Clifford is sending a message that those two white people won't forget
Nice, but for an A+ photoshop they should have changed the release date to Sept 11 and maybe added in the second plane right before it hits the tower
There are actual dogs with orange/red fur, his color looks so weird and unnatural, it's honestly really disturbing looking at him.
Finally, a movie about sitting back and watching the collapse of the United States
Unironically, are there any movies out there worth watching that actually show that?
If this were the real poster/plot I would unironically watch the fuck out of this. Based clifford :swole-doge:
9/11 isn’t real, it was all special effects from Pixar
All those polygons? Turns out they're really bad for your lungs, folks ☠
The blue shade of the other buildings don't match so you can tell it's a quick edit