mafiaprefect [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2022


  • Trump.

    People already couldn't understand why he got the nomination. It was baffling. When he actually won the election over Light Of Our Life Hillary, they were shocked beyond belief. The worst possible thing had happened: they were wrong. When the post-mortems came out, it was unbearable. You mean we really did fuck over the working class? Ouch ouch ouch massive psychic damage (otherwise known as cognitive dissonance).

    Now, they just want to be right about something. Anything! This will fit the bill. Covid was good, but now that the studies are finally coming out, it seems that they were in the wrong again. Cover it up and never talk about it again. With this Putin thing, they finally have a Snowball, an Emmanuel Goldstein, someone that they can get really performatively angry about in public. Someone to be the target of the Two Minutes Hate.

    But even in the dystopia of Airstrip One, the Two Minutes Hate only lasted two minutes a day. On Twitter, it never ends. They can stay in that blessed state indefinitely. It's bliss.

  • mafiaprefect [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankReddit moment
    3 years ago

    LOL forgot about that one. That blog's been dead forever. It's still around though: People who got themselves tattooed in a language they don't understand.

    Oh wait it's not around. The owner deleted the blog. That sucks. Looks like there's still a Flickr group but it's a pale shadow of the original.

    The blog owner had such a wicked slice. How do people think getting permanent markings that they don't understand is a good idea? One lady got herself tattooed with "explosive diarrhea". Yes really.

  • mafiaprefect [none/use name]tomemesMilkBoyGang rise up
    3 years ago

    Drinking milk is inexorably tied with white supremacism. The ability to digest lactose (milk sugar) is not present in most of the global population. It sure is in most whites, though. You've never seen them with milk cartons, sneering at everyone who passes by?

  • mafiaprefect [none/use name]tomemesMilkBoyGang rise up
    3 years ago

    It's fucking expensive is what it is.

    Plus almonds take a ton of water to make and are not sustainable agriculture. California could stop its water crisis overnight if it stopped growing them.

  • mafiaprefect [none/use name]tochapotraphouseDudes Rock
    3 years ago

    Not all people are the same.

    One thing I've noticed in this big wide world is that some people really like their emotions. They just like feeling them all the time, and if they aren't feeling something, they feel lost and empty. Moreover they identify this lack of feeling as coming from others and view it as a personal attack. Like this gf.

    There are other people who are more on an even keel. They like emotions too, but prefer thought. It doesn't mean they feel any less, it's just that they don't have to show it all the time. If they say "I love you," it's good for the week and they don't have to say it four times a day and burst through the door with a shower of kisses.

    People are different.