• ProCephalopodAktion [any]
    4 years ago

    Screaming into hyperspace as the shapeshifting machine elves hand me a multicolored 5-dimensional hammer and sickle.

  • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    Seriously, though. DMT or psychedelics in general are not enough (sadly) to cure chronic chud-dom, I think they actually can inspire a leftward political drift. Or at least help begin to erode a reactionary worldview. They're well known for inducing a sense of empathy and connectedness which are anathema to any right-leaning politics. Like you know the term 'ego death'? That's probably not an experience someone should have who wants to maintain the kind of selfish and self-serving outlook necessary to lean towards fash.

    I mean, it's more than just an accident that the powers of capital and the status quo always take such an interest in criminalizing psychedelics. Even beyond using them as a way to control and suppress ethnic minorities and erase their culture, that is.

    All that said, obviously there are still plenty of hardcore liberals who've had more than a few trips and are still terminally infected with brain worms. And it's not like there don't exist outright fascists who have tripped at some point either. But seriously, you'll find far, far fewer of them than you would leftist psychonauts, at least in my experience. I'd absolutely consider psychedelics and dissociatives some of the stepping stones towards a more radical perspective for myself.

      • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Also Joe Rogan and the Reichsbürger / sovereign citizen hippies i've ran into at goa parties. Esoteric fascism is, sadly, still a thing, has been a thing for ages and i'm afraid it will only gain more traction now that the fash have another functioning pipeline via Q. That development worries me a lot, i'm often wondering what i'll run into in the psytrance scene once the Covid situation is over.

        See Prussian hardcore chud Ernst Jünger as what's probably the best example for a far-right psychedelic user - lionized killing the French in WW1, became a protegé of the nazis in WW2. Classic Prussian militarist and ultra-nationalist. When the allies bombed nazi-occupied Paris, he went up on the roof of the German embassy, watching the city burn through his champagne glass, pretending to be Nero. That guy was pen pals with Albert Hofmann, inventor of LSD. Jünger had already experimented with mescaline in the inter-war period. He later got to try LSD and synthetic psilocybin straight from Hofmann's lab. It did nothing to stop him from being a chud.

          • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            So, i was at this semi-private goa party out in the German woods a few years ago. Some people had rented a cabin there, put up some speakers and a bar, and everybody was having a good time. I was chatting with a local DJ, white dude with dreads, looked as if he hadn't slept since 1997, and he was on a barely intelligible rant about his ex. Out of fucking nowhere, he starts talking about the Hague Convention and how that means he is eligible to receive 1700 € / month from the occupational government because he's "a combatant".

            That's a popular dog whistle among the Reichsbürger - they believe that Germany isn't real and that the actual government are still the allies. They're very similar to the sovereign citizens in America, tend to range from right-libertarian to openly fash, have a massive overlap with the conspiracy / Q scene and recently the anti-mask scene as well.

            I quickly got out of that conversation, but later found out that guy also posts about how great Hitler's social policies where.

    • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      People say the same thing about BJJ and being an asshole. Because you have a bunch of other people big and small crushing you while you learn, you become humble - even using the word ego over and over. What do you know? Plenty of assholes on the other side! Maybe some 1 dimensional people just really, really can't stand losing, but that's not representative of the top of the bell curve.

      I think of it as leading a horse to water. If you see something sublime with DMT, it might open the door to caring about people more than money line, but not necessarily. If you get choked out by a 16 y/o in BJJ, you might talk less and listen more, but not necessarily. If you were raised hating the Democrats (and who could blame them) and you think politics is a singular line - a little bit of euphoria isn't going to unravel who you are as a person.

      It took me a series of epiphanies and earnest engagements with data, debate, theory, and history to end up on the Chapo subreddit. And I wasn't ever a chud - just a lib with a chip on my shoulder about war and drugs. Maybe a YouTube algorithm that reccomends HasanAbi VODs would be a better pipeline than drugs would ever be.

      • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
        4 years ago

        I don't necessarily disagree with most all of that (despite not knowing what BJJ was until just now looking it up). But that's why I made it clear, repeatedly, that psychedelics alone are certainly not enough to rid someone of firmly-held bad political views. But I still think that they are never going to hurt (i.e., cause someone to become more of a chud) but rather have a reasonable chance of helping a person consider other, broader, more humanistic perspectives. Basically, I think the use of psychedelics will have a real tendency to inspire the kind of thinking necessary for a leftward shift. I'm not claiming this would happen for everyone, and even for those it does, it's not likely to be a sudden and diametric change.

        If you were raised hating the Democrats (and who could blame them) and you think politics is a singular line - a little bit of euphoria isn’t going to unravel who you are as a person.

        Ok, there are a few things to say about that...
        First of all, psychedelics may or may not be euphoric. In fact they can be extremely dysphoric sometimes. It can even be argued that "bad trips" would be more likely to have transformative effect on the user. It's not the feeling strange pleasure or 'seeing pretty colors' that are really going to give someone new insights into their view of the world. Again, it's more about the completely different, broader perspectives afforded by psychedelic use, among other effects, that could have a chance of shifting the politics someone identifies with. Also, none of that is about "unraveling" who someone is "as a person," but rather planting seeds of consideration. Someone raised hating leftists isn't likely to have some sudden epiphany and immediately start agitating for revolution after doing LSD and ketamine, and I never implied otherwise. But instead, that person might here and there start thinking about the narrow lens they've been using to look at the world, and questioning how distorted it may be. Psychedelics are very good at helping a person with that because they essentially force a person to look at the world through a very different lens if only for the duration of a trip.

        Maybe a YouTube algorithm that reccomends HasanAbi VODs would be a better pipeline than drugs would ever be.

        Ok, that I really do disagree with. A chud could watch all your favorite leftist videos over and over and be totally unswayed if they don't have the mindset to consider a different perspective than the one they're used to. Psychedelics on the other hand, by definition, put people into a mindset where they can only see perspectives other than what they're used to.

        • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          When your musings get pieced apart by the person you were agreeing with :bruh-moment:

          Perhaps I was a bit reductionist on the subject on entheogens by calling it a euphoria. Sorry, comrade. I hope my takeaway message was a riff off of what you were saying insofar that the drugs by themselves won't make a leftist, even if that's what the Nixon administration wanted people to believe.

          • AncomCosmonaut [he/him,any]
            4 years ago

            Oh hey, it's all good! No need for apologies. The points you made are perfectly valid and yeah, also gave me a chance to better explain (or ramble on about) my reasoning for touting psychs. :heart-sickle:

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 years ago

      instead of taking lots of drugs and coming to uncomfortable conclusions about your reality, take tiny amounts of drugs so you can be happier and more productive at work :)

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Sadly Joe Rogan is living proof that isn't necessarily the case.

    • feeeq [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yes but he can do DMT and get paid large sums of money to be a spook so its not a good comparison.

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    4 years ago

    "muh muh rephutation!!"

    I'm sure your reputation for being a raging chud will stay intact, don't worry.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Reminds me of that guy who did dmt or lsd or something and realised other people have feelings and thoughts and stuff..

  • Straight_Depth [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Funnily enough, it was this artificial association with drugs and hippies that precipitated the drug war to begin with.

  • Zoift [he/him]
    4 years ago

    DMT turned me into a dimensionally flayed art gallery for god. So if it can do that I think you're good.

  • Rev [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Isn't there like a trend with libertarian techbro interpreneurs going on Ayahuasca retreats to clear their minds so they can extract more profits while having even less scruples?

  • Tm2443 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Just like one of the leaders in modern leftist thought, Joe Rogan.

  • YeForPrez2020 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is it worth it to try psychedelics and hallucinogetics? I've always been too much of a pussy and just stick to alcohol and weed, but I'm curious how much of the discourse around it is real advice and how much is 20th century drug war propaganda that's been zapped into my brain.

    • Koolio [any]M
      4 years ago

      I won't say it's necessarily always a pleasant time, but psyches have been one of the most Interesting experiences in my life and do make you realize how fluid reality can be.

      4aco-dmt is legal for "research" purposes, it's essentially a prodrug to psilocin like psilocybin (mushrooms).

    • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Is it worth it to try psychedelics and hallucinogetics?

      Yes, absolutely. I wouldn't say psychedelics are the most fun drugs i've ever taken, but definitely the most interesting and complex substances i've ever come across. I'm also forever grateful for the insights i've made thanks to MDMA, although that argueably is the most fun drug i've ever taken.

      I’m curious how much of the discourse around it is real advice and how much is 20th century drug war propaganda that’s been zapped into my brain.

      These drugs are villified a lot. This applies to any illegalized mind-altering substance out there, but it goes especially for LSD, which has been demonized to ridiculous degress. If you want more objective and diversified information, i can recommend erowid.org, shroomery and the archives of the bluelight forum for the particularly exotic stuff.

      • Baader [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Second this! I could have written the exact same post. Since you mentioned MDMA, I feel like I have to give a warning. Many people who try MDMA fall in love with the substance and overdo it. Please, wait at least 2-3 month after each roll. MDMA messes with your serotonin big time and that can lead to huge mental problems. MDMA played a huge role in my radicalization and helped my SO deal with some bad trauma. Even though MDMA led me to opioids (to not have to deal with the hangover - studip, I know) which led me to years of addiction, I would still say it was a net positive. But that's very subjective and me and my SO had lots to deal with.

        LSD on the other hand has no negative effects (MDMA is Neuro toxic). Trips are exhausting but not in a negative way. You can learn a lot about yourself and maybe about the universe (or at least it feels like it). Acid is also great for art. Paintings might tell you their stories and music is on a whole different level. It ignited my love for movies (seriously people, watch Mulholland Drive on acid, it changed my life).

        I only had one bad trip, which was my fault, not LSD's. Set and setting is half the trip. What you should not do is question your decision after you made it. Think "oh shit, oh fuck, I want this to end" Will only make it worse. Tell yourself that it's just a trip, it's great to feel something different and there is no reason to be afraid. Everything is fine.

    • ImperativeMandates [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      If you do, start slow, start small, make gaps.

      If you take acid, which is lsd, which can typically be found in 'tabs' read small squares (less than half a centimetre per 100 mikrogramm hit) of papery substance onto which liquid lsd solution was dripped, I suggest to start with a near ineffective dosage. Take less than an eight so around 12.5 mikrogramm, with other words a triangle of a square you get when you quarter the tab. You can use a nail scissor to cut it out. Do take it at home, with a friend and do take it early so you can fall asleep (it might make you more active / stop you from falling asleep for up to 12-14 hours).

      Do prepare fruit, a few veggies, a bit food, watery drinks, blankies,before you take a hit.

      Once you took it (three options: put under tongue, swallow, solve in water and drink water) do wait up to an hour before you notice it (typically 20 minutes is enough), DON'T take more cause you think you want more. Especially for your first time. Refrain from alcohol use parallel to acid use, cause it will diminish your trip as it is a representation