
I hope everyone had a great week last week. Hopefully this one turns out even better for everyone.

  • good_girl [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    Got my laser hair removal auth in the mail on wednesday and I got some kind of sick on thursday. walter-shock

    I'm so mad, I really wanted to start it this weekend but now I have to wait til next weekend because these fucking losers at my work can't be assed to stay home when they're sick.

    On the bright side I did get to meet my potential new roommates this week, one of them is my friend's partner and is NB, and the other is a trans woman. Suddenly I get to be around other queer people and it's completely by chance. They're both very leftist which is super cool, but we'll have to see exactly where they fall. Things they've both said make me think they're open to marxism but you never know.