i used 10mg/wk for a few months and felt like the peaks/troughs were a bit too rough, but after talking with doctor I recently swapped to 5mg twice a week and have felt better, likely because Valerate has a somewhat short half-life. Really wish the guidelines online weren't just vaguely "Estradiol injected" and accounted for the compound type. I second checking out transfemscience.org as mentioned
i used 10mg/wk for a few months and felt like the peaks/troughs were a bit too rough, but after talking with doctor I recently swapped to 5mg twice a week and have felt better, likely because Valerate has a somewhat short half-life. Really wish the guidelines online weren't just vaguely "Estradiol injected" and accounted for the compound type. I second checking out transfemscience.org as mentioned
https://transfemscience.org/misc/injectable-e2-simulator-advanced/ this blew my mind lol
very cool stuff