:biden-rember: Popcorn Lung?? I knew a guy named Popcorn Lung once, he ran a mean gang of two-scoop Debbies from the melty side of town

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Dry herb vaporizers*

      You don't know what stuff companies are putting in that oil. Vaporizer pure flower

      • macabrett
        1 year ago

        Yeah fuck this disposable nonsense. Dry herb vapes rule. They're fun over a long vape session and you get a lot more weed for your money.

        • StarlightGlimmer [they/them]
          1 year ago

          And it decarbs your weed for you, so you can then infuse the avb with oil + water for a few hours and have cannabutter

          • macabrett
            1 year ago

            I really need to learn how to do this, I've had zero success

            • StarlightGlimmer [they/them]
              1 year ago

              From fresh ground bud decarb for 35 minutes at 230F in the oven. Put it on a baking sheet with parchment paper and stir every 10 minutes so everything is equally toasted. Then in a sauce pan mix equal parts butter or any fatty oil with water (if you're using vegan butter, then that should already have enough water, so add none or very little), raise temperature to 150-200F, and stir in weed. Stir buttery weed mixture every 20ish minutes for the next 3-4 hours, tho I've seen people infuse it for 8 -24 hours for supposedly more potency. A cheesecloth or a very fine metal mesh strainer will get the leftover weed chunks out

              And if you have avb from a vape, then you can skip the decarb process in the oven and go straight into infusing it with oil

              • captcha [any]
                1 year ago

                What's this avb lingo? Just call it vapoo you nerd.

              • macabrett
                1 year ago

                Awesome, great guide! How long after saving AVB does it go bad / get moldy? Like if I'm collecting this stuff for a week, am I looking at problems?

                • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  I would personally recommend making a tincture instead of cannabutter as it will have an effectively infinite shelf life and you will be able to add it to more stuff (or just take drops of it). It's not much more difficult to make than cannabutter and it's way more versatile.

                  • macabrett
                    1 year ago

                    you got any guides you can link? that sounds way more up my alley

                    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
                      1 year ago

                      I have my own method that works very well, I do ethanol extractions as part of my actual job so I modified some method I found online. I'll type you up a full set of instructions in another comment shortly.

                    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
                      1 year ago

                      You'll need to grind it up and decarb first, 250F for 25-30 minutes in the oven. This will make your whole house or apartment reek terribly so pick a day when you can open the windows and maybe have a window fan handy.

                      For the tincture, you will need:

                      • At least 1/8 oz weed that has been decarbed
                      • 190 proof grain alcohol
                      • A jar that will hold the alcohol and decarbed weed
                      • Paper coffee filters and something to hold them in, like a funnel or pour-over mesh coffee filter.
                      • Some kind of double boiler setup (I use a saucepan, a pyrex container, and paper towels to hold the pyrex off the bottom of the saucepan)
                      • Empty dropper bottle(s)
                      • Candy/oil thermometer (optional)
                      • MCT oil (optional)

                      Put the ground, decarbed weed in the jar with 4 oz/100 ml grain alcohol. I've always used 4 oz alcohol, you may need more if you do over 1/2 oz cannabis but it should be plenty. Shake it up real good and let it sit.

                      The internet will tell you that you need to steep it for a long-ass time, often 2+ weeks. As someone who performs extractions and quantitative analyses on ethanol-soluble compounds for a living, I will tell you that this is bullshit bro-science from people who couldn't tell an HPLC from a copy machine. You will have extracted 95% of the THC from the cannabis in one hour, and it won't taste like shit when you're done like it will after two weeks.

                      Set up your coffee filter over your pyrex or other secondary container. The internet will also tell you not to use a paper filter, and I will tell you that this is also wrong. Dump all of your weed booze into the filter and watch in awe as it comes out the other end perfectly clear. When the liquid has passed completely through, pour a little more grain alcohol into the filter over the leftover plant matter to pick up some of the residual goodness that didn't make it through the filter (this is called a wash). You can repeat this as much as you want, we are going to evaporate off most of the ethanol anyway.

                      Next, set up your double boiler on your stove. It should go without saying, but be careful if you are using an open flame as the ethanol is extremely flammable. Line the bottom of your saucepan with a folded up paper towel. Put a little bit of water in the saucepan, and then put your pyrex with the weed booze on top of the paper towel. Fill the saucepan with enough water that it just rises above the level of the weed booze in the pyrex. Turn the heat on low. If you have a thermometer, put it in the water. You want the water to be just below boiling, around 200F. The wider your pyrex is, the more exposed surface area and the faster this will go.

                      Once the water starts simmering, turn the heat to the lowest setting you can. The ethanol has a much lower boiling point than water and will rapidly evaporate. The tincture will get very dark as this happens. Last time I reduced about 125 ml down to <10 ml. If you go too far, the oils will start precipitating out of solution and it gets hard to work with, but you can always add back more alcohol. If you want to keep it as an ethanol tincture, reduce to the point where you can fit the volume in your dropper and you're done! Otherwise, evaporate as much of the ethanol as you can and dilute to volume with MCT oil. Ethanol tinctures are faster acting, MCT doesn't burn your mouth. Either can function like an edible if you don't hold the drops in your mouth and just swallow. Always start with one or two drops and don't take more until the next day until you find what dose works for you.

                      The smaller your final volume and the more weed you use, the stronger your tincture will be. My last stated with 1/2 oz (~14 g) pre-decarbed weight of cannabis. I extracted in 4-5 oz (120-150 ml) of ethanol, reduced it down to <10 ml, then added back MCT oil until it was 1 oz (30 ml) and split it into 2 x 15 ml droppers. I'd consider myself somewhat of a lightweight but I typically take 5 drop doses for a nice buzz. Ten drops will have me zooted. Not exact math but each drop of MCT oil tincture will be around 0.03 ml so you can guesstimate how many doses are in a volume.

                      • macabrett
                        1 year ago

                        Wow, thank you so much, I really want to try this sometime. This post was so informative that I feel like it should be sticked on a comm somewhere.

                        • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
                          1 year ago

                          I'll probably turn it into a real post at some point or make an actual video/image guide (it would probably be easier to follow that way). Hope you get good results if you try it!

                • StarlightGlimmer [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Put it in something airtight and it should last years. I've gotten a high on year old avb turned into edibles

      • fox [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        The good ones will list test results of their shit on the product page.

        • kidleviathan [he/him, they/them]
          1 year ago

          Yep, and the really good ones will provide batch codes linking you to the testing for your specific batch. They test for the same types of common contaminants (e.g. solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.) as say, nebulizer medication

      • Kuori [she/her]
        1 year ago

        i mean you can make your own if you'd like, iirc it's not too complicated or difficult

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        I'm with you 100%. Also, purely anecdotal old hippie bullshit, but I don't like the high I get from carts. I'm sure it's just me forcing myself to believe it, but I feel like I can notice something synthetic about it. Regular old weed for me, thank you.

        • Des [she/her, they/them]
          1 year ago

          i wouldn't be surprised if it's some combo of semi-synthetic or fully synthetic cannabinoids. you can buy bulk scary synthetics from india/china or get cheaper hemp derived semi-synthetics and let capitalism do it's magic.

    • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
      1 year ago

      the association was specifically for factory workers in flavor manufacturing plants as well. Diacetyl, it's not even in most vapes, I'm not even sure who was using it. It's used for fake butter, so i guess people that liked vaping butter

      • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
        1 year ago

        Yes, absolutely. Also the impact to workers was known over a decade earlier. Service workers were talking about flavacol workers getting sick back in 2006. They phased it out back then (in theory) but it still made its way into vapes etc.

  • Juiceyb [any]
    1 year ago

    Wrong. Popcorn lung is the consequence of using cheap 510 cartridges. When you pass electricity through cheap metals it’s bad when you inhale. If you had a quartz banger and torch the you’re going to get a much cleaner vape hit. Especially if you’re lucky enough to get rosin cheap.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        You’re mixing things up, that was bootleg THC carts that had vitamin E, and that caused EVALI (which ngl I think was actually just covid or an ancestor to covid)

        Popcorn lung was from a flavoring in legal tobacco vapes, which has now long been banned. The flavor is also what gives microwave popcorn the butter flavor and popcorn lung was originally found in workers at a popcorn factory