no. the simpler explanation: the Jews and Chinese have combined their phrenologically-subversive forces and resources to isekai in the world's first Weather Mage. Why? In order to kinetically dispatch the first ever anti-woke statecraft project. It's called basic economics pinko frothingfash

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    9 days ago

    If their enemies can actually control the weather, for the chuds who apparently really believe this, then they should surrender. Cause, like, what are you gonna do against an opponent that can hit you with devastating hurricanes at will. And not one time and not just the coast, they can hit inland and in mountains in places like west North Carolina or Tennessee.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      9 days ago

      It also implies their god really, really doesn't care about them.

      • SadArtemis [she/her]
        9 days ago

        This one (if their god is real) isn't so hard to believe tbh. Imagine seeing a nation that every day for almost 250 years has made a mockery of your (originally pacifistic, ascetic, grassroots and accepting of the downtrodden- even sex workers, minorities like Samaritans, lepers, etc) teachings, which genocided its way across a continent, and now is genociding your homeland and your closest ethnic kin...

        If the religious YanKKKees had any self-awareness, they'd probably consider their country "Babylon" or the antichrist.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          9 days ago

          If the religious YanKKKees had any self-awareness, they'd probably consider their country "Babylon" or the antichrist.

          In Rastafarian circles, the imperialism by the USA and Western society ( culturally, politically, and economically) is referred to as "Babylon".

          • SadArtemis [she/her]
            8 days ago

            I've definitely heard of that, yeah. And honestly I can only agree (it's an insult to the Babylonians who could never have imagined the sheer wickedness of western imperialism ofc)

        • tripartitegraph [comrade/them]
          8 days ago

          If the religious YanKKKees had any self-awareness, they'd probably consider their country "Babylon" or the antichrist.

          Having grown up around a lot of them, a common retort takes you into the "can't fail, can only be failed" territory. "America isn't horrible and evil at it's ontological core, it's just filled with ~insert minority here~ that's doing awful things (i.e. existing) and THAT'S why this awful thing has come upon us"

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 days ago

      Being really full of hate and stockpiling le AR-15s with tacticool greebles feels like a response to it that they can understand at a personal level.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    8 days ago

    Yes but have you considered that I'm a big baby and will throw a tantrum if someone touches my treats and therefore climate change will have to wait?

      8 days ago

      Further consider that a lot of treats wouldn't even need to be touched. That's sort of the boogieman myth that capitalists, specifically the oil lobby that has incredibly deep roots, have been pressing the button on for like 20 years now since climate change awareness has become "a thing" in "the west" and specifically the US.

      "You like iFon? But if no oil... then no fon. Check make, Marxists!" type shit.

      There's no reason that sustainable commodity production is incompatible with also maintaining a stable climate/planet. The ones who would take the hit are exactly the ones spreading the BS to the ones who repeat this shit IRL and online uncritically. And now solar is so cheap and actually pretty good (look what China has managed to produce. Massive fucking solar farms) so it's not like the investment is bank-breaking. The US gov can do anything it wants anyway as far as funding, if it wants to. Look at the billions dumped into Israel/Ukraine/Taiwan...

      This isn't to say that clearly wasteful commodity consumption done solely to feed the endless wheel of capitalism (someone has to consume the massive production of useless shit) can't or shouldn't end. It should. But there's like massively wasteful commodities and then there's useful commodities. One way to cut a metric fuckload of carbon emissions is to end (drastically reduce I suppose) the importing of cheap, engineered to break stuff from overseas. Another massive carbon emitter is the military. The US military not existing would go so fucking far in the direction of helping turn the tide.

      But, given the interests of the oil corporations, the government's interest in their interests (see: Israel and its current genocide/wars), and the absolute religious devotion to maintaining "the most lethal military" by all politicians in high places... oil is the spice of the United States... and the spice must flow. Do not question why. Do not point out that alternatives exist that would eliminate many of the ongoing and future problems. Shut up and worship the tasty oil.

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    8 days ago

    Climate change and the ruling class's complete inability to address it was one of those slow burning events that really contributed to my radicalization. Growing up it was the Kyoto Protocol being ignored and the goals discarded, now the Paris Agreement is going the same way. Climate change has been a fact of life as long as I've been alive, and the only response from the capitalist world is indifference or denial

    • LeZero [he/him]
      8 days ago

      Not true actually



      Now we also have capitalists expressing interest in climate change and wanting to accelerate it sadness

    • WhyEssEff [she/her]
      9 days ago

      woke!Kanye: I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On FOSSIL FUELS

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        9 days ago

        this barely makes sense, lmfao, i mean i'm entirely zonked-out

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    9 days ago

    shocked pikachu libs after scrubbing materialism from education for a human lifetime

  • Midnight_Pearl [none/use name]
    9 days ago

    oh sweet baby jesus are chuds actually saying this? not looking forward to hearing this one from certain people i know

  • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 days ago

    The weather powers are already spent and will not recharge for some time. There is no point to assigning blame. If the US wanted to be proactive and actually save lives they should deal with the god damn Latvians before they cause another earthquake.