Odds that Biden's nominations just get totally shut down from congress until he loses in 2024?
Think I would actually die laughing if that happened
I like another possibility...
Biden nominates Mike Dipshit. Dipshit is slightly center-right but the libs force themselves to pretend that he's good enough. His confirmation process totally surprises the libs. He cruises through. The senate vote is 64-36. After Dipshit's on the court Mitch McConnell has a hot mic moment where he can be heard saying "Dipshit is one of us," and he chuckles like a sick chicken.
A few days later the libs are agitated. There's a rumor that the hot mic moment was staged and Dipshit is one of them. Then it's a couple weeks of breaking news. Dipshit hid his ties to an extremist libertarian group that compared taxes to the Holocaust. And Dipshit also hid his religious past. He had been a member of a extremist Christian church known for it's hardline anti-abortion views and its hatred of blacks, Jews, gays, and "other denigrates". Dipshit remains incommunicado. The libs are panicked and mad at Biden: "Who the fuck is Mike Dipshit really?"
Biden has a particularly tumultuous press conference involving covid, Russia, the economy, among others. Biden is clearly a tired old man but he has enough common sense to deflect Dipshit questions promising "everything will be fine. Just fine." Biden leaves the podium and a reporter shouts out to the back of Biden's baby-like head "Did you even vet the guy?" Biden comes to a dead stop and freezes up. He turns around and marches right back to he podium and the mic.
He's clearly angry and flustered. When he talks spittle clearly shoots out of his mouth: "Justice Dipshit is not a 'guy'. He is Justice Dipshit. Don't you forget it. He is an honorable man and we asked him many questions..." The press core smells blood in the water and for a torturous three minutes Biden tries to explain what "we asked him many questions" means.
In the next few days it turns out that Biden's team didn't actually do a single thing to vet Dipshit. He met with them a few times and as he baldly lied about everything they accepted his answers as gospel. Dipshit breaks his silence in a short tweet by saying "Abortion is a sin and America is a white Christian nation." Libs go apeshit and the elections are a horrorshow for the dems. They get crushed in the worst bloodbath in history. There isn't even a close second.
Libs go apeshit and the elections are a horrorshow for the dems. The get crushed in the worst bloodbath in history. There isn’t even a close second.
More likely libs vote for dems because republicans would have nominated Bob Fascist instead, so they need to do harm reduction. It's still a horrorshow for the dems, but that's because the GOP media convince a bunch of swing voters that Mike Dipshit is a communist.
The sad thing is that Bob Fascist is actually super left wing but he's always misjudged because of the name
Or he surprisingly picks someone who's actually quite decent... and then Manchin and Sinema block him.
That doesn't make for a good story but it is certainly a strong possibility. And it would be pretty funny too.
The law of Cushbomb says that that would be very dumb, so it will 100% happen
They probably pressured him into doing this now in anticipation of getting fucking owned this November
The Republicans will (with assists from the usual dipshits) delay until 2022 when the Senate will be like 60-40 Republican and Biden will "have" to nominate Jeanine Pirro.
Sweet, we can lock in that third seat and maintain our... :very-smart: zero influence over the most powerful governing body in the country!
Which, it cannot be said often enough or loudly enough, has no legal power determine whether laws are constitutional or not. That's just something everyone lets them do. The POTUS could ignore them at any time with no recourse or repercussions.
I mean the court ruling is technically a legal power, isn't it? Or is it a tautology where they gave themselves the power to give themselves the power
They claimed to have the power based on deduction from the constitution. There's no document or law that actually says they have power. They very literally just said "We have this power" and everyone rolled with it. And the times when the President said "lul fuck you you have no power" the SCOTUS just flailed and squirmed because they do not, in fact, have any actual power.
There’s no document or law that actually says they have power
ok but how is this any different from how people treat the "explicit" textual powers conveyed from a constitution, say? what document or law empowers the constitution? the document of the "Constitution" is not a source of talismanic power; it's simply one more touchstone in a sea of sources of law, others of which include the Court's decisions.
all of these can be analytically ignored, the decisions of the Court or any reading of constitutional text. their power comes from the fact that they are, mostly, respected as law, but that need not be the case, just as american's no longer respect english parliment as sovereign.
You're right in the sense that it's all just handshake agreements and norms. I just think it's notworthy that the branch of government that nominally has veto powers on all laws doesn't actually derive that power from anything stated in the text, or intended by the people who designed the government. It's arguably the most consequential power of any branch of government and it's just something they decided they could do one day. Maybe on the same level as the President just deciding that he can declare wars unilaterally without input from Congress.
has no legal power determine whether laws are constitutional or not
that's a big, almost sovereign citizen level, stretch. just because judicial review isn't explicitly conveyed to the Court in the plain text of the constitution, doesn't mean there's no basis in law. and even if marshall's arguments weren't good, just as a matter of positive law, yeah, the very fact that the entirety of american jurisprudence has the SC making these decisions, which are respected as binding and precedential, suggests that they are arbiters of consitutional law. the "bad man" listens to what the Court says, if we are being cleareyed and pragmatic about it.
but sure, yeah, potus could ignore the SC, just as it could seize congress, or quarter troops in your home, or take your personal firearms, or whatever: any justification given would accepted, so long as everyone lets them do it, lol.
A few years ago, when I was just a dumb law student, I had a brief period where I would watch interviews with the SCOTUS judges, in particular the ones with Scalia and RBG. I figured they were both decent representatives of their different schools of thought, even if I didn't really agree with Scalia's general opinions. Then someone pointed out his ruling in 2000 Bush v. Gore, as well as his absolutely insane support for the CIA torture programs, and the indefinite detentions in Guantanamo, and it all just unraveled. So even prior to discovering Chapo and leftism in general, I had given up all my respect for judges and their institutions. Working in a law firm then solidified those feelings, because half those cases had no fucking point to them, and were just being filed because a rich asshole got angry at his neighbours or something.
the funniest possible outcome is appointing :hillary-apartment:
She turns it down, because she wants to be President first... and then gets completely owned in the election again.
They're gonna nominate Liz Cheney as a unity candidate on the Supreme court
But there's an election coming up so soon. We should wait to hear the will of the people in November
Will the next justice be from Harvard or Yale? place your bets now. We know it won't be anywhere else, they already have their outsider with Barret being from the upstart university of Notre Dame.
Honestly ban people from prestigious universities from most important jobs. And then just ban those universities.
:popcorn-time: "sorry folks but we just couldnt get the senate to approve a replacement, looks like president trump will have to appoint him. remember to vote blue no matter who!" –democrats 2024
And then tens of thousands of t-shirts and mugs will be sold in honor of her being confirmed
Justice Donald Trump Jr incoming, so Biden can say he reached across the aisle.
:biden-troll: folks let me level with you. I spoke with the former president, and he’s assured me that Justice Donald Jr is a good kid.
Replacing a judge when you control both houses is the literal bare minimum for governance. I give them 50/50 odds
Why don't we lathe something good...
Biden learns resurrection technology. He gets the most preserved corpse he can find, Lenin's. Lenin convinces him to nominate him for Supreme Court, and also to drone the rest of the justices. In a 1-0 decision, it is decided that left-wing revolution is completely legal.
Finger on Monkey's Paw curls, the revolution is lead by Shining Path MLMs
The plot of Metal Gear Solid 4 but the Patriots are all monkey NFTs
Megathread: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire : politics
Edit / Spoiler alert
Libs should get an electric shock every single time they joke about what Mitch McConnell will do. The same goes for their jokes about Manchinema. Jesus fuck, libs, get new fucking material.
how about professor Anita Hill
I wish Michelle would let Obama be appointed
A current top comment...
I’m placing my bet on Ketanji Brown Jackson. She’s very accomplished, young, a former clerk of Breyer, former editor of the Harvard law review and has the benefit of being recently confirmed to the US circuit court and confirmed with a senate vote of 53-44 in June, including confirmation from manchin and sinema. Good luck to McConnell on blocking her
iStayedAtaHolidayInn comments on Megathread: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire