Thank you @SeventyTwoTrillion for all your effort. :sankara-salute:

Old Map for reference

If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link:

Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to the above list if you can, thank you.



Leftist discussion threads: :kitty-cri-texas:

Others: (Right wing pro Russian , little unhinged about covid , but interesting war analysis, gets quoted by naked capitalism )

( the institute for understanding war link being a neocon American exceptionalism plaything from the kagan family)

Resource for unedited RusFed/Ukraine press conferences/speeches

Twitter military updaters: :kitty-cri:

Global South Perspective:

News updates:


YT/Video in Ukraine:

Previous megathreads



































! RSS Feed

  • Ursus_Hexagonus [he/him]
    2 years ago

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has accused Russia of trying to “blackmail” the European Union with its energy resources but said the bloc was “prepared” for Moscow’s move to curtail gas supplies to member states Poland and Bulgaria.

    Her remarks came after Russia’s state energy giant, Gazprom, earlier said it had halted all gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland after not receiving payment in roubles from the two countries for its exports.

    TIL that it's blackmail when someone doesn't give you a resource after you stopped paying them for it.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 years ago

    One of my better frieds/roommates has a tumor behind his heart and is too weak for a biopsy let alone surgery due to li g term opiate addiction/copd which he got during his 17 year prison stay for robbing banks way back. He got the death penalty, it just took longer. Fuck the police.

  • W_Hexa_W
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    It's time to play... Will There Be A Recession*! It's your host... nah I'm not actually gonna do a whole 7DeadlyFetishes thing don't worry lol

    * in the next year or two.

    On the side of "Yes there will/It's at least somewhat likely", we have:

    Deutsche Bank raised eyebrows earlier this month by becoming the first major bank to forecast a US recession, albeit a "mild" one. Now, it's warning of a deeper downturn caused by the Federal Reserve's quest to knock down stubbornly high inflation. ""We will get a major recession," Deutsche Bank economists wrote in a report to clients on Tuesday.

    Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Dimon said that the ongoing war in Ukraine, high inflation, and the Federal Reserve’s hawkish stance on monetary policy could combine to significantly increase the chances of a recession.

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to rattle financial markets and disrupt the global economy. Several top-flight investors have weighed in on the crisis, warning it could worsen inflation, plunge the US economy into recession, and even transform the world order.

    When will the recession happen? My best guess: Probably not this year, more likely in 2023 or 2024. And the later the downturn comes, the worse it will be.

    Britain’s economy is at growing risk of falling into a summer recession amid the biggest squeeze on household incomes since the mid 1950s, as soaring inflation curtails consumer spending power, forecasters have said.

    Monetary inflation could be curbed if the Fed would reduce its bloated money supply and stabilize the value of the dollar. Instead, our central bank wants to slow the economy and jack-up unemployment. That’s the wrong prescription—and it’s why an unnecessary recession looms.

    Economist Mohamed El-Erian said the Federal Reserve's big steps to tame inflation may be too late and could risk a recession in the US.

    On the side of "No there won't/It's unlikely", we have:

    American chief executives aren’t yet subscribing to fears that red-hot inflation will ultimately tip the economy into recession. Weeks after Wall Street banks kicked off earnings season by saying household finances were in good shape, Main Street firms are lining up to express confidence in the U.S. consumer even as price pressures mount, according to this story from Olivia Rockeman, Reade Pickert and Vildana Hajric.

    Corporate executives are touting the strength of U.S. consumers in the face of surging inflation, assuaging mounting fears of recession.

    What makes this time different from any other is the relatively strong financial position of the average household. Any discussion about inflation and the negative effects on the economy and consumers needs to start with excess savings. The generous social programs instituted by the U.S. government to support the economy through the Covid-19 pandemic allowed consumers to build up an amazingly high cash cushion.

    The odds of a recession are 35%, says one of Biden’s favorite economists

    On the side of "Maybe, I guess?" or some other qualified view, we have:

    “If a recession does materialize, it is more likely to do so in Europe than in the US,” states a recent report from London based consulting firm Capital Economics.

    Over the past couple of months, everyone has been talking about the potential for a recession in the U.S. While this isn’t a negligible risk as I explained earlier, there is a region that’s closer to the proverbial precipice. Europe is both weaker economically and more vulnerable to an exogenous shock.

    Also, fuck FiveThirtyEight!

  • SupFBI [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Am I wrong in thinking that the goal of the West re RU is to prevent it from ever becoming a prosperous, fully-functional nation? There is literally nothing RU could do to get fair treatment and be welcomed into the fold.

    A lesson was learned from China's rise. A strong, healthy Russia must be the thing of nightmares for the cold warrior set. The West still holds a grudge over 1917.

  • xenobian [he/him,any]
    2 years ago

    Yup as expected everyone has more or less do forgotten about the Ukraine war. Even complete media backing of Ukraine and blanket coverage had no chance of changing that. Ukraine got played by the NATO countries and Zelensky is a dumbass. Russia was insane to invade but this is not turning out as bad for them as I thought. They are cut off to a degree from the global economy but so much of the global economy is just pie in the sky bullshit it doesn't matter as much since they can meet their food and energy needs independently (although not being able to import high tech goods will have an impact)

      • LeninsBeard [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Long haired preachers come out every night

        Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right

        But when asked how 'bout something to eat

        They will answer with voices so sweet

        You will eat, by and by

        In that glorious land above the sky way up high

        Work and pray, live on hay

        You'll get pie in the sky when you die

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        2 years ago

        The salvation army also exploits ND people and pays them below minimum wage through labor loopholes.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        2 years ago

        The Preacher And The Slave was written by the legendary IWW organiser Joe Hill and (like several other wobbly songs) set to the tune of a hymn often played by Salvation Army bands.

        It was not at all uncommon for traditional labour songs to be set to popular tunes that workers would already know.

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I did not know that but it's an amazing little tidbit! Thanks for sharing. :heart-sickle:

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I actually already know him a bit, I just don't think I've heard and picked up on that line in that song. He wrote There Is Power In A Union and The Scab and stuff right? Same Joe Hill?

      • xenobian [he/him,any]
        2 years ago

        That's actually very cool to know

        And now of course the phrase is bastardized and used against socialists by accusing US of promising immaterial bullshit instead of concrete solutions

        Yeah it's pretty amazing. I mean Tesla is definitely a trillion dollar company right? Right? 😂

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        "There'll be pie in the sky when you die!"

        I love that the wobblies used to go around picking fights with the starvation army. It's one of my favorite historical facts.

    • anoncpc [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      It's insane, but if you take a step back and think about Putin speech when Stalin made a mistake for letting Hitler invade the Soviet first. Putin probably smell blood see an opening when the west is raddle with inflation and social upheaval, and feel that if he keep waiting, then the Ukrainian would be more prepare to strike first, that's when the west should be able to sort themselves out and give green light for the nationalist to strike the Donbass region, that's when the damage that Russia take would be more than right now.

      • xenobian [he/him,any]
        2 years ago

        I mean insane because that's a huge decision and going against the global hegemon is pretty nuts. Not that they didn't have legitimate grievances but a full scale war was excessive and even they (Russia) have backed off to the east and south now

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          I'm not saying Putin and company were sincere, but there nominal causus belli was to come to the defense of the DPR and the LPR. Ukraine was massing for an invasion of the eastern districts the day Russia invaded.

      • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It's still very much everywhere in the UK, but whatever small degree of the public pretending to give a shit about ordinary people on the ground is now gone. It's all party politicking and stand-in national jingoism now.

      • xenobian [he/him,any]
        2 years ago

        I say this because nobody I know even talks about it and I barely see it mentioned anywhere (but I don't ever watch TV news)

      • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        It never had much attention in my tiny ass town. We hear way more about Bukele than Putin. The city cares about it more but even then it's only those who speak English and consume US media that still care.

  • _metamythical [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I have come to a very unsettling conclusion regarding the mass banning of Russian literature like Doestoevsky. It's not a hysterical reaction by the masses, but a calculated long term strategic initiative to "otherise" Russia as an alien place. When students study such literature they develop affinities for Russian culture and many will eventually travel to these places and develop friendships with Russia.

    • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
      2 years ago

      when this kind of shit happens i wonder how many rich fucks went and exchanged all their cash at the low point, knowing it would bounce back.

      • Yanqui_UXO [any]
        2 years ago

        The same exchange fluctuations have been happening to the Belarusian ruble for obvious reasons. Before the end of Feb it was around 2.4 to 1 USD, then jumped to 4, now is back to around 2.6. When everyone here was buying USD and freaking out, I sold a bunch of my dollars at the highest peak to basically cover 2 months of my rent for free. Now, my rent is only about $200, so not a rich fuck, but still feels like free money.

        • solaranus
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      2 years ago

      The question I have is any of this real? Like anyone who thinks the Russian currency is really worth that, sans central bank chicanery and other govt intervention, is delusional. At the same time you could say the same thing about the dollar and DEFINITELY the euro. So what the fuck does any of this mean. I am genuinely surprised we aren't seeing more headway being made by the Renminbi.

  • SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Pissrealis are chanting "slava ukraini" while in stolen Palestinian lands, while also giving guns to literal anti-semites. The irony isn't lost. Also olodymyr elensky said he wants to turn Ukraine into another Isnotreal.

    :lmayo: nations are mad at South Africa for not giving aid or manpower to Ukraine.

    I also made a guy from Nigeria angry on Quora when I mentioned the double standards wrt Ukraine vs. Palestine/Yemen/Syria, etc. How ironic. Simping for 2 of the countries that hate you the most.


  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    Its so fucking infuriating how twitter morons will buy literally anything a ukraine account says with no critical thinking.

    "Oh ukraine has been watched for over 8 years by so many international orgs and no one has documented any war crimes from Azov" is an actual tweet people are listening to, but you can literally just go over to the website for UNs human rights office and they have dozens of reports, sometimes several per year, of documented incidents in the civil war.

    You can just go there, they're packaged in lovely pdfs, and just wordsearch azov and find like "Woman was arbitrarily detained by Azov militants, assaulted physically, had false confessions extracted from her, suffered sexual abuse and humiliation as militants took photos of her naked bruised body, was handed off to SBU officers who further beat her for several days before letting her go, inquiry started with SBU as to behavior of their officers"(paraphrased from actual incident I skimmed).

  • Kestrel [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Guy walking down the middle of the road in my town with a sign that reads "We are sleepwalking into nuclear war"


  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Bruh what the fuck is Bulgaria doing????? You get 90% of your gas from Russia you can't just say "yeah we're not paying".

    What the fuck is wrong with these countries? Do they think ideals will change the material realities that they live in? Have they seriously snorted their own farts so hard that they've come to believe that?

    It will be a week before literally all industry in the country grinds to a halt in order to keep houses powered. It will be 2-4 weeks before all houses also lose power, by then absolutely massive protests will have formed over the entirety of industry shutting down and nobody having a job to go to.

    These countries are fucking suicidal what the fuck are they thinking. Poland is less-so since they get 40% of their gas from Russia but it's still absolutely bonkers for them to be doing this too.

    Both countries are going to go to shit within the next month if a RADICAL solution doesn't happen within literal days.