Tech Bros out here building truth boxes so they don't have to think critically.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    14 days ago

    The author advocates for Marxism as a relevant response to contemporary capitalist critiques, but demonstrates a bias towards socialist ideologies.

    data-laughing Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
      14 days ago

      the author is biased but it does not mislead nor does it make use of misinformation is quite the take

  • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
    14 days ago

    idk why but reading the first few of these it comes off as like a ultra marxist, it gave redsails an F because it wasn't marxist ENOUGH

    Suggested Correction: Fierce denunciations of Marx are not uncommon, but a more prevalent tactic is to pay vague respects while underappreciating the complexity and depth of his work, particularly in areas such as his critique of colonialism and ecological issues.

    I mean? translation to me: these posers need to read more Marx, then get on settlers, motherfucker

  • HamManBad [he/him]
    14 days ago

    The problem with the one you posted specifically isn't even related to anti-communist bias. Here's one statement that gave it a downgrade:

    Capitalism brought with it an unprecedented expansion in social mobility, both upward and downward.

    Rating: Mostly False

    Also, the llm is rating novel analysis (such as "Marx looked at the differences between kings and capitalists") as false, because there isn't much literature that already discusses things in those terms. So, if you don't want the bazinga bot to give you an F, you aren't allowed to say things in new ways that aren't already established in the literature. What a bright future we have

    • bunnygirl [she/her]
      14 days ago

      Explanation: The image highlights the cheerful rabbit while omitting the inherent danger of the trapdoor, creating a misleadingly positive association.
      Suggestion: Incorporate a clearer representation of the trap's danger to balance the message.


      • EstraDoll [she/her]
        13 days ago

        I couldn't get it to clear the thing already loaded into it so i had to google the site and enter the image from the homepage

        • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
          13 days ago

          I had that issue. The trick I found is to pick a different option from the radial buttons and then select "reader" again. Don't do it too fast or it won't clear out.

  • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
    14 days ago

    didn't they already do this fucking shit? I don't even remember what it was but wasn't it some democrat funded Media Matters david brock project bullshit, ranking media? like didn't this ALREADY HAPPEN

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    14 days ago



    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      13 days ago

      It's an amazing review, honestly. Talking about bias towards Lenin's perspective when Lenin is the author. Also, every single argument is met with "Yeah, but what if something else is true?" "2 + 2 is 4? Sure, but have you considered also including perspectives of those who say 2 + 2 is 22?"

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    14 days ago
    ☢️☢️ I fed the machine Mein Kampf ☢️☢️


    Horse shoe confirmed?


    Score: 2
    Explanation: Certain groups are negatively labeled, especially in the context of blaming Jews and Marxists for Germany's socio-economic issues.
    Suggestion: Use more neutral terminology and avoid attributing blame to specific groups without substantiated evidence.

    Uhhh only a score of 2?


    Score: 5
    Explanation: The text lacks balance, presenting a one-dimensional view without significant opposing viewpoints, critiques, or acknowledgment of the consequences of Nazi policies.
    Suggestion: Incorporate historical counterpoints or criticisms from credible sources to ensure a well-rounded perspective.

    Ah yes this is the problem with Hitlers writing.

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    14 days ago



    Score: 5
    Explanation: The entire pamphlet is rooted in Marxist ideology which critiques capitalism heavily, potentially alienating those with differing views.
    Suggestion: Incorporate perspectives that reflect a broader range of economic theories beyond Marxism.


    Score: 4
    Explanation: The pamphlet largely draws on examples that support Marx's arguments while neglecting successful capitalist systems that have improved worker conditions.
    Suggestion: Introduce counterexamples or successful reforms within capitalist frameworks.


    Score: 3
    Explanation: Terms like 'oppression', ‘exploitation’, and 'slavery' evoke strong emotions and present a polarized perspective on capitalism.
    Suggestion: Use more neutral language when describing economic relationships to lessen emotional appeal.


    Score: 4
    Explanation: The argument implies a binary choice between capitalism and proletarian revolution without considering incremental reform.
    Suggestion: Recognize the potential for reforms within capitalism that may alleviate worker grievances without revolution.
    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      13 days ago

      I'm curious if, when fed revisionist writing, it says "Consider the revolutionary perspective"

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    14 days ago


    Thank God I don't have to read this trash

    I thought it was going to choke on this.


    Bias Summary: Some statements express subjective views on capitalism and conditions in different countries without comprehensive context, implying condemnatory opinions on capitalism's nature.

    Fallacies Summary: The text uses historical analogies to draw parallels between different socio-economic conditions, which sometimes lead to oversimplification or misinterpretation of complex issues.

    Misleading information Summary: Certain claims about the conditions of labor in England and Germany may not provide a complete or factual picture, making broad comparisons without sufficient evidence.