Thumbnail: The conditions created by Trump

Crossposting my comment from the news mega

Okay but then that's an argument to vote for trump. Look at how effectively large masses of people could get motivated, organized and agitated while he was president. Kids didn't get out of cages, libs just stopped caring. There were riots and an honest to god revolutionary spirit in 2020 cool-zone
As stupid as CHAZ was it was at least possible to make something dumb like that. Now we have libs handwringing about Kyle Rittenhouse and genocide and all the other shit.

Trump was an obvious obnoxious buffoon who did what they all do, but with no grace or elegance that allowed people to ignore their lying eyes.
People didn't stop getting disappeared under Biden, the crackdowns only increased. I'm certain that if Hillary had been president we'd never had gotten a lockdown at all (look how quickly the west decided COVID was over as soon as Biden got into office)
There was ACTUAL pushback against state department propaganda about places like Venezuela (not that it was common, but I would at least see people questioning that shit in public)
Several countries started improving relations under Trump (notably the DPRK and ROK started getting friendlier). We saw him negotiate a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Not because he was good, but because he's a stupid clown.
The EU distanced itself from the US and talks of more centralisation started in earnest (I dislike the EU, but I think it'd be better if it weren't a US lapdog)
We saw people be more critical of the US government.
People went out IN MASSES whenever the government tried to fuck with women's rights or LGBTQ people. Now? "Oh the parliamentarian!" "Oh it's nuanced!"

Meanwhile under Biden the left has been abandoned once again. Nobody gives a shit about police violence or the climate or indigenous rights or global exploitation.

The secret police are coming either way, but libs at least felt scared under Trump, they at least realised they were in danger too.

Edit: Just remembered how people freaked out about Trump cutting funding for the national parks. Biden crushed a strike and nobody gave two shits, not even when the consequences came rolling around. I don't even know what gets cut in funding these days, because it's not Trump doing it.

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    2 days ago

    OK. I'd rather organize under conditions where shitlibs can see the government is evil than when they're trying to cudgel us all to death for criticizing their genocide king and queen

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      2 days ago

      Seriously, why would any leftist WANT a liberal government if that was their primary goal?

      Conservatives will want to kill you no matter what, but at least if there is a conservative genocider in chief, you can get liberals to agree with you on things (and get some of them to see the light MUCH easier)

      They just cover their ears to reality and march past you into the convention center when it's their figurehead doing it

  • this_dude_eating_beans [any]
    2 days ago

    AOC feels like if a bunch of tiktok discourse and therapy language was a sentient person.

    "It'll be easier to organize under Harris"...but like, you're not organizing now? It's basically the same administration. Big "I'll start eating healthier on this arbitrary date instead of doing it right now" kind of energy.

    Organizing under trump: damn I'm being beaten up by police and arrested

    Organizing under Harris: damn I'm being beaten up and arrested and liberals are telling me that now is not the time and to go about the proper channels and wait for small incremental changes

      • quarrk [he/him]
        2 days ago

        Biden may have crushed the protests, but it was in their best interest because he later quietly won* them a pizza party, and didn’t make a fuss or brag about it. That’s what a real leader does.

        * for eligible employees of over two years with fewer than 2 days of claimed sick leave in the past 45 months

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Pelosi straight-up accused pro-Palestine activists of being Russian agents, so

  • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
    2 days ago

    Well, would-be leftists get really comfortable and disengage from activism under democrat presidencies so, i guess the accelerationists are right?

    That's the conclusion you want us to reach, right, you little CIA sheepdog?

    • REgon [they/them]
      2 days ago

      I wouldn't call it accelerationism Also I hope this is a bit, because calling me a CIA sheepdog for... I don't even know what it is you think I'm doing that would be a CIA thing.
      "The system is inherently flawed and we should not trust it!"
      "Right, that's just what the CIA wants us to think"

      You are doing a bit, right?

      edit: "you" as in AOC picard

      • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
        2 days ago

        Yeah it's not easy to find but before she was elected she made a little trip to an African country under the banner of USAID and there was a coup while she was there lol

        i can't like, definitively say she's an asset that had a hand in the overthrow of a government, but i'm saying she was in the right place at the right time under a known letter agency cutout

        • REgon [they/them]
          2 days ago

          Damn I didn't know that. I just knew the thing about working as a bartender for just 6 months and being a political staffer before that

          • miz [any, any]
            2 days ago

            the country was Niger btw (cw: NATOPedia)

            EDIT: here is evidence of her trip:

            Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, went to Niamey for study abroad and was confident in the safety of students studying in Niger.

            “Nigeriens are an overwhelmingly peaceful people. Even with the political instability that hung in the air, the most discomfort that I felt was an uncertainty about the future of the Nigerian people,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Our security was a high priority for the U.S. Embassy and of our Nigerien friends and host families, and I never doubted their abilities to take care of us.”

  • Pentacat [he/him]
    2 days ago

    It seems like bad things are viewed as good under KDolph, while bad things are viewed as bad under Trump. I think it might be good to organize in a country where bad things are seen as bad, but idk.

  • CommCat [none/use name]
    2 days ago

    absolutely sheepdogging for the Genocidal Democratic Party. She is gonna be insufferable for the next few years as she continues her careerism. She is the final result of the Sanders-DSA run.

    • REgon [they/them]
      2 days ago

      Hey I fell for it too. Tbh she got more and more obvious with time and also

      ol' reliable

      it was a different time :::

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    2 days ago

    AOC: “Hakeem! I went out there and told the left to vote for Harris like the good team player I am! Can I sit at the cool kids table now?”

    Jeffries: “Fuck you.”