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  • LargePenis [he/him]
    3 years ago

    How ridiculous is it that the US and UK are somehow come out as "winners" in the whole covid crisis? Those two countries killed so many of their own citizens, almost wiped out the elderly after doing everything to kill them all and then got access to vaccines in the most predatory and disgusting methods ever known. After failing with literally everything else, both countries have conducted a successful vaccine campaigns and will now be regarded as somehow exemplary and successful by the capitalist media.

    :anglo-burn: :anglo-burn:

    • MelaniaTrump [undecided]
      3 years ago

      I mean I guess they did better than countries that killed massive numbers of their own population and also couldn't roll out vaccines?

  • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Apparently the radlibs think Shaun is a tankie now lol. What is gonna constitute a tankie by the end of the year? Anyone who criticizes the dems?

    • Christ_Lover [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Political twitch streamers were a mistake. Fanbase is rabid, racist, bigoted etc, etc.

      But the thing that baffles me the most is an absolute refusal to read a book, literally any book, but especially a history book both by fans and by streaming personalities themselves. Treating streamers as a substitution for actual learning makes me legit depressed. How can one trust people that literally confessed that they know little to nothing on the topic of socialism? It's just beyond me, I literally can't comprehend what goes inside their heads

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I got hit with some hyper-specific captialism based sadness.

    suddenly things seems inescapable just because a tiny glint of light can be seen, and i’ve felt like i’ve been here many many many times before.

    poverty based depression is so fucking real and it’s incredible how it shows up when you think you’ve escaped the conditions if only slightly.

    • Wmill [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I distract myself as best as I can but feel it all to well too. What helped for me was thinking my economic standing has no bearing to my self-worth. My cats will always love me even if I'm broke since they have no concept of money or status. Hopes this helps in some way :meow-hug:

      • Grownbravy [they/them]
        3 years ago

        it’s a trauma, literally everything has been transient except instability. i have very important changes ready to make, which I saw I was on the cusp of last night, but now it’s like why should i put my hopes into it if so many other things have fallen apart.

        • Wmill [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Until it happens we can't be sure if it's gonna work or not. The one way it won't work is by not trying and maybe if you try a miracle would happen. Miaracles work occasionally but only when we give it our all. I don't know what your doing Grown but I sincerely wish you the best. Give it your all and know no matter what we all still love you :anarchy-heart:

          Sorry if not the best words but never been too good with them.

  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Might fuck around and make an effort-post about how the Book of Revelation is actually an extremely harsh critique of Rome, including oppressive economic systems and its slave trade. Would anyone be interested in that?

    a preview: the four horsemen are all different ways of attacking Rome. The first horseman receives a laurel wreath after massacring 1/4 of the world's population (e.g., Rome conquers through violence and rewards itself with parades and literal laurels). The second horsemen takes peace from earth and violence follows, the point being that the Pax Romana is only maintained by brutal violence. The third horsemen holds market scales and raises prices of grain and barley (e.g., bread), impacting the poor most harshly. The wealthy and powerful (kings, rulers) do nothing but hide, a clear critique of an economic system that is controlled by and benefits the powerful at the expense of the poor. Fourth horsemen is death (followed by Hades). It's just the idea that death comes for us all, rich or poor.

    edit: consider it done comrades, be on the look out for it in the coming days/weeks :rat-salute:

  • dagaypussyeatah [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Really disappointed to see the general anti-ssri stuff some lefties are posting on twitter. Just because they are probably over-prescribed (and to be fair I did literally get my prescription after a 10 minute phone call) it has done an ungodly amount of good in my life.

    I went from a perma-depressed 27 year old virgin loser who had not gone outside for multiple years at points starting from 2013 (triggered by an extremely good time I had at a party with friends, which is something a lot of "depression-skeptical" people dont seem to realize, doing stuff thats good for you and enjoyable can literally make you feel worse after) and who was too depressed and unmotivated to use my usual outlets like video games or movies to less than 4 months later having a job, a car, a boyfriend, just fucked in the back of my car, etc.

    My brain was literally fucked and the fact that I have made as many strides as I have in such a short time is nothing sort of fucking insane. Escitalopram is a literal gift from allah.

    FUCK I'm feeling good rn. (someone sell me a lenin shifter knob please)

    • takoyaki [any]
      3 years ago

      change my view on SSRIs please, I'm generally anti-ssri because of what you said, that they are overprescribed. just because it did good for you doesn't mean that everyone will have the same effect, some girls I know in college are on them and they're constantly drinking, abusing other hard drugs, etc, and these ssris dont help their anxiety (or depression but I dont know them that well to say that).

      I don't mean this in any harm, I guess I'm just not that educated on ssris besides their negative side effects and how rampant they are

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It is a difficult class of mesications. I think we still dont have a great idea about what medications will work which person. So the trial and error part really ends up hurting peoples feelings. Likez my doctor had me do a course of them for ADHD just in case

  • Kanna [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Had to tell a coworker that I need space, especially at my desk, and standing too close makes me uncomfortable. COVID issues aside, I don't understand people who feel entitled to someone else's personal space. Proud of myself for speaking up though. I don't always do that well

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      Trademark is the only form of intellectual property which seems reasonable to me - in a strictly limited, literal sense. Like a coffee farm stamping their sign on their product, or a tool manufacturer doing the same. Not this shit where it is used to sue fanfic writers and whatnot. Especially not this industrial design shit where companies like Apple come out and claim "well, a tablet with rounded corners and no buttons on the front is not a functional choice. It's actually our signature"

      Patents? They're bullshit. Completely meaningless in a world where consumer products broach upon hundreds of individual patents. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The only thing that matters is who owns the means of production. The mythical "smalltime inventor" is going to get fucked by the captialist with the gigafactory no matter what. In practice they are only used to stifle competition and advance monopolization.

      Copyright? Fuck out of here. Maybe 5 years as a compromise, but the whole idea of doing artificial scarcity on information in the digital age is garbage. We need better methods of supporting artists.

      Trade Secret? LMAO. Gulag.

  • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
    3 years ago

    sometimes it feels like some people absorbed the whole "soviets killed 100 million" myth

    and added "and it was based" to it

  • Wmill [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Rodney King uprisings, :acab-2:. direct action works and I love it.

    Good Mega @Lydia short and sweet perfect for my tiny attention span :rosa-salute:

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Have come to the realization that people from the United States are just fucking stupid and I say this as an American. Why can't my fellow citizens fucking read??

    I have spent the past three months at the office reiterating to clients over and over again that there's 6 steps to completing a required update that we've pushed the deadline for back twice. Every time they come in heated as shit "your service isn't WORKING I DID THE UPDATE" and when I look, they definitely did start doing the update but somehow without fail managed to get 5/6 steps done and then said "okay great I'm finished".

    Every one of our clients abroad who has written in about the update has either A.) simply wanted further clarification or B.) had a unique case where they weren't able to do the update.

    90% of the US clients have just written in bitching because A.) they're "not software engineers", B.) they "did" the update (which means they didn't even start) and its not working, or C.) they have finally seen the emails we've sent out every other week urging them to complete the update but didn't bother reading the email or following the link, so they're writing in asking what it means.

    I want to kill myself mainly because I have to put up with this bullshit for 40 hours a week and get yelled at for not being "friendly" when I point clients to the knowledge base article that has the exact steps I'm going to inevitably copy and paste into my response when they write back in saying "PLEASE DON'T LINK ME TO A KNWOLEDEG BASE ARTICLE I'VE ALREADY READ IT"

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    3 years ago

    Alternate reality where the PS2 has four controller ports, somehow causing WW3.

  • FunnyUsername [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Someone tell me I'm not a piece of shit for slacking off at work, I'm having bootlicker brainworms right now

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Still can't believe Hillary Clinton was executed in a secret military tribunal at gitmo yesterday. Rest in peace queen, damn.