As a libertarian i feel I should be able to engage in any kind of contract with children.
who did that bit on the old sub, PraximusPrime? not sure if I have the username right, hope they find this place
as a social democrat i am heartened to see the loss of an old user
Libertarian Overtone:
"I am mad that I cannot have sex with the children."
Mister Reed, can you please diddle us? We'll let you trade us for candy.
Found the source. It's not a joke:
About Us: FEE's mission is to inspire, educate, and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society. These principles include: individual liberty, free-market economics, entrepreneurship, private property, high moral character, and limited government.
Dressing in a violent costume violates the NAP. I believe in castle doctrine and will defend my life.
Capitalism and child labor, name a more iconic duo
Should I keep my lights off signalling I do not want to take part in this large cultural event?
No, I will whine in an article about how I should be able to pay for child labour in reece's cups. :ancap-good:
It feels like a bit being done to mock libertarians, but it's a testament to how reliably deranged they are that it is impossible to know it is not.
Trick or treating children DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC [UPDATE: The Carnage Continues]
Why do I feel like "rake your leaves" is a euphemism here?
literal direct-to-video grocery store checkout cartoon villain ass-sons of bitches
A couple hundred kids, the great majority of whom I don't know and never meet...
I see he's leading with his biggest complaint. Those kids want nothing to do with him unless he's handing out candy.