Okay you libs and feds it's almost the new year. Get your predictions in for what's gonna happen next year. Political/electoral, public health, pop culture, Kissinger's heart, whatever the fuck you want. And no smearing each other, we'll all probably look like fools anyway.

Gimme your hot takes, your cold takes, and your future mis-takes. In a year we can all have a good laugh about how wrong we were. To prove I'm not a revisionist :LIB: I'll go over my 2021 predictions from December 2020 in the spoiler. ( https://hexbear.net/post/66982/ )


"Kissinger lives another year" - Got it, unfortuantely. :inshallah: still a day to be wrong

"There will be exactly one more stimulus check" - yup

"Some intelligence state thing will happen but it’ll be forgotten in a week, not a month." - if this happened i forgot it

"There will still be COVID restrictions in the fall, but very few of them. Most - but not all - of the US will not need them." - nope, we definitely still need them

"Olympics actually happen, with heavy COVID restrictions in place. It results in super-spreading in the Global South." - right about the olympics, not sure about the super spreading but doesn't seem like it?

"Kyle Rittenhouse will be convicted of murder. George Floyd’s killers will get manslaughter." - missed 'em both. Rittenhouse walked, Chauvin bit it. Accomplices' trial was pushed to early 2022.

But this thread is about y'all posting your own takes, :bloomer: , :doomer: , or anything in between. I'll post mine in the comments later.

  • Downanotherday [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Nothing will fundamentally change.


    … besides the climate. That shit going to be wilding.

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    CTH will end or they'll announce they're ending it.

    Republican takeover of congress (easy guess).

    The beginning of paid covid vaccines.

    Winter crisis in Jan/Feb followed by spring storm crisis followed by record heatwaves followed by bad fire and hurricane season (easy guess).

    Retail inventory bubble around early summer, bringing on tons of sicko reactions from hexbear.

    Hexbear rebrands, again.

    Amber Frost gets a Netflix deal to adapt Dirtbag into a TV show.

    There is a murder over metaverse property

    Student Loan freeze extended into the fall.

    Trump gets his twitter back.

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Joe Biden surprise appearance on Colbert to introduce the Singing Nurses. On that day 12,000 americans will die of covid and an additional 3,000-5,000 will freeze to death in Texas and the lower midwest

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I just can't bring myself to even think about it anymore. It'll be at least nine times dumber than anything posted here. A Flamingo will be declared Pope and it turns out that Spain never existed.

  • Owl [he/him]
    3 years ago
    1. Two significant new COVID variants. One will eat 10% off vaccine effectiveness, the other will just blow through the unvaxxed. There won't be any significant changes in deadliness of the virus itself, but treatments will get better.

    2. A novel climate disaster. It won't cause as much death and destruction as the tornadoes, droughts and wildfires we're all familiar with, but it'll really make you go "what the shit." Wildfires will hold steady from last year, while droughts and wind storms get worse.

    3. Everything of substance that the US federal government does will be a way to not do anything, or cut commitments to do something. Extending the student loan freeze is a gimme. They'll also spend a lot of money on bogus contracts that don't do anything, mostly military, many of them at odds with common sense or basic physics.

    4. There will be significantly more strike and union action than this year, like 3x the rate by year's end. The success rate of major strikes will be incredibly high, but people won't yet realize that this means they should be demanding more.

    5. A crazed right-wing mob will lynch a minor elected official, like a county sheriff or a member of a school board. We're all going to be shocked and scared for a while, but it's not going to matter a lot in the long run.

    6. Something will happen in April that makes all our predictions look really dumb for not taking it into account.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago
    • A Western European country bans Muslim names
    • "Tankie" becomes an official type of violent political extremism in western law enforcement reports.
    • COVID goes on and on and on. The typhoid Mary governments of the west will continue to hoard vaccines and refuse efficient quarantine measures which will keep the pandemic going.
    • Western government will express their support when the Ukraine constructs a monument to the WWII anti-communist freedom fighter Woychezlaw the Jew-slayer.
    • The death of the British queen is announced. The EU gets the blame. Jeremy Corbyn will be denounced for going and/or for not going to the funeral.
    • Joe Biden will fall asleep and/or soil himself on live television. Liberals will pretend it never happened.
    • Macron becomes president of France running on a platform of competent fascism. Anti-racist organising is banned for being antisemitic.
    • The Zionist occupation force in Palestine commits major atrocities while clearing land for new settlements. Western leaders will make passionate statements about the Zionist statelet's right to "self-defence"
    • Republicans win the US midterms. Democrats agree to blame progressives. AOC puts out a statement scolding people for voting green party.
    • The treat situation gets worse. This makes westoids even more insane and right-wing.
    • Kissinger survives, sitting on a throne of skulls.
  • BrookeBaybee [she/her,love/loves]
    3 years ago

    At least one of Biden, Feinstein, and/or Pelosi bites it

    At least one of Trump, McConnell, and/or Grassley bites it

    There will be much civility surrounding the latter that will not be repaid surrounding the former

  • pumpchilienthusiast [comrade/them, any]
    3 years ago
    1. Nothing will change except it will get worse.
    2. This will be the stupidest year in American history, a record that will be broken by every subsequent year in American history.
  • HodgePodge [love/loves]
    3 years ago
    1. Roe vs wade is going to die faster than a fetus in an abortion clinic.

    2. Democrats get the shit kicked out of them in midterms.

    3. Probably something moderately bloomer about trans rights because more rich people are starting to have their eggs crack so now they kind of give a fuck.

    4. China is going to do multiple based things that make liberals shit their pants and say racist dogshit as they :cope:.

    5. At least 1% of the US population will die of covid or covid related illnesses.

  • cawsby [he/him]
    3 years ago

    No Build Back Better but a bipartisan anti-piracy bill that puts people in prison.

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      $20 that it is sponsored by companies pushing into developing metaverses and not wanting IP stolen

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My predictions:

    1. Due to increased supply of therapeutics in the Global North and vaccines in the Global South, COVID kills fewer people in 2022 than in 2021.

    2. The WHO declares COVID to be an endemic virus by the end of 2022.

    3. Every country on Earth will experience significant COVID spread in 2022, even those that suppressed it in 2021.

    4a. Roe v. Wade is overturned...

    4b. ...which leads to an ourpouring of support for Democrats in the midterms, giving the incumbent party their best midterm election since 2002...

    4c. ...and it still isn't enough to stop the GOP from taking both houses of Congress in November.

    1. Lula is elected president of Brazil. Macron is re-elected president of France.

    2. Kissinger lives another year.

    3. A scaled-back reconciliation bill of approx. $1.5T is passed with Joe Manchin's support.