and Bolton, Bannon +25 others
Imagine being some illicit cargo dealer and in one of the rusty shipping containers is a group of right wing hawk politicians all trying to get shipped to China
This is an awesome precident lmao. Bannon definetly had it coming since he tried inventing a new china or some shit
Yep the " New Federal State of China " for anyone interested. It's purportedly a Chinese government in exile led by Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire rapist who fled the Mainland to escape prosecution for rape and financial crimes. It also has major failson/grifter energy
I hope they get in a fight with Taiwan over this, he cant just steal government-in-exile valor
These individuals and their immediate family members are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of China. They and companies and institutions associated with them are also restricted from doing business with China.
Also if current trends hold, in maybe 10 years Chinese sanctions will be more powerful than those of the United States.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO uhhhh chinese bounties chinese bounties please stop!!!!
This prevents companies with ties to them doing business with China. As the article (or maybe it was the CGTN one) notes, many of these people make money when out of favor/employment by Republican administrations by becoming high paid C-suite types or board members in major Amerikkkan corporations and this will cause most of the big ones to guess twice. Admittedly they can probably still get jobs with defense contractors but it may prevent them from getting say jobs with the financial sector or companies with interests in manufacturing in China.
please do a NeoMaoism. Scare the shit out of our bourgeois motherfuckers sir
so excited for sanctions to be bad all of a sudden once anglos realize china is the primary controller of the world economy