I'm sorry boss, I can't finish these spreadsheets in time. My laptop is stuck inside a 400 meter tall woman's piss flaps.
Yes, sir. You heard that correctly.
Looks like the art is over two years old and this specific image is at least a year and a half old
I would be willing to accept the entire official story of 9/11 if they just admit it happened on 12 September. It makes me sick that they have chosen to gaslight us so hard over such a minor detail as if those of us alive to witness it don't have a perfect memory of that day. It was a warm Wednesday morning, we turned on our televisions for the morning news, and there it was. 12 September, a day which was supposed to live in infamy. Then they've continued this charade for two decades for no fucking reason.
damn macro art always destroying and fucking cities and mass transit where regular ass people are just trying to live their lives instead of throwing a spacex rocket like a javelin at one of the various oligarchs
hentai doujin about Stalin rallying the people to defend against a woman who keeps destroying Soviet industry and housing blocks with her gargantuan ass
see what happens to your office when you don't properly accommodate new employees with special needs? she clearly specified that she'd need a larger swivel chair
Yeah boss I know it's my day off.. Just wanna get in the office and hammer something out real quick....
There were many people cheering that
daydate every year for the past 22 years!
E: this was the first first thing I saw on the internet today btw
I feel it's more likely that Earth will be invaded by non-sentient space faring giant animals who will use the planet to masturbate than it will be visited by intelligent beings with whom we can communicate.