• Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    First off, what a shit take, second off here's the obligatory bit

    "Haha Tacoma is weepin-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    "Lol he said the n-word in a stream and-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    "lmao remember when he defended pedophilia by saying it wasn't any more exploitative than making laptops-"
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    Making a post demanding others stop Vaushposting, and then realizing that you yourself have now Vaushposted
    You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      4 years ago

      it's not a bit, unironically shut the fuck up about him and stop giving him attention. this goes for any other e-celeb you hate and think gets too much attention: you can just ignore them.

          • grisbajskulor [he/him]
            4 years ago

            you’re definitely not wrong, he’s a waste of our time. but i come here to see terrible takes for entertainment. + I think it actually helps my ideological development to hear garbage takes

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Making a post demanding others stop Vaushposting, and then realizing that you yourself have now Vaushposted
        You have been bopped with a big funny clown hammer. You are going to the posting gulag for your crimes.

        • Sushi_Desires
          4 years ago

          vaushposting in the haram [state] recursively for eternity :agony-limitless:

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think if someone is already as well known as Vaush it doesn't make a difference. It's definitely true for obscure idiots though, I've seen a leftbook group propel an irrelevant obscure moron into fame like that.

        • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          Using the verbiage of revolutionary theory doesn't make Vaush any more "on the left" than stupidpol or their counterparts in the Democratic Party. The guy is an opportunist who butchers revolutionary theory to justify his lame positions. He is more interested in promoting himself than he is in promoting an understanding of revolutionary history, theory, or class struggle. In one breath he'll quote-mine Lenin to justify voting for Biden. In the next, he'll criticize people who are actually engaged in class struggle from his gamer chair because they are problematic for the Democratic Party. The most unnuanced Anarchist can look at this guy breathlessly apologize for the most powerful person on Earth and tell he's a fraud. Marxists listen to him try to explain how Marxism is actually a type of Liberalism and their jaws drop. The guy isn't even an anti-capitalist or anti-imperialist. He is an advocate for incremental reformism within the confines of the system as it exists.

          Political education is critical to the anti-capitalist movement. To overthrow such an expansive and ingrained system, it is vital to understand its history and to develop a sound understanding of the social forces at work. Only then can we effectively organize people to dismantle it. When people misrepresent history and theory it is harmful to the cause.

          Theory is open to critique, and history open to re-evaluation. No one is omnipotent, so we all see the world from different perspectives. People make mistakes too, that is how we learn. But when someone like Vaush claims to be a representative of the Left and repeatedly makes mistakes that could have been avoided by reading the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article, that's bad. That is not helping. There are better places where we can be directing people's attention. Places that actually help us understand the socioeconomic forces and class relations we need to navigate instead of obscuring them.

          • grisbajskulor [he/him]
            4 years ago

            it’s like the opposite of liz & brace - they come off as a bit bumbling and simple, but under the surface they are incredibly ideologically consistent and filled to the brim with knowledge

  • MelaniaTrump [undecided]
    4 years ago

    Aides say ‘commentary about a female senator’s body language’ does not belong ‘in a serious media outlet’ as controversy ensues over lawmaker’s dramatic ‘no’ vote on minimum wage

    Okay. Can I offer commentary about the $98 LuluLemon bag she was unnecessarily parading around as she sashayed by old white men in $5000 suits while they turned down a minimum wage increase that, historically, would have only placed the wage figure at 70% where it was in the early 1970s?

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Like how he obviously joked about how "tankies like Hakim would cheer if China were dronestriking them in their own country", or how pedophilia is okay because "no ethical consumption under capitalism", etc?

      Nah fam. Like your comment, the dude's cringe.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago
    CW: discussion of V*ush past actions and SV

    Okay ancap V*ush, definitely going to take this criticism seriously when it's coming from you, a person guilty of sexual harassment and defending the viewing of CP.

    But seriously, while there has been a wave of stupididpol people trying to use the Sinema thing to justify their bigotry, it's definitely possible to call out stupididpol bafoons and criticise Sinema for her terrible actions that will lead to people dying at the same time. And this Sinema brand of neoliberal "feminism" needs to be weeded and stomped out.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      And this Sinema brand of neoliberal “feminism” needs to be weeded and stomped out.

      This is what has me so pissed off, the lauding of neoliberal girlboss bourgeois "feminism". This shit that isn't even intersectional and is focused around the PMC and performative acts like more woman drone pilots.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Yeah it makes me upset too. It gives free ammo to the stupididpol crowd, which is now out in full force due to the Sinema thing. Bourgeois feminism just ends up actually hurting marginalized people this way, by devaluing the struggle and giving ammo to reactionaries. Like between this disgusting "girlboss yes queen" nonsense and stupid idpol, I'm just here like :doomjak:

        • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          Well thankfully since our ideology is based around actual liberation we don't fall into traps of like men in charge but woke like stupidpol or women in charge but woke like neoliberals do. It does often seem like chuds and neolibs have the biggest say in everything while us leftists are totally sidelined, it can make you feel like banging your head against a wall sometimes.

        • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
          4 years ago

          What she’s doing is actively hurting women and being lauded as “feminist” and it makes me rage.

          I know, it's so infuriating. This shit is right up there with Beyonce being a hero to women while using slave labor in Sri Lanka to make her clothes.

      • fx8690gii [he/him, he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm pretty sure he refers to himself as a libertarian socialist (which is actually what I actually refer to myself as to normal people), but I can't be bothered to actually check what he really is.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "Trolling" by ironically posting your own ideological position to own the tankies