the ridiculousness of the post aside, "trying to think of times they've felt pain the past, but because they've led such sheltered, cotton-balled lives" is actually kind of a good line
This is the end result, terminal 4chan contrarian brain. Nothing can be enjoyed because everything is reddit adjacent and bad. Do not catch terminal contrarian brain.
I have terminal contrarian brain, nothing can be enjoyed because everything is capitalism and bad. (damn if i dont still end up enjoying myself by shitting on everything all the time tho)
ascribing really norming if not trite proverbs and observations to reddit thing is the lamest shit ever ngl.
Can't believe reddit would invent pc culture and bigotry.
It's funny cause this person is projecting. They are a reddit human . They saw House when they were kids and thought "to be smart I have to be a total dick head" so they became hateful black specks of nothhing whos only redeemable quality is that we can laugh at them in screenshot form on the inertnet. Imagine seeing somebody enjoying rain and going "those assholes think they are so smart." A lot of people who like rain just enjoy the excuse to chill inside and nap all day.
you like rain because you want to look deep and smart.
I like rain because pitter patter on window
We are not the same.
I like the rain... It makes me genuinely happy not sad. :shrug-outta-hecks:
i like light drizzles the most. its like nature is trying to kiss and tickle me :Care-Comrade:
Yeah, rain is nice
It makes the air smell clean, you get to see all the worms come up out of the dirt and you can freak out the squares by dressing up like one of the Strangers from Dark City
It's cozy, the sound drowns out the road noise, and it cuts down on the allergens, the likelihood of someone knocking on your door is lower.
I grew up in a desert and lived in constant fear/reality of drought, so rain feels like life
That early morning drizzle on a cold autumn morning as fog rolls in from the woods, is where it's at. Especially if you can catch sight of the transpiration emerging from the treeline just right and it looks like it's raining backwards.
Same. I grew up in Florida so I love a good storm — it always meant summertime or hurricane days. I've lived in New England for a long time and I can count on one hand the number of truly good rainstorms that we've had here in that time.
I like rain :( and it's not even cause of the smartness. I just like sitting at home and reading books and trying to stay warm
The person who posted this on 4chan is more Reddit than you could ever hope to be so I think you're good
He's not trying to make anyone laugh, he's trying to make everyone as miserable as he is
For my favorite birthday as a kid, my parents took me and some family friends to pizza during a summer shower. We ate under a covered patio while it downpoured, and when we'd finished the pizza we ran outside to splash and play in the storm drains until the rain dried up. The sound of water in motion is the most beautiful thing on earth to me - there's nothing sad about it.
how was everyone on the internet somehow a gifted child was there a test to join I somehow bypassed
A teacher came up to me and grabbed about 6 people out of my classroom because we were too good at maths.
Even on here so many people say they used to be a gifted child. I hate that lame shit lol.
Okay, I don't think I could ever sneer and be annoyed at something as trivial as imagining people moping while looking at the rain.
A leaf falls in the forest
It thinks it's smart but it isn't smart
I'm smart
If this was a Felix bit instead of a weird 4chan screengrab it would be right up there with hot couch guy
Internet people have hard lives because they can't accept that other people feel the way that they do. It's childish at best, dehumanizing at worst. Other people can be just as sad or whatever as you. It's your own fault that you choose to categorize others as "normies" when you have much more in common than you think. A bit narcissist, actually.
Funny when the guy tries to make it seem like other "reddit" people have to pretend to like drinking tea. Another classic kid behavior - only I'm cool enough to actually like drinking tea lol