One of my favorite content creators, Vasi Birchwood, designs and creates very cool historical clothing and fashion. She gets a lot of trouble from chuds because they want her to be a tradwife influencer or some shit (she says "historical fashion, not historical values"), but apparently a few cringe af leftists are also harassing her. I hate to see how much harassment she gets, so go and give her some support.
Also btw, the billy bragg version of the internationale is like the most white bread version of the internationale out there, even among the English versions. Not impressive.
Her videos are very interesting. Sucks that even women dressing very modestly and creating content as far away from thirst traps as possible still get sexualized.
I know, she seems pretty used to it but it must be so grating. I hope she doesn't get discouraged
good try, but I raise you the Jamaican Reggae Internationale :squirtle-jam:
While I respect the jamming talents of our Jamaican comrades, I stand with my fav.
The Chinese translation goes hard, I like it better than the French one. I remember liking the Russian one, but I don't know where it would fit on the tier list.
That was incredibly beautiful, but there's just something about people singing about the rise of the Worker in the street that I think really embodies the song and does it for me.
this genuinely strikes me as a person who has left normal functioning behind completely. this goes somewhere beyond cringe i feel.
The Internationale That song embodies who I am
Unless you're literally Che, I have to inform you that it does not.
OT but depressing as fuck how few decent Internationale renditions in English there are since the latter half of the 20th century. Even continental European countries have some to choose from.
That sucks, don't be that guy. I've always struggled with understanding the midset of someone like this? do they think this is going to go?
She's generally fairly low key ok politically (though she doesn't put politics on her channel, she seems solidly SocDem or DemSoc. Also wearing historical clothing all the time? Goals.
I remember reading about an incident where a guy was obsessed with a radio host and kept contacting him obsessively for months on end. The host eventually got sick of it and filed a restraining order against the guy, at which point the guy drove over to his house with a gun and shot him multiple times. After being arrested, the guy insisted that it was the host's fault for "wronging" him.
The sheer entitlement of some people is mind boggling.