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  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    4 years ago

    In the way that Donald Trump is a poor man’s idea of what a rich guy is, Joe Rogan is a dumb man’s idea of what a smart guy is. A smart guy but not a looooooooser nerd!

      • MichelLouise [he/him]
        4 years ago

        And even he says (whenever a random scandal about on of his bad takes starts): « Don’t listen to me, I’m just a random dude with a podcast, I’m wrong just as often as anybody »

        This self conscience, honesty and not trying to manipulate his audience is definitely something I appreciate about him. At the same time, the fact that he feels the need to make this precision again and again is a clear sign that many people are taking everything he says too seriously.

    • Will2Live [he/him]
      4 years ago

      In the way that Donald Trump is a poor man’s idea of what a rich guy is

      this some lib shit

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Rogan has strengths being a good interviewer. He will sit back and let his guest talk, explain things and engage with them. It's more refreshing than seeing someone on a mainstream news channel pitch softball questions and a short interview section.

    I've seen some interviews that were interesting; David Lee Roth, James Hetfield, Dale Earnhardt Jr and John Carmack. These were all great interviews and he engaged with them on questions they normally wouldn't be asked, which led to Roth going into detail about how disappointed he was with Van Halen as a band after their third album, Junior talking personal details about his late father, and Carmack explaining what made him move on from making video games. These are little details he can bring out of someone as an interviewer.

    He's problematic for many reasons, but the biggest one is that he gives a platform to just about every alt right speaker that comes up, and often humors them by sitting back and letting them run their mouths and talk about their views, often unquestioned. He did have Bernie Sanders on his show last year, and Sanders managed to win him over and that was a great interview. Problem for Rogan though is that he plays himself as a naïve guy and rarely questions his guests, which leads to him being a useful idiot when he has someone like Shapiro on there.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That's the thing, even if he isn't the sharpest tool he does have some pretty solid interviewing skills and is really able to get his guests to give interesting answers by just letting them talk.

  • Iminhere3000 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I had a roommate who listened to him everyday. I hated it. But I would explain his popularity like this: very early adapter of podcasting, pumps out a ton of content, sits at the intersection of drugs/science/bro culture in a way that nobody else does, and a decent interviewer.

  • ChapoBapo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    He's just such a particular type of guy, his whole worldview is just this vague - oh, we just need to all get along, if everybody came together and explained their ideas and understood each other everything would be okay, with a side of it would probably help if this coming together involved weed and DMT. I can understand why that idea is appealing, but unfortunately some people are nazis. There exist unreconcilable differences of opinion, and one of them is that nazis are bad.

  • MichelLouise [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I already said what I wanted here. It's a huge platform, open to a wide variety of people. So sure, it's not a safe space away from chuds. But it can be a unique platform for progressive ideas and towards leftism. Like,

    And regarding the "boring" part:

    And, for the "unfunny" part:

    • yeah it's rarely funny

    PS: I know direct links to reactionary sites are usually banned. Does Youtube count :/ ?

      • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Cornel interview was fucking good

        Other than Bernie it's the only episode of his I've bothered to hear

  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the only people that i know who like joe rogan also love jordan peterson, and i think there has to be a correlation

      • charles_xcx [he/him]
        4 years ago

        that makes a lot of sense. I've never listened to rogan's show but around 2015 my friend (who listens to rogan now but probably listened to him back then) got into peterson and called him a "revolutionary", and told me how people were imprisoned in canada if they used the wrong pronouns. he even showed me those videos of peterson at a protest or whatever calling a person by the wrong pronouns. he also got into shapiro around then and would try to make me watch his videos, and we argued about milo too. also got really into h3 or whatever. a couple years ago I called shapiro shit and he was like "i don't really watch him anymore", but then when I showed him that video of peterson talking apple cider giving him anxiety he got pissed at me and said he was talking metaphorically.

        one time he said he was really mad that the washington r*dskins changed their name to the washington nationals, and our other friend said "those are two different teams for two different sports" lmao.

        idk it really makes me sad because he was/still sort of is my best friend, and he's self-conscious enough that he's talked to me about how he feels like his right-wing views have pushed some of our friends away. he knows where i stand and i guess I'm just hoping that trump not being president might change his views

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      I've got a younger coworker that loves Rogan, mostly because he's just a clearing house for people my coworker's never heard from before.

      He's got the same kind of appeal as Jerry Springer. One part culture shock, one part freak show.

      • charles_xcx [he/him]
        4 years ago

        i mean i would probably judge people who like jerry springer too lol. but i know there's lot of people who like rogan but aren't into peterson or just like listening to the people rogan has on his show. it's just something i've noticed with the all the people i know who listen to rogan

  • openthroat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A lot of people I meet who aren’t terminally online think Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are the same people and I will forever envy them

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The fact that Joe Rogan has abused/used human growth hormone (HGH) so much that it's literally changed the shape of his face and given him palumboism/a bubble gut should tell you everything you need to know about him.

  • Katieushka [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    hey op have you seen the episode where they show that video of a guy getting fucked to death by a horse? the one where joe rogan goes "have you seen that video of a guy getting fucked to death by a horse"?

    • The_word_of_dog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'll go on the podcast and headbutt him. Get my ass kicked too since he knows all those mma shits. IDGAF let's do this

        • BillyMays [he/him]
          4 years ago

          He was the host of the show. He didn’t make people do shit. As a host every show was indoctrinating Americans with more sexism than it’s already juiced up on.

  • cresspacito [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Every time I see a clip of him I honestly just can't understand the appeal. He's dumb, not very funny, his guests are about the same, he literally said that Ben Shapiro "lets him talk" during conversations because "he knows that I like him" like he's his intellectual daddy. It's fucking weird