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  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You couldn't pay me $400 to get on an aeroplane at the moment, even if you paid for the ticket, and especially if it was to vote for some demented, bigoted, rapist.

    • Magjee [any]
      4 years ago

      Beto: We're gonna take your guns away

      Like WTF, you threw it away

      • Steve2 [any]
        4 years ago

        It was weird when Biden was doing that gun control shtick earlier this year in New Hampshire which is, like, super pro-gun as well. What a fucking weird primary campaign.

  • Steely_Gaige [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I know it's easy to get annoyed by people advocating so strongly for voting, but it has just been so funny to me, and I'd miss it if it were gone.

    The concept of answering all of the ills of imperialism, police state, etc by voting for Joe Biden is a top tier joke.

        • grisbajskulor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I got stickers after donating to Bernie, good ones too. I believe this is primarily why Bernie would have been the safer candidate to beat Trump.

      • Virgil_Is_Dead [any]
        4 years ago

        $4-ish for photocopies of the mail-in-ballot at the library and postage.

    • blobjim [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The Virgin vote suppressor vs the Chad vote avenger.

  • ChapoBapo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Not to, like, whatever, but if you're paying $400 to fly somewhere it kinda sounds like maybe you don't live there? So maybe you should be voting somewhere else? I know college kids in most cases can optionally vote from where their college is or from where they otherwise live but if you've gotta go this far...

    • Steve2 [any]
      4 years ago

      Sounds like something got fucked from where he's at for college. Somebody forgot to sign all the right lines, the mail stating that he changed address and wants to register didnt make some deadline. Its all a part of voter suppression and college students are definitely targeted regularly.

      In New York if something like this happened and you went out of state for college or some other reason, theyd just straight up not let you vote if you came back to New York. Texas might be the same.

      Or he could be trying that thing libs insist on where you register in a red state you dont actually have a primary residence in or anything and then go vote, lol.