This is concerning. The site is still very gay but it seems to be trending downward over time.
the aces can stay even if they're loud, comrade, you're all accepted and loved (platonically uwu)
Forgot to pack my lunch before leaving for work because my brain refuses to function in the morning, but otherwise good. Had what ended up being a very bi dream, so I get half credit on gay points.
I'm bi, so mark me down for half gay. Pulling down the average, but jerking up the whole.
have been starting to think about men 😳 a bit, not sure if it means anything. would have been helping make the site more gay before but now it’ll be making it more straight (might transition and all that)
Whatever you settle on is valid, and you don't have to fit yourself into a category prematurely. Remember that sexuality and orientation are just a way we describe our feelings, and not clubs you need to earn your way into. Explore your feelings in a way that's comfortable for you and don't sweat the details.
That said,
Bi gang recruitment drive what up 😎
We have no choice but to abolish the volcel police!
I had a dream where I tried a gay kiss. It wasn't for me, but hey I tried.