Copped from SLS, no link :jokerfication:
Still remember the time me and my buddy trolled the fuck out of Stormfront by suggesting that since they believed Jewish people were a subspecies of human, that they could effectively breed out Judaism with superior Aryan stock like early Homo Sapiens did with Neanderthals
Started up a week long struggle sessions over there over the validity of genetics and the One Drop Rule
Good times
It was always fun to either say "Christianity is the light" or "paganism is the light". That would always cause fights.
Homo Sapiens did with Neanderthals
when you drop the N-word with the hard R on the subhumans
What about Chinese and white people? Or is that OK because qt 3.14 azn gf?
They tried to pretend to care about women's and LGBT rights to invoke a genocide on Muslims...
now they expect us to believe they care about Muslims in order to support a genocide on the Han Chinese? Who just so happen to be one of the largest rising possible checks to Anglo supremacy?
I know they think everyone except them are blithering idiots....but come on, this is just insulting.
No way it's not. Even the most casual lib knows what that place is, or would be easily able to guess
No, he is absolutely insistent that he had never heard of Stormfront before and that it was an honest mistake that truly anyone could make, and he gets extremely mad about it if you keep calling him Stormfront Steve.
The "honest mistake" of linking a website that says "White Pride World Wide" right in the header.
Bit idea someone good with logo/font design should make a stormfrontlogo that says reddit.
A reverse :reddit-logo:
I am not nearly good enough.
Fun fact: Hitler hated Fraktur and condemned its use, but neo-nazis didn't get the memo.
This is literally 30 seconds of effort, so it would probably be easy to do better, but it looks like you can get close using (this is the "Squealer" font).
hell yeah now my geocities website will look fucking rad
You should post it in ! .
I recommend naming is :stormfront-logo:
One day we will get a emoji update.
I am sure one random cpc offical told tge neets in his town to go get a country girl. That sounds like a boomer thing to say. And it'd be good for them to go touch grass and meet new people. Plus it would get money out there and help the place integrate now that us backed terrorism is less of a threat.
However saying it over a cup whiskey at the bar isn't really policy
Bit idea: claiming that this is how the cultural revolution originally started, and the party just sort of ran with it.
is he just some crackpot with 300 followers? is he significant somehow?