As opposed to being 99% lib
michael's passing and its consequences have been a disaster for mr
michael’s passing and its consequences have been a disaster for
Yeah and this is how you know there was more to it than Sam just thinking it was a bad take. He would've let Mike Brooks make that point and then try to put a damper on it, or not really push back because MB was a bit more forceful. How many times did Seder argue with Jamie disrespectfully over Warren's garbage M4A proposals? Complete libshit.
God damn it what an asshole. I wonder if he still thinks the impeachment farces were good and worth it. They didn't hold Trump "accountable" they only served to make libs feel like they accomplished something.
Michael could be really fucked up sometimes when he talked to Jamie - he'd not only talk over her but do it in a really condescending way
Wow that's awful. Wow! I never watched a lot of Majority report, so it seemed like their dynamic was intentional in some way. Like, its so brazen that shes off in the closet, speaks a few times an episode and usually gets talked over or its just a quip when she does speak. What was her official role at Majority report?
Holy shit that was an intense reaction for Sam, when Jamie was agreeing with him too!
Sounds like sometimes when I agree with my dad from the left yet he gets super angry by mistaking it for criticism or whatever...
Imagine getting mad at your fellow host and then your take is "we have to make the democrats hold the President responsible for his actions."
I'm a fucking moron and even I know the rich have class solidarity.
I like Jamie. Last time I heard her on MR she was like "Well, rich people should be grateful we're going for higher taxes, because the alternative is my way, where we take their factories and give it to the workers" (I'm paraphrasing a lot)
I mean Seder did invite a necon Libyan war operative on the show in his attempt to "own" Dore
Lmao. I like Emma but her parents are pretty sus. Emma I think will end up being like intercept journalists - great journalist, mediocre commentator at best.
Edit: but yeah. Nomi is a blatant spook.
What's up with Emma's parents?
Also... are you on the TMBS Discord or is that not you?
Why do people like Emma so much(other than just parasocial girl next door GF stuff) when she can't riff that well and doesn't have any particularly strong areas of expertise like Michael was with int'l socialism? Her well-rounded political knowledge is very lib, and less detailed than what Sam brings to the show.
I haven't watched barely a minute since the death of Michael, usually just to check out the context of some Jamie clips I came across, and Emma is never really adding much to the show save for getting Sam to dab.
I don’t get it either. All she does is agree with Sam and have bad takes on China
Idk about her on the majority report, but what she did at TYT and on her own was quite good, even if it was lib shit. She did a lot of reporting on interesting things, which is a lot more valuable than being a majority report cohost tbh
It could be an interesting direction for TMR to take if she does field reporting if/when the pandemic ends.
She's gonna need time to grow into that commentator role, that just is what it is.
Plus, everyone sees her as Michael's replacement for obvious reasons, but Michael is simply not replaceable, and that's hard to accept.
Probably because she goes with Sam's vibe that women on the show should be pretty and not push back on his bullshit
People like listening to other idiots. Makes them feel less stupid
It is coming from their fans reaction to literally the last time I was on their sub and saw MR fans talk about Emma:
🤓 such a goddamned cute/hilarious reaction right there
Crush ended with Jamie. Now Emma is my best crush.
Emma's the drinking buddy, Jamie's the stoner friend.
IDK why, but this is legitimately the funniest thing I've seen all day! I mean, I love Emma (pretty sure I'm IN love with her), so I could be biased, but I thought that was great.
Here’s more info on Vigeland. I take it with a grain of salt because we don’t choose who our parents are, and though they influence us to some degree and shape our worldview, I have had takes from time to time that are shaped by the way I was raised even well into adulthood. But it’s still a bit sus, when you consider nomi is a literal spook, and both came to MR via TYT.
Now, I do think you all on the MR discord should be inviting people here. I must know this congressbaseballfan.
Edit: if they join here their name should be congresssoftballfan. We are both wrong. They were playing softball not baseball. As a lesbian, I should have recognized this. I did think of changing to that when I joined here, but thought I’d use the same username as I had the last few ywars on the sub
Yeah, the author is questionable, and a tulsi-cel, but what he’s saying is accurate obviously
Yeah, the author is questionable, and a tulsi-cel,
Are they?
That makes sense, given how the only part that really made me pause was them suddenly going 'and the most progressives such as Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard got no support!'
I hadn't looked at the date of the piece so I just assumed they were naive and it was pre-everyone realising how undeniably chuddy tulsi was.
They were putting her on the same level as sanders in terms of her stature and saying that Emma was wrong for saying tulsi was not pro lgbt. That hasn’t aged well, to say the least. Haha
No. It’s someone else with a very good idea. They probably had it first idk.
That was especially bad. Owning Dore isn't even difficult, why ally with ghouls to do it?
Probably because they're both angling for better media positions. Konst is a grifter through and through. Seder to me always seemed the Mehdi Hasan type - he'd do anything for a permanent MSNBC role
Konst has been a regular on the show since before Brooks passed. What are you talking about?
I assumed she was putting up with Konst's previous appearances to maintain access to the platform, with Konst's most recent invite being the straw that broke the camel's back, can't think of anything else that would trigger this decision from her
Frankly she's lost points with me for not speaking up sooner
I simply do not have theories about the inner machinations of intra-podcast drama
Jaime liked this tweet lol. That show is garbage
Its just msnbc for cord cutters
It sucks to see. I'm sure that MR was a stop on the lib-to-left pipeline for thousands of people.
Yikes some of the comments. Shit libs calling people who say it’s going in the wrong direction tankies. Lmao.
Interesting that someone pointed out that Jamie is always the first to speak up for trans people on the show. That was definitely true when I would occasionally watch.
Either she's liking every tweet replying to this thread or she's done with Sam's shit
Even though Majority Report has now lost one of its only redeeming qualities I can't help but feel anything but happy for Jamie - I stopped listening at all around when it was clear Bernie was toast, and even then it was clear she'd outgrown the show (not to get all parasocial psych analysis here). And as other people have pointed out she gets publicly treated like shit on that show.
am i the only one who has always found this show and especially sam to be incredibly boring? i liked michael but i just listened to his own show
Yeah I always enjoyed the banter between michael and sam, and that michael was always there to kind of nudge him left, but after his death the show just feels like a boring air america clone. I've listened a couple times since the summer and all they care about is performative minutiae of politicians, but nothing that really matters. It's a bummer, everything entertaining about that show and michael's died with him..
The last two or three times a MR clip has come across my feed, it’s been Seder going in on Jimmy Dore. Like yeh, Jimmy dore is an idiot and sucks but why are you devoting so much time to some stupid beef.
Yeah I began listening to TMR because Michael was on it, and I found Michael Brooks because Felix was on a TMBS episode right around the time I was getting into CTH and looking for content.
Wonder what happened. I havent watched even a clip since this summer for obvious reasons.
She got cut back to 2x a week Mondays and Thursdays (which Matt Binder continues to host the fun halves of) and according to her on Twitch a few months ago, that made her realize she needed to focus on her own projects and kinda go another way because with Michael gone and Sam going lib with the show, she's kind of a fish out of water there.
Well that’s the obvious reason I haven’t watched since summer
I love too be hearing her say "our party" about the Democratic Party
Sam is operating on a more near-term level than Jamie or Michael, and he knows a lot about the current mechanisms of politics and government. He's not a socialist, so he doesn't have any robust Marxist analysis to offer, but out of the people on his show, he has the best understanding of the minutae of the current system. And he has experience that helps him predict what will happen politically.
Lmao he's saying the fun half today is gonna be a few minutes short, Jesus Christ.
It's pretty clear that there is some bad blood between her and Sam. She was liking posts yesterday on her account that suggests as much. She's outgrown the show, good for her to getting off of MR - it's become MSNBC lite since Brooks died
Brooks died and they started broadcasting on Peacock.
They have always treated her like trash. Her purpose on the show was for Sam to have someone to talk over. Glad she's leaving.
With Jamie leaving there’s little reason for me to watch anymore. It’s gonna be all lib/US electoral crap from now on. When Michael was on at least we got some world perspective. Have they even covered the protests in India or the election in Ecuador on the show? Hopefully the Antifada continues cause listening to that show among others keeps me sane at work.