• opposide [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yes but China disproportionately has minority groups doing this kind of work.

      Oh wait no that’s also the US

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          4 years ago

          We Chinese are apparently simultaneously genocidal and really bad at genocide, which I find boubly offensive.

        • qublics [they/them,she/her]
          4 years ago
          [TW: this could piss people off, don't read if you have anger issues, and if do read then please read entire comment]

          I swear to god there is going to be articles eventually about how not imposing one-child policy (that people often don't realize means grandparents also have only one grandchild) is really just about breeding more slaves.
          I need to go wash my brain just for thinking that.

          This comment brought to you by veganism. :deeper-sadness:

          That legit happened with the slave trade though, and even today but less overtly with opposing access to birth control for workers.

          Goes without saying that in Xinjiang people have ample access to family planning.
          But then Adrian Zenz obviously likes to spin this as forced sterilization: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53220713

          tl;dr: China good.

          • qublics [they/them,she/her]
            4 years ago
            veganism tangent, long post, slightly off topic

            China is still so bad on animal rights issues though, specifically the scale of chicken farming, that is the only issue where I have severe cognitive dissonance about supporting the CCP.

            just uuuuuggghhhhh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOGm3mRZuaI
            I know this is dark as fuck but I hope they are genetically engineering or breeding for more brain-dead and senseless chickens or something.
            Or vibrating the cages so chickens are cumming all the time. lmao. Have you ever read a comment so utilitarianism-pilled? >_<

            I do remember they were doing genetic engineering with pigs for whatever reason, but have not looked into that in years.

            their propaganda is on point though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWjYLYulALs
            And their deliberate use of birds against insect pests is really cool.
            At least they learned from that whole sparrow thing.


            support PETA Asia please, their work is extremely important.

            I do not honestly believe factory farms in China are much better.
            I certainly would like to, but even good examples cannot prove that more/most/all of them are.
            Humans can often report being abused, but animals cannot.

            various EU countries have been pushing towards continuous surveillance in animal farming.
            it would not be good for China to get left behind on these issues.

            just look at the extent to which animal rights got involved with Brexit politics:

            Further tangent...
            This is a weird idea, but I wonder if trance music and disco lights would have any effect on chicken well-being.
            Raising chickens for food has an odd contradiction: more movement burns calories, but also improves muscles and meat quality.
            I just hope China is investing the massive amount of money into meat replacement R&D that the problem deserves.

            Things are moving at least:

            What people seem to forget about meat replacements though, and basically all advanced replacement foods, is they can optimize for taste, satiety, and nutrition in ways that are incredibly difficult with animal products.
            Under capitalism they just end up optimizing for profit and addictiveness instead. Processed and fast-foods are not bad, it just depends on who is designing them and to what ends.

            (to any Chinese comrades, sorry if 'they' is kinda othering/western but don't want to take credit for anything I am not responsible for; maybe China should declare a national neopronoun, lmao what could go wrong?)

            (I've linked this thread on /c/vegan (https://hexbear.net/post/61429/comment/618372), so for anyone that wants to reply / debate in detail maybe there instead)

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Can’t talk about America using prisoners as slave labor because that’s whataboutism and I’m a sino bot

    • anthm17 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Can't talk about this literally just being the projection of American chattel slavery on to china.

      • PhaseFour [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Why yes, I do believe China is doing slavery in Xinjiang. The BBC told me.

        • volkvulture [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          don't forget we have to not only mouth hatred of US but also cut ourselves off at the knees & hate rival alternatives more because the media & all conventional anti-communist wisdom says so

  • SowTheWind [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    First, "人次" does not have an English equivalent but it means person-instance, e.g. a factory with 100 workers will count 500人次 for labor in a 5-day working week, confusing this term with population immediately strikes me as alarming because the article editors clearly had no Chinese speaker on staff.

    Second, they are conflating communist buzzword talk, which are effectively a type diplomatic language within the CCP structure, with purposive language. You cannot take these things literally. For example, "mobilize" and "organize" are typical communist buzzwords for "the party officials ask people to do something", so are "ideological education" or "patriotism" which means nothing in the context. The same applies for the scary looking phrase "labor is glorious"; it may look like arbeit macht frei but this is one of the most common Mao-era propaganda that became engrained in the Chinese vernacular. These communist-speak do not mean their literal meaning like "drain the swamp" wasn't actually about building physical pumps for an actual swamp.

    Are there legit irregularities in the article? Yes, singling out "religion" is uncommon for normal rural mobilizations here; (for those who don't know, it is typical for rural governments to be engaged with private factories in the cities to promote seasonal employment, a practice that still happens to this day; however these are not coercive but mutually beneficial; the article noted coercive tones when applied to Uyghurs which is a red flag that warrants investigation). also the report did say "neither want to work, nor want to study" for young men and "traditional values... only wants to stay at home and raise children" for women, both are stereotypes of Muslims by Han Chinese. But the article used the eye-catching term "deep-rooted lazy thinking" as a header, which is unfounded; they also severely cherry picked these two stereotypical statements by leaving out the term "only" so it somehow spinned the narrative into "having kids is not okay", which is a totally different meaning.

    I am not trying to deny systematic persecution of the Uyghurs by the CCP, because it is happening as the persecution of religion and ethnic minorities is widespread knowledge among us Chinese people, but you cannot make the leap into forced labor or even genocide territory without substantiated evidence. BBC is seriously undermining its own journalistic integrity here. First, Sudsworth is their long term China correspondent, and he has done great work here, but he doesn't speak Chinese well, and not asking a Chinese speaking person (not hard to find in the UK) to proofread is borderline unethical. Second, circular citations that always end up on Adrian Zenz as a source. Combine them together and BBC - one of world's premier news agencies - is essentially validating a bogus activist's word at face value. Millions of people will see it and take it as true because of BBC's reputation, and since they don't speak Chinese the vast majority of readers cannot fact check them, and this is a huge problem.

    Explained by u/glymao

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I am not trying to deny systematic persecution of the Uyghurs by the CCP, because it is happening as the persecution of religion and ethnic minorities is widespread knowledge among us Chinese people

      Into the trash it goes.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        4 years ago

        here's u/glymao in the r/toronto sub complaining about how the Landlord-Tenant Board doesn't have enough resources (and he also posts in r/worldofwarships)

        This is not a landlord vs tenant problem. This is a honest people vs exploiter problem. The only people benefitting from the current situation are slumlords and deadbeats.

        "deadbeats" LOL. how much you want to bet this guy picks up rent checks for his dad when he's not playing World of Warships

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Wait, did I miss a memo on hating world of warships? Fuck I have so much dunk material for that game

          • emizeko [they/them]
            4 years ago

            I know nothing about that particular game the post just shows they're a g*mer:

            I play radar edinburgh, which I believe is the best ship to play for fun. Sneak into a cap, catch a DD off guard, kill/chase off the DD, disengage, wiggle my way around, watch incoming shells shatter on the belt armor, hold fire to disappear behind friendly BBs, print a new ship and repeat.

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Pick and take what you need from it.

        Its very important to emphasize that these accusations of "slave labor" and "genocide" are all wildly malicious distortions of whats really going on - rural industrial development and the accompanying disruptions to traditional agricultural life; with the additional context of this taking place during an ongoing, long-simmering US-sponsored Islamist separatist insurgency that recently escalated in the last decade.

        So when you see fearmongering propaganda about "cultural genocide" in paving over "Uighur cemeteries" and bulldozing mosques to replace them with with freeways and rail lines, it's just the normal birth pangs of new, rapid infrastructure development. When you see stories about vocational training centers actually being sinister "re-education centers" and "concentration camps", its actually exactly what it says on the tin because the CCP is trying to simultaneously de-radicalize young men whove been radicalized by the intrusion and disruption of modern industry upon their traditional lifestyles while also training these farmhands to adjust to a new regional economy with its accompanying demands. And when you see stories about "slave labor" its actually new factories in the region demanding a large new labor supply and the CCP moving to meet it.

        If you read between the lines it's easy to see what's actually going on. Nothing the CCP has done in the region is out of the ordinary when it comes to rapid capitalist development and every new sensational "development" Zenz, the emigres, and the CISC come up with fits fine with this thesis.

    • Ketamine_device_tech [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      communist buzzword talk, which are effectively a type diplomatic language within the CCP structure,

      corporate buzzwords but woke

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Even just reading Zenz's original piece makes it clear that these people are being recruited voluntarily to do paid work.

      The worst thing you can say about it is that it sounds Capitalist

  • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    How does a German man in the United States dig up documents about slave labor in china

    • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      Also fucking based how almost all of the comments in that thread are calling out zenz

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        4 years ago

        lmao never seen so many people pushing back against these narratives on reddit

  • DasRav [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You know what my priority is when I force people to work in death camps?

    Face masks.

  • hopelesscomrade [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Texas Man Conditioned to work 50 hour weeks to escape poverty of minimum wage.

    See my life can be used as a feel good propaganda story.

      • qublics [they/them,she/her]
        4 years ago

        That's honestly really cool. Cotton is the best.
        No sheep or other animals are farmed, and no micro-plastics like polyester.

        The history of slavery that they are trying to elicit with that article is so horrid.
        Imperialist propaganda is just constant projection, like "that's what we would do/did".

          • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            but everyone knows only slaves can pick cotton! thats why chinabad, theyre doing a racist agricultural product! also, chinabad is clearly using their slave labour to negatively impact our own monopoly over the cotton market! our global share of cotton production has fallen to only thirty five percent!



            edit: automation of backbreaking menial labour is awesome, drones are heckin coolio when they arent bombing things