Expropriation. It sounds cool and it's closer to what we really meant by theft (because libs are going to look at us talking about theft and thinking that means we like robbing homeless people)
libs are going to look at us talking about theft and thinking that means we like robbing homeless people
They would support that though
There's something especially perverse about working to provide a necessary good, yet not being able to afford it yourself because the job you work providing it to others does not pay you adequately.
Anyone who bakes loaves all day just to afford a slice is not free. (p sure I saw this phrase as a Felix the Cat meme somewhere)
Prison is when a man is behind bars and the things of life are outside. But there is another kind of prison, where the things are behind bars and the man is outside.
I said this a few months ago. Elites don't like inflation because the old-school theory is that wages have to increase as well. But inflation is going up and profits of big corporations are also massively up, meaning that most of the inflation is just corporations being more greedy and not raising wages at the same time. Elites will soon start to love inflation.
Wages never rise because of inflation. They rise because workers demand a greater share of the pie to provide their labor, and that only happens when they can negotiate. Inflation makes negotiating harder because it makes it harder for workers to have a stable cushion to fall back on.
The elites have always loved inflation. The idea that inflation is good for workers is pretty much a relic of really specific historical conditions (high levels of consumer debt, which was historically never a "thing", legacy of union contracts which only happened because of Soviet pressure, etc). Normally, inflation is the best way to steal a bigger piece of the pie from your workers because a 3% raise in a 5% inflation world is an easier sell than a 1% cut in a world with 0% inflation, even though the latter is better for the worker. Inflation also helps all those loans you took out to
speculate on cryptogrow your business "pay for themselves"Profit-backed inflation. What a great cover for raising prices during tough times
Pretty much my mom's old job. She used to pick and shop orders for boater kulaks, some of the orders were well over $500 and back at home our fridge only has ketchup in it.
almost every place I've worked was a place I couldn't afford to spend money as a customer.
And we're constantly scaremongered about empty shelves in AES states, yet at the end of the day those people still get what they need, no?
Having shelves pilled up with goods, yet the common people not being able to afford it is insanity. Particularly if you know that most of the stuff will ends up unsold and thrown away.
What right-wingers won't mention in their peddling of "gommunism no food xD" narrative is that many AES states are under sanction from the USA which would explain the people going hungry. There's no excuse for people going hungry under capitalism. There is, you haven't worked "hard enough" but we all know that's bullshit.
I do wonder what hungry people in the USA are going to think when they media tells them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
I do wonder what hungry people in the USA are going to think when they media tells them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Say "BUT THE COMMIE CORPORATIONS WON'T LET ME" and vote for a fascist.
Americans are housebroken weaklings who deserve everything bad that happens to them. They are functionally, morally, and intellectually incapable of actually evaluating the world around them in any way besides culture war shit
I feel really conflicted about agreeing with this so I'm just gonna mash the upbear on and off rapidly a dozen times and whatever happens, happens.
Take the misanthropy pill. Then the news gets funny as you guffaw at the blanks getting their richly deserved fates instead of being sad about some chuds getting covid or whatever
I do wonder what hungry people in the USA are going to think when they media tells them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
It will tell them that a particular scapegoat is involved so they can be fascists
"We complain because growing cocoa is hard work. Now we enjoy the result. What a privilege to taste it" This left me with a low-key guilty feeling.
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Every chance you get, either concealed carry or dumpster dive for a cup, barge into a restaurant, cup hidden in bag/jacket or not, then just help yourself to a refill of your favorite drink on tap. I do this as much a possible. Everywhere I drive, I'm always eyeballing restaurants to see if I can access the drink machines. If the machines are far enough from employee visibility, I tuck away my and move in for that cold refreshing beverage. I prefer big cups, something about soo much cold refreshing beverage just lifts me off. I have several favorite spots. I'm always politely nodding in public, holding doors for grandmas, etc. and nobody knows that I didn't pay for my drink that I'm slurping under my mask with a shit eating grin. I like to spend a long time at the fountain, trying flavors, even though I always settle on the one. I don't mind that paying customers have to wait a little bit on me. I don't take that long anyways. But I could go a really long time, if circumstances allow.
The checkout?
Just grab shit off the loading docks. Half of it is going in the trash anyways.
A lot of good advice regarding that in this thread for anyone who missed it.
There's a store near me that just got those scanners that let you scan your shit as you go. I've forgotten to scan so many things.
Do we have any evidence to point to that corporations are raising prices more than what inflationary pressures should be in order to secure more profit?
We won't be able to find the evidence. I believe uncertainty about future wholesale prices is an inflationary pressure, and the stores could easily argue at the moment there's a ton of uncertainty.
Mayor Pete knows where the bread price bodies are buried.
is there any data on what actual food items/ingredients are going up? Ignoring beef, and de-emphasizing other meats, of course, because that's really obvious. The article is really sparse on food prices themselves.