Hope it was a great week everyone. Hopefully this one is even better. cat-trans

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    4 months ago

    To be real I was shocked when you first said 21 months, I woulda expected you woulda been a few years in at least. I feel old chomsky-yes-honey

        • SnowySkyes [she/her]
          4 months ago

          Honestly, ngl here


          I feel like I've taken a lot of shortcuts in my transition. To make you even more shocked, my egg cracked only 23 months ago. When I say I moved quickly, I moved quickly. After all, I just had my bottom surgery only a month and a half ago. To be quite honest, having gotten my bottom surgery so early makes me feel bad and greedy. I don't feel like I put in the time like others have. Like I didn't "deserve" it, you know? I feel like a ton of other people could've used that surgical slot far more than I could've and that I simply didn't deserve it.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            4 months ago
            Honestly, ネタバレ here,

            There's no time requirement for this, you deserve every single gender-affirming anything you can lay hands on meow-hug No "shortcuts", everybody moves at their own pace.

            There's no priority system for bottom surgery, if you had bottom dysphoria you deserve it and it's good you got it. Ngl, it's heartwarming to see new trans people (yourself, Estradoll, etc) getting squared away and accessing treatment so fast. That's how it should be in a just world, that people can access all aspects of transition as fast as they desire. It took me a yaar to get on HRT for instance, I'm glad it doesn't always take so long for people ✨

            • SnowySkyes [she/her]
              4 months ago

              Yeah, you're right. It's something I forget. I just remember all of our comrades that have been working on getting bottom surgery for years and here I am, just getting it as early as you can without paying a dime because of insurance.

              Honestly, I'm just really fucked up right now due to my PMDD. I'm usually not bothered by such things, but gods today's been not great. I hate every second of this shit and I got like 4 or 5 more days of this shit.

              Oh, and ネタバレ is Japanese for "spoiler." It's autofilled on my phone since it's set to Japanese and I don't always bother to remove it.

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                4 months ago

                _ You're very lucky, but also nobody should hate you for this y'know. I can see how people might envy or resent the ease with which you got it, but it's not your fault, it's all the fuckin transphobia y'know.

                Hoping it eases off sooner rather than later for you, had a coworker who had that once, shit's nightmarish meow-hug

                Yeah I was just shitposting, being goofy =) I punched it into translate the first time you used it