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  • ashinadash [she/her]
    27 days ago


    So uh, how are you meant to pee while wearing a skirt? Assuming you are not a Stand To Pee Stacy anyway, the based skirt lifter.

    I've just been pulling the skirt and undies down and sitting Idk. Is there a hack for this?

    • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
      26 days ago

      Depends on the style of skirt I'm wearing but usually I lift the skirt up as I sit down and then continue holding it up while on the toilet. It avoids the skirt getting dirty from the ground or any potential accidents involving it falling into the toilet water, and besides it's the only way you can do it while in a dress. If the skirt is short enough (IE knee length or shorter) then I do just pull down like pants though.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        26 days ago

        Oh okay... hmm. With an ankle length, up seems kinda awkward but you make good points abot water and the ground thonk-trans

      • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
        26 days ago

        This is what I do to, goes up instead of down. Same for a dress.

        I have a romper, it's cute as hell. I get a lot of compliments in it. It's secret is that I have to take it all the way off to pee lol

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      26 days ago

      With long skirts, i find it better to lift them up and hold the bundled up skirt in my hand, they sprawl all over the floor otherwise and i don't want that to happen in front of a toilet. With dresses, you have no other option anyway. Miniskirts i just pull down like pants.

      oh look somebody else already posted the exact same thing lol