• BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    12 days ago

    I'll say it again: Le Whiskey is almost as bad to have as a personality as Le Beard or Le Bacon.

  • Paradachshund@lemmy.today
    11 days ago

    This seems like a completely baseless and hyperbolic take gleaned from a single screenshot of a YouTube comment. While I'm sure there are people who only watch critical takes on things (I've done it before myself), it's a crazy extrapolation to say that "movie fans have regressed to this". Maybe some people are kind of attached to a given franchise but don't like the current direction, so they keep tabs on it but don't watch themselves right now. Maybe others don't watch critics at all. This just feels like fishing for doom where none exists. /rant

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    12 days ago

    I read the youtube comment more as saying they stopped watching star wars movies specifically and now only check in with it via youtubers shit-talking it

    • AndJusticeForAll [none/use name]
      11 days ago

      There's definitely an increasing phenomenon where people are watching filtered experiences of all of life in various ways to a disturbing degree though. Let's plays, Pornography, Cinema Sins-style movie "criticism", Instagram vacation influencers, newsletters/debunker articles, etc.

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    11 days ago

    nothing ever happens: people that don't have the time for/have little interesting artistic insight have always leaned on criticism to form their opinions for them. most critics are and have always been hacks.

    everything must get worse: every critic has to do personality cult Content Creation now because all the papers went under. then they have these brands, so even if some art breaks expecatations and moulds they've cultivated, they're obliged to lie and serve an audience what they want. see the "Fallout show is WOKE bullshit" storm based on the trailer vs. "Fallout show antiwoke masterpiece" that ran through the CHUD sloposphere

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    12 days ago

    I don't watch movies anymore because most of them are trash and I don't watch YouTubers for the same reason

  • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
    12 days ago

    luckily star wars isnt art, and the """culture""" its a part of is that of amerikkka, which isnt a real culture, just an endless deluge of slop

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      11 days ago

      non americans never interface with a cultural hegemon's art production lenin-dont-laugh

  • sewer_rat_420 [he/him, any]
    12 days ago

    Meanwhile I'm just watching the acolyte and enjoying lesbian space witches in live action. Fuck all the discourse about star wars, its literally not worth engaging in the fandom

  • Wertheimer [any]
    12 days ago

    Audrey Rouget : What Jane Austen novels have you read?

    Tom Townsend : None. I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism. That way you get both the novelists' ideas as well as the critics' thinking. With fiction I can never forget that none of it really happened, that it's all just made up by the author.


  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    11 days ago

    I enjoy things more when I don't read whatever a silly influencer says about it, you get to enjoy it without someone else's opinion influencing your experience. Even if you find their opinion to be worthless, it still affects the experience because you then go in expecting whatever they said was bad to be the opposite.