoisie itself sees no way out. In countries where it has already been forced to stake its last upon the card of fascism, it now toboggans with closed eyes toward an economic and military catastrophe. In the historically privileged countries, i.e., in those where the bourgeoisie can still for a certain period permit itself the luxury of democracy at the expense of national accumulations (Great Britain, France, United States, etc.), all of capital’s traditional parties are in a state of perplexity bordering on a paralysis of will.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Trotsky was right when he was right, credit where credit is due. I disagree with him plenty as a ML/MLM but I will never deny a correct analysis. If anyone gives you grief over this please tell the mods. Fuck sectarianism. We can all have a big argument about the new world we're building after we overthrow Capital. Until then I, for one, have no interest in that shit.

  • THC
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    "Russia won't last integer t time; they've only got integer s soldiers, they've lost integer m machines, they've spent integer p political will"

    They genuinely believe this. The possibility that we might have misjudged the situation does not exist, they literally could not think it. The US economy is running on the last fumes of zero-percent interest still left in the tank, our logistics network is being bled for profit by its owners, and everyday people are quietly watching their grocery budget leap into the stratosphere. Fuck.

    They talk so much of Putin's madness -- "the brute has no strategy, he's a bloodthirsty tyrant!" You want strategy? Russia's biggest adversary ends the longest standing battlefront of the 21st century, brings troops home and gives its weapon merchants an uncertain future. Why, that's nearly the starting criteria for reorienting an economy -- for actually addressing problems at home. Of course, nobody in the US government actually wants to do that. So what do you do? Give them an opportunity to slide back into old habits. Afghanistan is closed, so give the American Empire a busy-box to spin their wheels in; let the last gust of momentum clatter through the machine on your terms, on the stage you choose. That's the logic of this invasion.

      • Wheaties [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        For nearly a decade, interest from the US Federal Reserve was 0%. So banks (and I think hedge-funds...?) could take out a no interest loan from the FR, then turn around and loan that same money to people with interest. As best I understand it, this is how a lot of those no-profit tech companies, like Netflix and Uber, were able to meet expenses. Banks and investors had the liquidity to throw around, and did so with reckless abandon.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    2 years ago

    That was painful. Nato cucks really are the most brainwashed people on the planet.

    Heres hoping most of it is just CIA bots talking to each other

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Some of these comments are funny though

    So yeah, same premise as the US Cold War tactics, but we can expect a much better outcome with Ukraine. The only "Graveyard of Empires" in Ukraine will be Russia's tombstone.

    Doing the same thing as we did in Afghanistan will work out for us this time, trust me bro, I've done some armchair analysis

    Also this one:

    With the amount of money and infrastructure spending that is headed Ukraines way after the war (and growing distrust of China), I could see Ukraine very quickly becoming Europes factory. [...] It only makes sense that the EU start to shift focus from China to Ukraine.

    Weird colonial mindset aside, Ukraine has like 3% the population of China, even if you could magically give them China's industrial infrastructure who is gonna work in the factories?

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Gonna be honest the longer I look at these comments the more I become a Z poster. If Russia winning the war is the fastest way to end the war, then end the war for fucks sake.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I threw out a very non-controversial appeal about avoiding nuclear war. Testing the waters. Let's see if the libs downvote me for saying that I don't want us all to die.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 years ago

    Everyone's taking the wrong approach to trolling these dipshits, instead of arguing egg them on with even more outlandish claims of imminent Russian defeat, call out the official sources for being too soft on Russia using dead links and see how many people bite

    Infiltrate and mislead, you're not gonna change these dumb cracker's minds, so make them paranoid

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I can see the idea here, but it sounds a lot like "don't argue with the :jeb: Republicans, turn them on to :thicc-trump:!"

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        It'll make a bunch of Redditors mald and seethe harder, which is funny

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 years ago

    I'm gonna be honest this kind of stuff doesn't really bother me

    The more the NATOists and the media build up the hype around Ukraine, the more severe the crash and withdrawal is gonna be for the prestige and reputation of these snakes, and when coupled with the economic costs Europe and the rest of the world are paying, it makes it even more likely to lead a real social break somewhere

    Now I know for a fact when the Ukrainian military begins to buckle the media will respond with complete radio silence that will probably give a few people here whiplash, but as long as these delusional neolibs continue to build up the propaganda machine the more likely an average person will detect the switch when it happens

    Long story short I can't get mad because the inevitable reddit cope is gonna be hilarious

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      The more the NATOists and the media build up the hype around Ukraine, the more severe the crash and withdrawal is gonna be for the prestige and reputation of these snakes

      Honestly that is just wishful thinking to me. Afghanistan proved that nothing matters. From one forever war to the next one; No introspection, no change in rhetoric. The left is as weak as ever. If anything the effect of propaganda is even higher than 20 years ago.

      The Ukraine war will eventually end and China is just around the corner. Nothing is being done to change course. The same people pushing Ukraine propaganda will be the ones to turn around and push anti-China propaganda, just like before, from one war to the next one.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        The consequences of Afghanistan had 10-15 years to diffuse among media and public consciousness, in 2010 everyone already knew it was a bust, 2021 wasn't a surprise despite the media pantomime

        Because of the intensity of the Ukrainian war the collapse is going to be sudden and swift, and there is no diffusion of a "anti-war" view anywhere in the west, which will lead to some real sharp breaks unlike the slow rot of the Afghan war

    • bigboopballs [he/him]
      2 years ago

      when the Ukrainian military begins to buckle

      how much longer do you think it will take?