• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 jaar geleden

    Am I just missing all these struggle-session threads? Or is this some kind of Knights Of New shit, where the bullshit constantly leaking in and getting strangled in the cradle?

    I see tons of these "Trans Is Good" posts on the front page, and tons of positive feedback, but a continuous insistence that the sub is hostile to Trans people.

    Who is being argued with, here?

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 jaar geleden

      It is absolutely a case of this content getting modded out and therefore if you're not around prior to it getting modded out you miss it.

      This is of course something that the trans community members see a lot of (because they're directly involved in it when it happens) while the cis community members that aren't constantly engaging with the trans content at its earliest points before moderation don't see.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    3 jaar geleden

    My best friend from college came out as trans last year. So I am grateful for the education that I got in CTH. Super glad that I can keep my close friend, who seems to be getting happier as she goes through transition. I went from 100% cis dickhead to 99% cis dickhead.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    3 jaar geleden

    Days until no cis nonsense:

    14 :whip-it-woman:

  • PowerUser [they/them]
    3 jaar geleden

    I thought this was always a trains supremacy website, and it goes without saying that a trains supremacy website is a trans supremacy website

    Trans + I = trains. Obviously not a coincidence

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    3 jaar geleden

    As a cis person, I'm pretty ok with this being a trans supremacist space.

    Question though - I saw this earlier: https://hexbear.net/post/71000

    And to me it felt quite mean spirited and making fun of our trans comrades that recently left the site. I see it's still up though. Am I wrong? Is this ok?

    I genuinely want to know if I am misinterpreting this. Thanks

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      3 jaar geleden

      Yup, I'm just here to have fun too. But if our trans comrades aren't also having fun, then it's not fun for me either.

  • camaron28 [he/him]
    3 jaar geleden

    Also, remember:

    Joking about "trans supremacy" in a horny way is fetishism at best (bad) and transphobia at worst (also bad).

  • ComradeAndy [he/him]
    3 jaar geleden

    So, if I may ask, what happened? Apparently there was a strug sesh and I missed it

  • Suzina [she/her]
    3 jaar geleden

    Instead of a trans supremecy, could we instead radicalize into something that helps people? I'm upset thinking about how we've had a fash in charge for 4 years and I never freed anyone from an ice detention center, so I'm like, basically the trans version of a lazy german in ww2. Am I the baddie?

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    3 jaar geleden

    Everybody on this earth is shackled and restricted by gender norms.

    Breaking down gender norms (and possibly even gender itself) is something that helps liberate us all. As such, trans people are a kind of distributed vanguard against essentialism and patriarchy.

    • Homestar440 [he/him]
      3 jaar geleden

      This is the gay part of FALGSC, where cis (and also trans) as categories wither away along with the state