He's bad folks
Edit: Jon Stewart shitting on Occupy Wall Street was one of the biggest radicalizing moments of my life.
Never saw Daily Show, didn't really give a shit about him- always thought Colbert Report was more effective and cheekier anyway.
Then fucking Seth McFarlane of all people outs Stewart as being a shithead during the writers strike hahaha. Haven't been onboard with him since. We've got literally tons of libs ready to point out Cons contradictions- it's one of the easiest jobs as a media lib.
mcfarlane sucks but it seems like he's good at dropping the data on hollywood fuckers
Remember that early family guy episode where stewey runs naked through the mall shouting that he had escaped from Kevin Spacey's basement? Years before anything actually happened to Spacey?
yup, heard about that one. also the oscars 2013 when he said “Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein” to the winners
always thought Colbert Report was more effective and cheekier anyway.
this doesn't make it any better lol
eh I stand by it. I like Colbert's 'awful' persona rather than the Stewart's 'down to earth no bullshit' nonsense
Colbert would get the best guests and then ask joke questions or softball them and waste the entire interview.
Stewart made his money and quit, good riddance
Colbert also dropped his persona when he interviewed Assange. He asked his usual O'Reilly-style "doesn't this hurt America" questions, but you could hear his tone was serious, not sarcastic.
Colbert sold out harder than Stewart. His persona allowed for more radical dunking on power at the time, but he has essentially said "i t w a s a c o m e d y s h o w" since. Stewart at least said "this is too much work/pressure, I'm not actually changing anything".
In the lengthy run of TDS there were certainly bad takes, culminating in the “March for Sanity.” He had some redeeming features- notably he was very sympathetic to Chelsea Manning’s project.
Literal brain worms.
Jon Stewart is one of the heroes of the 21st century in terms of waking people up, even if he's still lib.
I probably wouldn't have such a holistic picture of the right's propaganda machine without the Daily Show and wouldn't be able to see how Liberal news pushes a lot of the same messages. Jon Stewart was an early part of my radicalization.
It's ok to have sentimental attachment to something you liked when you were younger without being like he's a hero of the 21st century lol
My heroes are flawed, and that's perfectly okay. And he's a Bernie guy, so he's still relevant.
It's funny that pockets of people here lampoon libs for fetishizing Marvel but think their heroes need to wear capes.
I actually didn't know he was a Bernie guy. That's a marginal improvement
but think their heroes need to wear capes
That's corny were you just watching a marvel movie?
Sorry but the guy is not a leftist icon and no amount of nostalgia or whatever will change that
I never gave a shit about politics until I stumbled across the daily show when I was 12. seeing his interview on Crossfire and realizing the hollowness of the media as an institution was a major part of my radicalization. he certainly did not take me beyond left-lib beliefs and has a world of shitty takes but as a suburban kid with no day to day interactions with politics he was the first window i had into that.
Jon "I had the CEO of Blackwater - Eric Prince on my show and didn't ask him about Blackwater warcrime" Stewart
I missed that one, but he interviewed Bill Clinton some time after the 2008 crash (when it was fully public how much Clinton's deregulation contributed to the crash) and all you could hear was sLuRp SlUrP thank you, daddy
...That said, still the best guy in mainstream media at the time.
When he interviewed Obama the first round of questions actually had some real bite, which Barry dodged. After the break Jon was all smiles and fluff questions about mustard and silly republicans. You could tell somebody put the works on him during commercials.
I feel if you asked Jon Stewart his thoughts today on trans issues he'd whistle a more enlightened tune.
Excoriating people for shitty things they said 20 years ago when he helped a generation move left seems absent-minded.
Yeah no, if hje wants to apologize for this I would consider forgiving him, but this kind of shit had consequences for people in their lives. You dont get 'get out of being a shit head' points because you do more good things than bad in aggregate.
Jon Stewart is a libertarian. He didn't lead anyone left, he trapped them in his garbage ideological jail.
This is not true at all. He's not "good" or anything, but what you're saying generally just isn't true....
You're both making valid points. Consider scenario #2 - Jon logs back on Twitter, having hibernated himself into a Maoist and begins to lead thousands in weekly theory readings - would Chapo Chat be cancelling him for his 2003 transphobia? Probably not right?
if you're gonna make a bigoted joke it at least has to land, or come close to it. that was really bad.
Make sure you keep your innocence, don't get curious and search "Jon stewart compilation"