You have to pick or the entire world gets blown up an asteroid
trump and soros, surely
all time goat boogiemen, and you'd break brains with any theory about why they were the two that were spared
I'd just pick two names out of a hat and then have them live together in a zoo playacting their old lives where people can gawk at it as a reminder of how completely insane the capitalist order really was
Elon Musk. We create a simulated environment for him, where he's locked in a big house and has access to a fake internet, where we make up news and events for the benefit of witnessing his unhinged social media responses.
It can be like that Chapo bit where Trump is legally declared president-for-life, but only inside his casino.
Fuck... Uh... Let me think...
Trump, just so we can let him post somewhere for amusing antics (heavily regulated as to not spread brain worms though)
All the fucking billionaires go to a non fictional Squid Game like contest. The winner gets to work in retail and not die.
I'm very disappointed in Hexbear for not coming to this answer sooner :bern-disgust:
The person who posted this thread, and the user who is reading this.
Making Bezos the last guy who has to piss in a bottle on his warehouse job
We're communists, not monsters. He'll get an actual piss jug.
The amount of posters here who think relatively niche TV personalities and musicians are “billionaires” really goes to show how little grasp people have on what a billion dollars really is, lol.
I only saw two musicians mentioned here as billionaires, and they are both billionaires
Weird Al is definitely not a billionaire lol. Beyoncé’s net worth is 500 mill which while obscene is not technically a billionaire, though if you include her husband I’m sure that pushes her over the edge.
Rihanna IS a billionaire though (and then some) which is a bit mind blowing.
Jack Ma. If :xigma-male: let him live, who am I to contradict that?
It would have to be two of the youngest failsons or faildaughters. They're probably little shits but they also didn't really DO anything.
I’d save each of the Koch brothers from execution but I’d lock them in a room without any food and see which one comes out.
The only horseshoe theory I believe in is you can call ultras libs, too