Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a British charity that offers medical services in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon, and advocates for Palestinians' rights to health and dignity. It is in special consultative status with ECOSOC since 2002.

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) works in partnership with Palestinian communities to uphold their rights to health and dignity. We do this by developing effective, sustainable and locally-led healthcare services, providing medical aid during emergencies, and campaigning to break down the barriers to Palestinian health and healthcare today and for the future.

MAP History

Between 16 and 18 September 1982, Lebanese Phalangist militants entered the Beirut refugee camp of Sabra and Shatila, and killed and injured hundreds of unarmed Palestinian and other civilians inside. The camp’s residents were defenceless.

The Israeli army, who had invaded Lebanon earlier that year and had surrounded the camp, had full knowledge of what was taking place inside, yet they never intervened. Instead, they illuminated the camp throughout the night by flares launched into the sky from helicopters and mortars.

Working in a hospital inside the camp at the time was a young orthopaedic surgeon from London, Dr Swee Chai Ang. Refusing to leave the hospital, Dr Ang worked tirelessly to save the injured and protect her patients during the massacre.

On her return to London, Dr Ang joined with fellow medical professionals and humanitarians to establish Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), in order to send doctors and nurses to work in the Palestinian refugee camps and provide frontline care.

MAP today

Since then, MAP has been working with Palestinian communities, to deliver locally-led health and medical care to those worst affected by conflict, occupation and displacement.

Today we have offices in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, Lebanon and London. With our extensive local knowledge and experience, we work closely with communities, hospitals, clinics and healthcare providers to coordinate care and medical aid even where there are severe restrictions on access.

MAP provides immediate medical aid to those in need at times of crisis, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system.

We are also committed to speaking out against injustices that prevent Palestinians from fully enjoying their rights to health and dignity, and campaign to ensure the voices of Palestinians impacted by occupation, displacement and conflict are heard at the highest levels.

MAP site palestine-strong

Mutual aid for Palestine and Gaza: palestine-heart

Thread for Palestinian Aid free-palestine

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  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    11 months ago

    Not happy with some of the stuff I'm seeing on hexbear these days. Eventually, it'll get to the point where I'm not comfortable being on this site anymore.

    • plinky [he/him]
      11 months ago


      Contrariness, active anger and 4chan-joke awareness can lead to some bonkers statements

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        11 months ago

        goddammit, im actually getting emotional looking at this stupid hug emoji right now

        this is all really getting to me

        • plinky [he/him]
          11 months ago

          At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that a great feeling of love guides the true revolutionary. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality. che-smile

          My working assumption is unless someone is a ghoul, i assume good faith and interpret far out posts as lashing out.

          Take a break for couple of days, drink some tea and walk in nature, people are high on emotions of powerlessness. In any case sending 20 bucks to red crescent/putting fliers is more useful than spending time thinking about posting

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      11 months ago

      What's bothering you? I know federation kinda changed what's on our pages but you can switch to local

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        11 months ago

        Look at my post history.

        I saw a comment that called for outright genocide of Israelis, it was up for 30 minutes until I reported it, it had 3 upvotes and no replies until I called it out. In that same thread, there is a poster who similarly went overboard effectively calling Israeli children complicit in the state's crimes, but luckily that poster managed to calm themselves and realized what they just said. There are other comments expressing similar disregard for Israeli children in the thread, however.

        I am very uncomfortable with how people are flirting with the idea that all Israelis are complicit in what is going on right now (and no, I'm not talking about the people raving near a concentration camp). I think the nature of hexbear as a radicalization chamber leads to people pushing each other to say more and more extreme things and it causes hesitance to go against that grain. I hesitated replying to the genocidal comment because I saw it had 3 upvotes and a part of me was worried that I'd get dogpiled on. I assume others saw the comment and didn't agree with it, but didn't reply because of similar worries.

        Yesterday there was already a highly upvoted post I considered reactionary, and although I wasn't the first person to voice my disagreement, I took it a lot more seriously than the others and more people agreed with me after I called it out.

        I know this pattern, people see these things and although they disagree, they ignore it because they don't wanna be the one person who starts conflict over it, who makes a scene, who turns it into a big deal. And that's how spaces deteriorate, how things get normalized that really shouldn't be. I wish people were more vigilant about this. I don't wanna be the first one to call these things out in the future, it's very stressful to go against what people around you seem to be thinking.

        Edit: People are still telling me that we should kill all Israeli children holy fucking shit

        • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
          11 months ago

          it's funny because the actual people fighting Israel on the ground understand that they shouldn't kill children or unarmed civilians unless they have no choice

          really I don't see how it's much more complicated than "is the person ahead of you a threat, or could they plausibly be a threat? if so, take them out" (the "plausibly" part is where the real unpleasant parts of warfare come from, particularly in a state like Israel with mass conscription, but it's the colonizer state's fault for putting everybody in this position in the first place)

          • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
            11 months ago

            Glad you're with me on this, people are still upvoting pro-genocide rhetoric in this stupid argument, I feel like I'm losing my mind. First the propaganda Blitzkrieg in the media, now people on hexbear dot net calling me a fence sitter for saying that killing Israeli children is bad.

            People are so obsessed with being more extreme, more radical, the counternarrative to the propaganda is getting out of control. We can't go from "Hamas killing civilians is an inevitable consequence of decades of brutal oppression" to "Hamas killing civilians is fine and good" all the way to "The more civilians Hamas exterminates, the better". This cannot be allowed to happen. I believe everyone is capable of cruelty and reactionary thought if given the wrong environment, and we have to ensure that hexbear doesn't become an environment that tolerates, let alone normalizes this kind of rhetoric.

        • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
          11 months ago

          Edit: People are still telling me that we should kill all Israeli children holy fucking shit

          isn't it literally one person? Two? a third if you want to stretch it out of context?

          Is this about over two obvious wreckers? And one user just saying reflexive pacifism is just as reactionary? Calm down a bit. Be mad at the idiots that deserve it, but don't turn your hammer toward hexbear as a whole because you see it as some opportunity to do so.

          You seem to have been uncomfortable with the violent rhetoric, so when some wreckers exposed themselves you took the opportunity to take a step further to begin to stab at it.

          Israel deserves nothing other than violent dismantling, people will die because of that. The Palestine resistance is not and could never be as depraved as the Nazi Israelis. Of course killing children is fucking horrible, thats why we ban people who say that shit.

          Most people say things close to that because they just came out of watching a palestinian toddler get turned into mist by a tank or some shit, of course they're red with anger. Settlers really don't deserve mercy lmao. But even then ive literally never seen anyone turn that toward children, or start using nazi rhetoric. Thats an immediate permaban. And one that has happened like 4 times?

          also what post are you referring to? I assumed it was a banned one so I got to do the really fun job of combing through the modlog from the past 1 day and didn't find anything on it.

          Settlers aren't civilians. That seems to be the point of contention you are wrestling with, if I am wrong please correct me.

          Also don't assume people share your opinion in some wide 'silent majority' thing unless they voice it. Silent majorities do not exist. Pardon me, but for not wanting to make a big deal you seem to be doing that.

          edit: There were no short time wreckers, one of the accounts was a 3 year old one.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]
            11 months ago

            The removed comment in question starts with "Controversial opinion:" and is still pretty high up in the modlog.

            • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
              11 months ago

              I saw that one, absolutely deranged. Was talking more about the post mentioned. Did she mean post as in comment or a post post.

              again god shit like that comment is why I hate looking at the modlog

              • BeamBrain [he/him]
                11 months ago

                I believe that was the comment she was referring to. I think she just used the wrong word. I know I've done the same thing.

                • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
                  11 months ago

                  It was a post that wasn't deleted, but that's because it wasn't ban-worthy, it wasn't anything bad in its substance. It was this one, I explained my issues with it in my comment there. It's a very different topic and not nearly as bad, but the common thread is immense frustration giving birth to very easy narratives, and I think because of how depressing and mentally taxing the current situation is, people are more receptive to this kind of stuff.

          • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
            11 months ago

            Settlers really don't deserve mercy lmao.

            haha lmao

            dunno what i was so worried about

            no mercy for the civilians settlers lmao

            Edit: You're also making it very easy for yourself by calling them "obvious wreckers". The person who made the original comment is a 3 year old, active account.

            Edit 2: You're probably already typing a reply to this, but I want to clarify that I'm not accusing you of being pro-genocide here, I don't think you are. This is more complicated than that.

            • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
              11 months ago

              no mercy for the civilians settlers lmao

              So does this mean I was correct about your whole issue being conflation of 'civilian' and 'active participant in a settler colonial project'

              Settlers care enough about themselves and their interests, I dont really need to help them there. I won't really cry a single tear.

              unless they are children, which i will say for the 5th time or so have absolutely no political agency and therefore inherently innocent, despite how reactionary the system they may be a part of.

              • plinky [he/him]
                11 months ago

                I think one need further elucidate who is settler? Is is west bank freak settlers? Is it sakai settler (i.e. majority citizens of israel)?

                To me citizens of israel are not all settlers, as they have two generations to "wash sins of their parents" so to say. Some dude born in jerusalem may or may not be freak, but is not strictly speaking guilty of nakba. Now, should imaginary dude under the right of return move to new appartment? yes, but that doesn't mean he is an evil human.

                Tbh i think sakai thesis is correct, but on the majority, not all people, and its application as a moral lense is wrong. Its about where this reactionary shit flows from took-restraint , not moral judgement on the behavior, thats on reader. People living on stolen land more likely will be right wing genocidal maniacs because it profits them so to get more land and be morally at peace, not that living on stolen land instantly===genocidal maniac.

              • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
                11 months ago

                So does this mean I was correct about your whole issue being conflation of 'civilian' and 'active participant in a settler colonial project'

                Yes. I think it's a gross oversimplification, especially the "active" part. You can make the argument that they have no right to live on that land, sure, but I am not comfortable jumping from that to "they aren't civilians" and "they deserve no mercy". Look at how many people live in the Great Satan and desperately want to move out but their conditions don't allow them to, do you think Israel is any different? Hell, there are a good amount of people living in Israel who are opposed to the occupation. And what, the children are innocent but killing their parents is fair game? Do the children lose their innocence on their 18th birthday?

                Like I said in my second edit, I know you're not pro-genocide, my issue is with this extremely simple rhetoric becoming more and more normal. There should be more nuance to declaring an entire nation guilty and apparently okay to kill. I can't believe I have to point this out.

                • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                  11 months ago

                  Edit: You're also making it very easy for yourself by calling them "obvious wreckers". The person who made the original comment is a 3 year old, active account.

                  I didn't know that, apologies. I will make an edit to my comment and clarifying note on the bottom.

                  as well as reading the edit I acknowledge Im not going to say you are pro-Israel, you are definitely not. You are also not Anti-Hamas or anti-palestinian liberation.

                  Civilians implies an innocence the average settler is not. You can't be truly passive in settler colonialism. Its not what happens.

                  Look at how many people live in the Great Satan and desperately want to move out but their conditions don't allow them to, do you think Israel is any different? Hell, there are a good amount of people living in Israel who are opposed to the occupation.

                  I can't really with this argument. Lots of nuance involved yeah maybe, but it doesn't change the truth of the matter, which is their participation in the regime. This is settler colonialism happening a few miles away, this isn't something waved away because they grow flowers, teach classes, or fight fires. Shooting may be the last resort, but the contradictions have sharpened to a point where conflict on every level is inevitable. I realize this sentiment is large on hexbear because many people themselves are american settlers (including myself), but I don't believe our posting exempts us from the blood that stains our food and clothes.

                  Hell, there are a good amount of people living in Israel who are opposed to the occupation.

                  Then they aren't settlers, especially since many who are actively agitating against the regime. Same with active anti racists or antifascists being more exempt from blame.

                  And what, the children are innocent but killing their parents is fair game?


                  Romanovs? Nazis? The political power they projected for the socioeconomic system they stood for goes before the relations of parent and child, at least in my eyes.

                  Political power comes from the barrel of a gun, or something.

                  This subject isn't one that likes being discussed, the inherent violence of class conflict, but it is a reality we must face.

        • footfaults [none/use name]
          11 months ago

          I think just as Hexbear eliminated down votes it might also be time to eliminate up votes too. I agree that people get pushed to say more and more extreme things, to play to a perceived audience

          • daisy
            11 months ago

            I think that one problem with eliminating upvotes has to do with sorting posts on the front page. In the absence of upvotes, the only other ways to gauge general user interest in a post are comment count and timeliness. If comment count is given greater weight, then we'd see a proliferation of pseudo-upvotes in the form of content-free comments. That would quickly make post threads unreadable.

            • footfaults [none/use name]
              11 months ago

              For post sorting on the front page there are other metrics that can be used. Click-through counts to see the comments or click-through to open the external link

          • DayOfDoom [any, any]
            11 months ago

            I'm doing this and I'm drowning in love and praise now. I finally feel appreciated and accepted.

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Above all else, it's the bait-and-switch aspect of it that bothers me.

          I have always heard that "from the river to the sea" does not mean "exterminate all Israelis down to the last individual," that these were just Zionist lies, and the project is not one of racial annihilation. I do think this still holds true in general. My own org doesn't support genocide. None of our partner orgs support genocide. Hamas does not support genocide. My gripe isn't with any of these groups. They are doing good work and I'm happy to be part of it (well, I can't really claim to be part of Hamas' work, since there's no realistic way for someone in my position to materially support them).

          My gripe is with the stuff I've seen on Hexbear specifically. People here have always told me the same thing I heard elsewhere. "We want a liberated Palestine, that means abolition of the state of Israel, it doesn't mean killing all Israelis." Now suddenly, there are people on this site giving you shit for not being on board with "Actually, kill literally all Israelis."

          My question is, why are they surprised? What did they expect? The whole point of a bait-and-switch is that the target takes the bait. The point is to make them think they're only getting a juicy worm. When they bite down only to find a hook in their jaw, of course they're going to thrash against it.

          • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
            11 months ago

            It's not that sudden. First, we acknowledged that Hamas killing civilians was an inevitable consequence of the brutal oppression and occupation. Then we called out that the music festival was right next to the Palestinian border, next to the world's largest concentration camp. I was with hexbear up until that point (I know hexbear is not a monolith, you know what I mean).

            Then, there was a post about how all Israeli civilians were settlers and therefore none of them were "truly" innocent. And now we're at the point where you can say Israeli children deserve death without immediately getting banned. The poster who originally said this had the comment deleted as well as the one where they doubled down (they had the gall to say "actually, Israeli isn't a race"), but they're not banned yet from what I can tell.

            I think it's extremism for the sake of extremism rather than any political ideology. "The harder the media tells us to condemn Hamas, the more we will say that what Hamas did was good and they should do more of it." And the nuance of it all is quickly going completely out the window. I know most of hexbear knows this is wrong, but we need to get on top of this right now.

            • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
              11 months ago

              Yep. Its sad seeing these comments. White Americans are settlers too. Almost the entire continent of Americas would be considered settlers. I don't wish to see billions of people killed due to historical reasons. I say that as someone who is not from a settler colonial country.

              And now, Israeli death count hasn't changed much since the initial attack. Meanwhile Palestinian death count is nearly double.

              If you are actively doing colonialism like settlers in the west bank, then yes you absolutely deserve to be killed.

    • WhyEssEff [she/her]
      11 months ago

      Yeah it feels like I’m walking on a tightrope, like shit where I’ve seen an instance of ‘ironically’ posting ‘Kanye was right’ shit really fucking makes me uncomfortable because it’s both legitimizing the idea that Israel represents Judaism as an entirety and that the Jews as a whole deserve scorn for this fascist ethnostate that wears our identity as a shield

      • WhyEssEff [she/her]
        11 months ago

        I am and will continue to be an ardently anti-Zionist Jew, no matter what. I yearn not to feel ashamed/afraid of expressing my Jewish identity and I don’t know if that will happen while Hitlerpilled crackers colonize the Levant in my fucking name desolate

      • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
        11 months ago

        ‘Kanye was right’

        thank goodness the mods banned that guy immediately

        people using their reactionary idiocy to insert racism against jews while this conflict is the subject was and is inevitable. Its important to ban it when we see it, which they have. Being an anti-jew is evil and fascist rhetoric.

        like literally hexbear as a whole agrees with your comments, I haven't seen instances otherwise that don't get immediately dogpiled and then banned.