• booty [he/him]
        10 days ago

        well because a functioning dick and balls are kinda important to the continued existence of our species and they're just hanging out

        should probably check in the ovaries too but those are a bit harder to check up on

  • Hexphoenix [any]
    10 days ago

    I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to make a joke about a dude having a chance with lesbians by comparing a plastic filled dick with a dildo but no matter how I approach it it just ends up way more offensive than it is funny for like at least three different reasons sicko-no

    So instead I just bring you the remains of this aborted joke and say "imagine if I were funny"

  • Meh [comrade/them]
    10 days ago

    Damn, it's hella sick that ancient tree and dinosaur goo turned out to be a madness rune hidden underground just waiting for our dumb asses. Real rad that humanity as a species just speedran our way to Moderan in just a couple hundred years.

    • Krem [he/him]
      10 days ago

      what kind of lazy sci fi writing is this where the dominant species increased like 10 tech levels in a century by using some sticky undergroud goop, and they used it both as a combustible fuel, as a solvent, as biochemistry feedstock and to create polymers?

      and pretty much all their vehicles are fueled by different versions of this goo? and all of their doodads and doohickeys are made from it? this one underground goo? sure, why not make it a drug that lets you see the future too.

      and the economies of entire neo-feudal states are based entirely on sitting on top of this goo? come on.

      and the goo is so cursed that it causes Gaia's Vengence on the whole planet? storms and droughts and corruption of the flesh? is this science fantasy now?

      i expected better from the writers honestly.

  • CantaloupeAss [comrade/them]
    10 days ago

    I can do nothing to resolve this problem and I can do nothing with this information so I am just going to continue on as if I had not read this

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      10 days ago

      Yeah I really don't like seeing posts like this, it's effectively nothing but an assault on my already anxiety-riddled psyche's thoroughly battered defenses.

      • Voidance [none/use name]
        10 days ago

        Pretty sure the biggest source of micro plastics is tire rubber, ie it must have been affecting humans for the better part of a century now but no-one can point to any actual effects from it. People haven’t stopped having erections. Obviously it’s not good on a social level but I don’t think it’s anything to especially worry about individually. The media is always happy to scare the shit out of people.

        • booty [he/him]
          10 days ago

          Pretty sure the biggest source of micro plastics is tire rubber, ie it must have been affecting humans for the better part of a century now but no-one can point to any actual effects from it.

          You don't think that there are effects which could grow more severe and more widespread with more of that plastic built up in the environment and our bodies? Sure, there was some of it the better part of a century ago, but we've only been adding to that every single day. The amount of plastic in the environment isn't going down, that's for sure.

          • Voidance [none/use name]
            10 days ago

            Sure. But we are exposed to hundreds of environmental poisons everyday. None of them can hurt you as much as spinning yourself out with anxiety worrying about them.

            • booty [he/him]
              10 days ago

              None of them can hurt you as much as spinning yourself out with anxiety worrying about them.

              Actually, several of them can definitely hurt you more than "anxiety" associated with recognizing their danger

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      10 days ago

      I've been wondering if the stuff will go in the plastics or the residual waste bin ever since they found microplastics in balls.

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    10 days ago

    we told you to put the oil back in the earth and now, now look! the oil is in your dick! i told you this wpuld happen stairs i-told-you-dog

  • un_mask_me [any]
    10 days ago

    And will probably stop working soon!

    The samples were taken from study participants who had been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) and were in the hospital to undergo surgery for penile implants to treat the condition at the University of Miami between August and September 2023.

    The samples were then analyzed using chemical imaging, which revealed that four of the five men had microplastics in their penile tissue.

    10 days ago

    How long before they just cut out the middle-men and 3D print you an attachable penis at puberty?

    Appstore for penises. Calling it now.

    • dannoffs [he/him]
      10 days ago

      1: A small sample size is perfectly fine for the claims their making, which is just that they've detected micro plastics for the first time.

      2: It says it in the linked study

      Tissue samples were extracted from six individuals who underwent surgery for a multi-component inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP). Samples were obtained from the corpora using Adson forceps before corporotomy dilation and device implantation and placed into cleaned glassware. A control sample was collected and stored in a McKesson specimen plastic container.