I wrote a post last year about some of the things my students (I’m a teacher) and colleagues said to me as the only COVID conscious person in our building. One of my students told me, “Y’all still acting like it’s COVID,” because I mask and follow basic hygiene. I made a comment on another post last night that was similar, so I thought I’d do it again.

When I tell my students how I don’t want to get COVID or other illnesses and they look at me like I have two heads. It’s like COVID has destroyed basic hygiene knowledge. So this time around, I’ve decided to write down some of the things I have said to students and staff so far this school year.

To a student, “Cover your mouth with your shirt or a tissue when you cough. No, not like that. You have to catch the germs. Yes, you actually have to trap them.”

To a teacher, “Yeah I noticed a bunch of your class is sick too. Just saying, nothing’s stopping you from masking again. There’s not just effective against COVID. I’ve got extras.”

To a student, “Take it out of your mouth. See, now there’s spit on your pencil. And you use your hand to write with that pencil. And you’re touching the tables where your friends sit. Do you think they want your spit on them?”

To a teacher, “I don’t think they’re faking it. If a kid feels sick I make a nurse appointment for them. They’re not going to be effective learners if their body needs rest.”

To a student, “You’re right, I did get COVID last year even though I mask all the time. I would have probably gotten it a lot more if I didn’t. Where do you think I got it from? My house?”

To the principal, “Thanks, we practice hygiene a lot in my room. It’s not that hard. You just have to model how to do these things for them. I honestly think we should have a hygiene clinic/assembly at least at the beginning of the year.”

To a student, “Okay why in the world is your used tissue lying on your worksheet rather than in the trashcan? Yes, you have to do it again. I’m not grading your snot.”

To a special education teacher, “I know some of my students on your case load need fidgets and other manipulatives. I don’t want to step on your toes, but maybe these chew toy things aren’t the best choice for this student who struggles with motor function anyway. He’s literally covered in saliva by 10am.”

To a student, “You still have to wash your hands after using the free-draw markers. 20 seconds. Warm water. Soap. Get your finger nails.”

To a teacher, “They’ve been empty for weeks? The custodians have thousands of refills for the soap and hand sanitizer dispensers. Just ask them for a few boxes at a time and change them as needed. You don’t have to just live with them being empty.”

To a student, “Hand sanitizer doesn’t clean off your hands. You literally just rubbed snot all over the your hands. No, you can’t just use more hand sanitizer.”

I could go on and on. But I think you get the picture. Kids have always been gross. Apparently more and more adults are too. You’d think a pandemic would make some of these basic hygiene practices common knowledge. Why the hell am I teaching 11-year-olds how to blow their noses and wash their hands? Why am I the only one on staff who actively tries to not get sick.

  • beef_curds [she/her]
    6 hours ago

    My dad got covid this summer, it put him in the hospital. He's out now, but it's pretty clearly accelerated his other diagnosis.

    It sucks so bad that everyone's acting like nothing's happening. There's not even vaccine coverage for the uninsured anymore here, because that would come to close to acknowledging there's an issue.

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    5 hours ago

    I'm trying to move out of my house and yesterday I call a realtor about an apartment she listed. At one point in the conversation she asks "any pets?" to which I answer no, then a little later she asks "any pets?" I again answer no. Then she goes "wait...did I already ask you that?" I say "yeah but it's fine haha no worries." She then goes, and this is pretty much word for word, "I swear I have no idea what's going on with me lately, it's like early-onset dementia or something. I mean I'm in my 50s - late 50s, but still! This shouldn't be happening this soon but you never know, it's important to stay vigilant." I of course wanted to scream COVID COVID COVID but I find ranting about covid tends to push people away more than get them to listen to you, and I wanted to see this apartment.

    Anyway today I go down to see the apartment and the whole time I'm hearing some woman in the next apartment over just hacking out her lungs. Like, this wasn't "oh I'm a bit sick" this was like extremely violent coughing and sneezing. And it never let up. At one point she comes out of the apartment pale and sweaty and has a brief conversation with my realtor in the hallway - both unmasked of course - while I was in my potential apartment looking at something. S2g I don't know what's going on with people, wear a damn mask!

  • Abracadaniel [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    meanwhile city subreddits are like "is there an illness going around?"

  • nothx [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    We are fucking char-broiled. Completely overcooked at this point.

    Thank you for sharing, it makes m so much more confident in the extreme precautions I take.

    Also, I hate you for sharing because it shines light on just how fucked we actually are.

    All that said, you aren’t alone and your efforts are very much appreciated! Keep it up, comrade!

    • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
      8 hours ago

      I hate you for sharing

      It’s okay. Give me your hate. Let it out. It fuels me. Seriously, if you need to vent, let it rip.

      • nothx [he/him]
        6 hours ago

        Nah, I don’t really hate you, was just being sarcastic about the fact that we are in a horrible situation as a society and only a small percentage of us actually care anymore.

        I have a friend who’s kid has had Covid 3 times already and they aren’t even a year old yet.

        Realistically I do honestly appreciate you and your efforts!

  • Ivysaur [she/her]
    9 hours ago

    This Internet stranger who is immunocompromised and wears a p100 respirator everywhere loves you and is so, so proud of you. Never stop. You are what gives me the strength and hope to keep going. Please keep going, too, as long as it takes.

  • vegeta1 [none/use name]
    8 hours ago

    picard we need more people like you because the brainrot has spread far and wide

  • edge [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    To a student, “Take it out of your mouth. See, now there’s spit on your pencil. And you use your hand to write with that pencil. And you’re touching the tables where your friends sit. Do you think they want your spit on them?”

    Please tell me you teach kindergarten.

    Why the hell am I teaching 11-year-olds how to blow their noses and wash their hands?


    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 hours ago

      Unfortunately, this kind of stuff is normal among kids at that age. Not washing their hands after using the bathroom, snot everywhere, etc. Pre teens can be vile with their lack of hygiene.

      • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
        8 hours ago

        Not that I was paying attention as much as I do now, but I remember in 2018 kids being better about hygiene.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          7 hours ago

          For the most part, yeah they were.

          When covid restrictions started lifting, the incoming students I got were a bit more feral than what I got before.

          • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
            7 hours ago


            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              6 hours ago

              I can feel that. I've seen some scary violent shit in public, especially last winter for some reason.

  • ihaveibs [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    The campaign by the bourgeoisie to "end" the pandemic ideologically and sociologically is terrifying and deserving of more examination by leftists of all stripes but especially Marxists.

    Keep doing the right thing. It's fucking hard out there.

    • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
      8 hours ago

      Thanks. At this point I’m no longer simply motivated by public health and my family’s safety. I’m motivated by righteous hatred of the owner class.

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        5 hours ago

        Based. The reason the capitalists decided to prematurely declare the pandemic solved was they didn't want to pay the price of restructuring society to deal with it. They'd rather offload the price in blood onto the working class.

    • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
      9 hours ago

      I think the Death Panel podcast has some great episodes already out (or that are upcoming) about the social-cultural-production of the “end” of COVID, that I’ve been meaning to listen to

      The lead hosts wrote “Health Communism” which is a fucking banger

      • macabrett[they/them]@lemmy.ml
        6 hours ago

        There's an episode they unlocked in like... May? I think. It was about that woman who wrote an article about how her husband won't compromise on things like eating out, because he's at-risk and had a very bad go with his covid infection. I think it's a very good episode for deconstructing the "end" of the pandemic and the consequences. Let me go see if I can find the episode again...

        Yeah, May 29th 2024: On NPR's "Wrestling with my husbands fear of getting COVID again" (Unlocked).

      • ihaveibs [he/him]
        6 hours ago

        Absolutely! I really wish this was taken more seriously as a whole by the broader movement. COVID has absolutely devastated all of our lives. Why aren't we speaking more about it and the ruling class's culpability in it?

  • DigitalNirvana@lemm.ee
    5 hours ago

    Thanks for this. Be economic cost of this pandemic must be enormous, but one hears nothing of it. Sigh

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    I'm glad I'm not teaching anymore; I got to see the start of "covid is over" death cult thinking and it really fucking sucked.

    • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
      7 hours ago

      Sorry to see you go. I hope you found something better for you, but if you ever want to come back to education I can give you some COVID advice specific for teachers. Just DM me.

  • goose [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    Thank you so much for not letting up. Every single example you're giving is an opportunity for something to click in someone's brain. Or for a kid who's giving in to social pressure to at least know that there's someone else who recognizes what's happening.

    • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
      8 hours ago

      That’s what I hope. For the past couple years my students are pretty good by December, forget everything over winter break, then are good again by March.

  • tripartitegraph [comrade/them]
    10 hours ago

    The wildest to me is how far some people have swung back.
    The person who, back in 2021/22, would walk out of their way in the hallway to keep 6 feet of distance between us, who has two kids at home both younger than 3, doesn't take any precautions anymore. Or the guy who wore aura respirators before anyone else and did everything on zoom until 2023, I never see wearing a mask anymore. Or people I organize with who actively refuse to wear a mask, even at actions. It's just so strange.

    • nothx [he/him]
      8 hours ago

      Ugh, I have friends who were leaving Amazon packages in their front porch for a week before even bringing them inside. Now those same friends are at night clubs on weekends… It’s so wild to me know the swing back to “normal” was so extreme and borderline malicious.

      • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
        1 hour ago

        Honestly I feel like the people who did stuff like this at the beginning of lockdowns were some of the first to ditch masks. Just very reactionary to every news story. As soon as news coverage waned in the slightest they went back to business as usual. Except now they’d talk about those darn BLM rioters at the water cooler.

        Edit: This is kinda a halfbaked take.

    • edge [he/him]
      9 hours ago

      I think those kind of people just get tired of/overwhelmed by it all and completely give up at some point. It's not that they don't care or even think COVID is over, they just don't have the effort to keep it up. I know I've felt like that on occasion.

      Of course that will ultimately just make things worse, but it's hard.

      • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
        8 hours ago

        Let that blame fall on the 24 hour news media and CDC for making COVID precautions about as simple to understand as quantum physics. We could have had simple guidance, but you gotta fill the airways.

      • nothx [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        Understandable, but not a good excuse in my opinion. I am extremely overwhelmed by all of this, but at no point did I ever let up or give in.

      • lapis [fae/faer, comrade/them]
        7 hours ago

        It's not that they don't care or even think COVID is over, they just don't have the effort to keep it up.

        gonna be honest, I fall into this cyclically at this point. when nobody else cares, it really sucks to be the one person in 100 who's bothering to mask, especially bc the primary benefits of masking are seen when the infector is wearing one, not the infectee.

        like, it's disheartening, uncomfortable, and potentially not even protecting me that much; I'm still masking when I go to places where I'll be breathing a lot of others' air, but it sucks to feel like it's not actually helping me much.

        • edge [he/him]
          1 hour ago

          If you’re wearing an N95 (you should be), then it’s protecting you fairly well. And you could always go with something better like a P100.

          The reason it’s better for the infected person to wear a mask is less because it makes another individual less likely to catch it than the other way around and more because it makes everyone around them less likely to catch it.

        • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
          1 hour ago

          It is. A good quality mask will help protect you very, very, very much. You mentioned they’re uncomfortable. What kind of masks have you tried? It’s ok if you don’t know what brands or product names. There’s loads of different types for different faces.

      • tripartitegraph [comrade/them]
        9 hours ago

        Yeah, I think it has to be that. Just sucks that people who cared so much get overwhelmed to the point of giving up.

    • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
      5 hours ago

      I don't believe you and I won't believe you unless you provide specific examples of "exhausting irrational demands".

      But if you don't provide examples that back up your claims then I think it's reasonable to conclude that you and your brother are gaslighting your poor sister in law for taking a reasonable level of precaution around a disease that has killed and disabled millions of people and continues to do so

        • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
          2 hours ago

          I feel bad for your SIL. Mainly because I have OCD as well, and I can tell when people get tired of my “unreasonable demands.”

          Granted, if I’m taking your words at face value then those things seem excessive and unhealthy. But I’m willing to bet there is a lot of nuance left out.

          I don’t strip down and shower every time I take out the trash or go grocery shopping. But after a day of teaching or sitting in a waiting room for one of my kid’s doctor appointments? Yeah, we’re going straight into the showers. A garage hamper is just a good idea in my opinion.

          Cleaning used to be a big issue for me. Now it’s normal maintenance. I used to stay up at night to clean because I didn’t want my partner to see me because my brain was convinced she’d think I was weird. Therapy got me to understand 99.99% of people literally don’t care if you clean up things. I just hope your SIL wears appropriate PPE with cleaning products.

          My kids see my parents mostly in warm months, outside, because my parents simply don’t care if they’re sick. We’re much past the point of me begging them to mask, on their own or around my kids. If they care enough to see their grandkids inside during the winter then I have masks ready to go for them. But the ball has been sitting on their side of the court for a long time.

        • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
          4 hours ago

          Alright I'll take the L. 1 and 2 are indeed excessive and not backed by science, sounds like she's got a real problem. Covid is airborne so masking anytime you're around someone outside the household is the primary appropriate precaution. Hand sanitizer basically takes care of what fomite risk there is so unless they're having sex where she's licking him head to toe the moment he comes home there's no covid-justified reason for him to have to shower and change clothes immediately.

          3 though depends. If your mom is masking wherever she goes and/or willing to mask around the child, then it's not that reasonable. If she's yoloing like it's 2019 and doesn't mask up anymore, then it's appropriate to treat her as a potential infection risk.

          your defensiveness and mistrust is telling

          Yep it sure is telling, and I'll tell you what it tells: I'm sick of all the capitalist gaslighting and I'm primed to snap at someone about it because 99% or more of the time minimizing dog-whistles like the ones you dropped are deliberate gaslighting. I guess your comment's in the 1% or less where someone actually was being excessive and not making fact-based decisions. Yours is the 2nd story I've heard about someone having genuinely severe OCD symptoms about Covid in 4 years. Most other times I've seen people say someone's being "unreasonable" they're bitching about someone insisting on testing before unmasked hangouts, back when you could get reliable tests, or about insisting on continuing to wear a mask. So yeah, I'm defensive and mistrustful because there's a fuckton of gaslighting out there.

          And I guess a P.S. to that is you picked a name calling yourself a liberal and I've seen you advocate voting for Holocaust Harris to own the conservatives as if handing them everything they want is a way to stick it to them, so don't act shocked if people assume the worst of your takes. I wouldn't have been so harsh on other posters here saying the same thing.

        • penitentkulak [none/use name]
          5 hours ago

          she won't let our mom see her grandkid because she is scared he will get a disease from her

          Lol what a cRaZy belief in year 5 of a pandemic of one of if not the most transmissible disease of all time that also wrecks your immune system and makes it more likely you'll spread other diseases as well.


            • dat_math [they/them]
              40 minutes ago

              who engage in the same level of cleanliness as my family

              There may be other factors at play. Does transportation to do the visiting have the same risks for both parties? Has your partner ever asked your SIL if they perceive a difference in the level of cleanliness, covid risk mitigation compliance, or social behaviors of each set of parents?

                • dat_math [they/them]
                  6 minutes ago

                  What are the other reasons? Does transportation to do the visiting have the same risks for both parties? Are there any other differences your SIL has cited when discussing their discomfort with visiting your parents?

                  Are your parents willing to take covid tests before visits? Do they eat out at restaurants or go to the movie theaters regularly? Do they wear adequate masks in public?

    • dat_math [they/them]
      5 hours ago

      What are some examples of "irrational demands on everyone around her"?

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        4 hours ago

        He posted here in response to me answering that question: https://hexbear.net/comment/5406788 . 2 examples he cited are not very backed by science and sound excessive, but the 3rd is quite likely perfectly reasonable unless his mom is being responsible and careful about covid.

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    11 hours ago

    I've worked in a lot of different schools since the start of the pandemic. I think I've seen fewer than 5 masked teachers in the past year. I'm trying to specifically remember but I can't.

    • FishLake@lemmygrad.ml
      3 hours ago

      I still don’t know how to do the emoji things because of early onset boomerism. Maybe someone can do a salute rat thing for me. But pointing the other direction.

      • red_stapler [he/him]
        21 minutes ago

        You just type a colon : and then a word, it should produce a list of emoji somewhat close to that to pick from. rat-salute-2