I had a reddit account that I barely posted with because people can sometimes be shitty. I've never, ever played online games while not muted cause people are really shitty. On any Tumblr or Facebook or Twitter post that gets enough traction, by simple law of large numbers there are gonna be assholes.

So I generally keep to myself and don't have a big online presence. I mostly just use my accounts to ask hobby questions or something. So I took a chance and started posting and commenting and being active here and I'm just so pleasantly surprised that in general people give the benefit of the doubt and support each other. It's really nice and I feel pretty good about coming here every day and actually interacting and not just reading.

I see the irony of posting this on impromptu trans struggle session day and I'm not saying absolutey no one is mean ever, but I've had this thought for a while and I thought I'd add something positive to the mix today.

Thanks for generally being really cool, y'all

  • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    agree. Everyone here is super nice and way supportive. Like the most supportive community I've been in and I'm surprised we could even generate a struggle session as hot as that one.