if 16 is too young to change gender then why is 0 ok to assign it.
Children are inanimate objects for their parents to use as trophies, duh.
A man of zero principles - he studied to be a lawyer, handling defence and civil rights cases then went on to become the head of public prosecutions.
Complete fucking lack of any character whatsoever. A plastic copy of Blair who bends like piss in the wind to whatever focus-group report lands on his desk that week.
I've always thought there was something massively sinister about him, he was one of the biggest proponants of Labour's disastrous 2019 Brexit strategy (and then abandoned all pretense of wanting to push for re-entry to the EU after it fucked Corbyn over), was renowned for incredibly harsh sentencing while head of public prosecutions (deporting a Portuguese born man who had emigrated as a toddler for stealing an ice cream during the 2011 London riots amongst other things), served on the trilateral commission and was recently literally watching the world cup with arms contractors, it's why I despair so much at soft left melts calling him "the lesser of two evils".
Extremely this. I've known who he was and that he was a fucking ghoul for years before he appeared in the Labour Party upper echelons. He's been a tool of the British and US security state for his entire career.
He started his career overseeing civil rights adherence by the police and intelligence services in Northern Ireland where he was their guy.
His personal legacy was reviving a forgotten department that worked internationally on terror and surveillance with every awful, human rights abusing, religious or fash regime you can think of while whitewashing their reputation.
He then ensured UK intelligence agents didn't have to answer for the use of torture in the war on terror years.
He made it his mission to extradite the autistic and struggling Gary McKinnon to face up to 70 years in the US for embarrassing them by hacking military servers to look for evidence of UFOs (he never even released anything).
He went after Assange on the explicit orders of the US, took orders directly from Eric Holder and the Obama admin, threatened the Swedish government, and then destroyed thousands of sensitive documents relating to the case.
And that's without all the usual social authoritarian stuff like trying to make maximum sentences the default for protestors, rushed mass midnight sentencing of 'rioters' so that they were sentenced before legal aid or their lawyers could even find out where they were, wanted a ten year sentence for a so called 'benefit cheat', and tried to deport people for crimes during the 'riots' as evil and serious as not paying for an ice cream they licked and taking a bag of rice.
He's always been a greasy, reactionary, fascist scumfuck with zero charisma but the understanding that he's to do and say exactly what he's told by his intelligence establishment handlers.
Absolutely fantastic write up, you put into words what I can only vaguely gesture and rant at. It may well have been done before already but it would be great to compile all the shit he's responsible for and get it out to the British left/anyone who will listen. I doubt we'll stem the tide of his inevitable electoral victory (Marx help us he even has the Murdoch press on his side, much like Blair), but would be nice to let people even slightly prepare for what's coming.
From what I hear from people around the Corbyn effort it was mostly spectacular naivety. Most people bought the 'prominent human rights lawyer' narrative. He was brand new (and almost certainly a plant) and had worked hard not to give away anything about his own political instincts.
He was selected for a safe seat in 2014 right after receiving the Knighthood of the Order of Bath - a fancypants establishment military honor basically that can also sometimes go to people in the civil service - and immediately got in during the election in 2015.
Also in 2015, a small group of people, including a number on the right, asked him to stand in the same leadership election as Corbyn, which he refused supposedly due to his concern over a lack of experience (something he didn't show less than a year later, but we'll get to that).
People were watching him to see where he put his support and he went for Andy Burnham whom the left would like or at least live with if it wasn't for Corbyn's surprise surge. It's clear now that his politics - to the extent he has them - are nothing like Andy Burnham's far from great but genuine socdem instincts, but at the time he was playing it very close to his chest.
I'd argue that he wasn't even there to be a wrecker for Corbyn, but instead to at least insert himself into the potential Burnham leadership and ensure it stuck to the authoritarian establishment line (or possibly go full wrecker if needed). Corbyn's surprise victory just suddenly upped the importance and perceived threat to the state.
Despite his apparent concerns about a lack of political experience just months earlier, he took the position of Shadow Minister for Immigration when offered it by the Corbyn leadership. They saw a Burnhamite, soft demsoc with relevant legal experience (despite it often behing draconian deportation of harmless offenders) as a good fit and a way to solidify the leadership up with the (they assumed) friendly but moderate middle of the party machine against the ghoulish right of the party who were almost certainly going to make life difficult for them.
He then joined the attempt to overthrow Corbyn's leadership in 2016 when it had gained momentum, but was careful not to be one of the first. Whereas others were just nakedly anti-democratic and anti-left, he was smart enough to stick to the narrative of it being about Corbyn's lukewarm support of Remain in the Brexit vote being a disaster for the results (a faintly absurd narrative, but the one that had the most play in the media and political circles).
He then immediately segued that into a position in the Corbyn admin as minister for Brexit. The Corbyn camp thought they had to sure themselves up on Brexit in order to head off more challenges, so tactically appointed who they thought was a soft-left Burhamite who was just an arch remainer.
They were wrong and had just let the fox into the henhouse and as soon as he was in Starmer starting wrecking, creating impossible, inconsistent Brexit positions, then counteracting them in public, and using other people in the press to keep his hands clean as he leaked and briefed against the leadership.
Despite the wrecking specifically on the issue of Brexit and the chicanery behind the scenes he kept his hands just clean enough to not be seen as the right-wing plant he was by the less engaged and cynical party members in the post-Corbyn leadership election.
Once again he positioned himself as continuing the social and economic justice agenda of the Corbyn leadership without all the problematic baggage and with a more moderate, press-friendly coat of paint. And once again he tried to keep his hands clean while people in his camp viciously and libelously went after Rebecca Long Bailey, the candidate that actually believed the things he professed to continue supporting, including having his friends in the media further damage the public perception of the party by whipping up a brand new, bullshit anti-semitism scandal to brand her as a looney Corbyn racist.
All the while anonymous corporate and private donors were pouring millions in dark money - apparently more than in any other Labour leadership race before - into his leadership campaign. The sources of that money we still mostly don't know and he refuses to reveal despite the fact that it couldn't possibly matter now electorally.
Since his leadership win he's systematically purged everyone even soft-left (while welcoming actual bigots spouting hate speech and genocidal language back) that refuses to go along with the most right-wing agenda the Labour Party has ever had while not just abandoning but actively admonishing and opposing every left-sounding pledge he paid lip service too; peaceful protestors should be locked up, immigrants deported in policies to the right of the Tories, the NHS completely privatised, trans people legally and publicly attacked to make their lives as hard as possible, anti-racist activism prosecuted and dismissed as a fad, unions defanged and strikes opposed, government informants and intelligence assets given immunity from prosecution even in case of rape murder or torture, and on and on and on...
You can have sex and get married at 16 in the UK. You can join the army. You can get a job and leave home. What total bullshit.
Ok but what if a person changes their gender, and then they got into a car accident, and the EMTs came, and they found the victims license, and it said 17 F, but they were biologically male, and the EMTs gave them a pink tourniquet instead of a blue one? Is that what you want???
"Oi bruv dat trolley bangup was proppa violent! Dis bird go' someone ELSE'S knob innit?? Wo' a Chewsday I fokkeen nevah! Nah mate, says it roight 'ere on th' loisence. Bloke wot lost 'is naugh'y bits musta go' frown clea' I reckon. E'd be at the bo'om o da Thames roight now bruv."
Sir Keir also told the programme a respectful debate was needed on the issue and said he believed it was currently being treated as a "political football".
Says the red tory bastard while trampling on the dignity of trans kids. Fuck your "respect", cissie scum.
Death to England.
A great time to be a Scottish nationalist. Both Labour and Conservative are led by accelerationists!
the scottish nationalists have been in charge of scotland for years they seem to have taken no steps to leave and also don't seem to have a plan to.
best of luck to them but what are they going to do with said mandate to actually leave
and what are they going to do after that
Probably petition to join the EU and be very slightly to the left of standard euro neoliberalism. Not as far as any Scandinavian country, maybe around Germany.
that does assume the EU will let them in for one thing which isn't a guarantee.
they seem to have taken no steps to leave
Aren't they holding a referendum this year? Like they're trying to get it approved but I thought they were going to do it anyway no matter what.
The fuck?
Keir it's ok for a 40 year old to fuck a 16 year old but you don't think those 16 year olds are mature enough to know what their own fucking gender is?
However the old this fuck is is too old to live apparently.