Bottom text, I'm still scrolling through my phone trying to decide while y'all are poking me and kicking the back of my seat.
Skibbidy Biden. Then skibbidy Biden. Then baby shark. Then skibbidy Biden. Now I'm not totally evil so some Doom soundtrack... From the 32x port. Then the entire Evergrace OST.
Now I'm not totally evil so some Doom soundtrack... From the 32x port.
Noted soundtrack, the dev team composed it entirely of their own fart noises.
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the good news is, many phones and i think all iphones haven't had an aux out for like 5 years
Everybody expects me to play The Most Unwanted Song so I guess I have to go along with the expectation.
It really is. I've been churning through their discography and it's all excellent. That intro to the album (Let's Get Free), called Wolves, is just powerful stuff. An expert from this speech: Chairman Omali Speaks on Black Power
I've also been listening to a bunch of Bambu as well. Chairman Mao from the album "... i scream bars for the children..." Is just good shit.
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Probably the entire discography of Devil Makes Three. Hope yall like outlaw country and folk blues.
Soviet national anthem, then L'Internationale, then The Red Banner Is Raised
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I've been on a Command And Conquer kick lately, so you get this Act On Instinct remix
I play most C&Cs each year, they're still so fun. Some of these tracks are timeless classics 😎
Hell yeah, Frank Klepacki wrote some absolute bangers. The best part of the C&C/Red Alert remaster from a few years ago was the re-recorded soundtracks
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John Brown's Body, then steer off the road and crash because I'm driving and can't stop crying
Most people were going for songs to annoy, but I wanted something legitimate, but also possibly annoying after a while.
You slightly misspelled Röyksopp and ended up changing their name from "puffball mushroom" to "pile-of-stones cup"
That's the order in my playlist but you can do whatever you want