I don’t know what BetterMen is, but I feel like it’s trying to awaken things within me with its ads.
You can definitely get muscle definition like that doing solely body weight exercises 🙄
wait you mean I can't go bearmode by doing 10 pushups on Monday and 12 on Tuesday?
Yeah, I’d even consider defending fictional cops on reddit to get at that rabbit dong.
Yo this shit is going to turn me into a freakin werewolf?!
so they're all pretty much the same workout but rabbit does 115 push-ups on a monday?!
There's a Facebook group called like "this is fetish art, but okay" and it highlights boomer style memes that unintentionally use horny fan art / rule 34 / furry art etc for an otherwise neutral purposes.
holy shit /fit/ was talking about 'bear mode' a decade ago, the 'straight' gendermorphing has been around this whole time
Setting aside how dogshit those routines are and how the artist really needs to keep practicing those fundies and study anatomy a hell of a lot more,
Wolf is just someone who had a good starting point, lifted for a couple months, and doesn't have much body fat
Bear mode isnt even actual bear mode, just a gear user who knows how to lift.
Rabbit is your basic DYEL twink.
Lion is natty and has been lifting for a bit.
Working on anatomy never stops, it is all consuming, until those fucking abs stop being annoying for me to draw god damn.
making the lines a litle fuzzy and vague and saying "that's just my style"