Seems valid
I don't understand people who defend twitch streamers generally.
He's just some guy in his basement who is on video for hours putting out poorly researched takes that I could come up with if I were lazy (considering that I heard one of his research streams was reading wikipedia).
PhilosophyTube clearly reads books so I respect her. Vaush doesn't come across as a guy who ever read a book, and I don't read enough books, so why the fuck would I listen to him.
Idk maybe I mellowed out more since I can't even be mad at these online people, just confused at their existence. Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson used to sincerely piss me off but now I just ignore it because there's no point since I don't know anyone who takes him seriously (although I used to know JBP fans)
Lolita is pretty plainly anti-pedo. More than likely, he just got a version of the book with an abominable, sexualized cover and just leaves it on his shelf.
Not if you are stupid enough. It's a book where the narrator definitely tells you what he is doing is normal and good, you have to realize he is lying. If you don't think critically at all, you will just believe him. Vaush and his fans show a lack of critical thinking, so I wouldn't doubt this very easy to pick up on untrustworthy narration would soar over his head like an eagle
I don't think he's read Lolita, I think he's probably watched lolicon-bait anime though.
I feel like Gigi would be more his speed, it's much shorter
For him, the pros are that she is actually property, but the con is that she has some agency
I've said before that V*ush is what you get when you outsource your own self-education to a streamer/influencer.
Self-education through reading is hard and slow. Watchimg a YouTube video, following someone on Twitter, or putting a stream on in the background is easy. Its instant gratification versus the long haul.
You're self-aware about how little you actually know about most things. Very, very few people are like that. Most people who loudly and confidently make their Opinions known are idiots who make up for a real lack of knowledge with supreme self-comfidence in their own innate intelligence. And it can be very easy to believe them if you aren't consciously self-motivated to learn things the hard way.
There are just as many terrible opinions in books as there are on Twitch.
If video, or live presentation, even in the background, gets you to take in info, go for it. Just be careful about what you spend your time taking in.
This is why I love the Deprogram pod so much. It's just guys being dudes making juvenile jokes, but actually knowing what they are talking to and delivering our ideas wrapped in the sort of humor your average person likely engages in with their own friends.
It isn't even enjoyable.
Like watching someone stick a heroin needle into their eyeballs to try and find a part of themselves that isn't dead.
they invested time and money into it and are engaged in the chat community and because of that community and parasocial relationship with the streamer that occasionally might engage with them the feeling of temporarily not being alienated ultimately drives them to go to great lengths to double down and defend both bad political positions and just bad human beings who are streaming because they don't want to go back to feeling alone and miserable, which they inevitably will have to go through to just deal with reality. i went through this a while back and unfortunately know IRL people like that and a bunch of unnamed online weirdos like that. the only ones who benefit out this system are the streaming platform owners and the streamers themselves and capitalism certainly promotes the worst types of voices to the top of the pyramid, so its no wonder a bunch of counter-revolutionary fake socialists propped up while the legit communist and anarchist streamers get blocked off the recommended list and banned for silly minor offences all the time, which is not to say many of those don't also have toxic echo-chamber cult-like environments that they maintain but at least some have slightly better modes of analysis and theory and do some research though I'm soured on the concept of petit-borgeous streaming businesses as a way to do anything apart from org fundraising at this point
just post the squirrel with the huge dong vacuuming cars and shit with the tip and be done with it
I've recently been thinking critically about SandyCheeksCockVore. After hours of research I must say I have hit a dead end. It is truly a mystery what lies within the cock of Sandy Cheeks. Think of it as a sort of like a black hole, no one knows what's on the other side. Is the Sandy Cheeks in our universe just a mere doorway into another whole dimension of Sandy Cheeks Cock Vore? We may never know. All we know is that Sandy Cheeks is a higher being (likely from another plateau of existence) of unprecedented strength. All of those who attempted to enter the vacuum have never returned. The SCP foundation has attempted to subjugate her to little avail.
All we can do is worship Sandy Cheeks, and her massive cock. Hopefully we'll get answers one day...
Are you implying the bull worm became her peen? :confusion:
ahem Excuse me, that would be formally referred to as Sandy Cheeks cock vore :theory-gary:
This is how the world ends; not with a bang, but with a SCHLOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRPing sound as the universe is compressed into a singularity within Sandy's giant, cosmic bepis.
so for real: How does he have followers and defenders? Do they just willfully ignore everything he says about underage kids? Or do they acknowledge but think it's not a problem? I don't understand.
So much of the shittiest, most banal content on the internet can be explained by this. Bored impressionable children consume soooooo much content and are a gigantic demographic for anyone looking to be internet famous
“That was out of context, go back and actually engage with the relevant content (4000+ hours) if you are willing to discuss this In good faith”
They have debated themselves into the position with facts and logic to prove some kind of devil’s advocate point, they are just contrarian children and think it’s edgy and funny to rhetorically justify pedophilia
I'm gonna post one hell of a take here. Past a certain point (a fairly high point, to be fair), treats don't make you happier. Do phones, cars and computers make you happier? The living standards of coastal Americans could dramatically fall and just the improvement in agency and community socialism entails would still make a lot of people happier than they are now.
It's hard to tell. Some deny it and then defend it. Others seem to not know.
I've had some claim that he never threatened to rape a girl who repeatedly turned down his advances, or if he did he sorta apologized for it so it's fine now.
I hate having to share the internet with teenagers and all the stuff their impressionable minds inflate in value like debate pedo streamer man. If teenagers didn't hang out online you'd never hear about him.
Not really fair to blame this on teens. GenZedong is cool and can only have a fraction of members not teens.
Don't blame this one on The Youth™, literally everyone i know under ~25 is left and the ones that watch streamers exclusively watch gaming shit - yeah, it'll still nuke your braincells but at least its not this guy. I'm pretty sure his popularity is just neoliberals being fucking unbearable (and/or, as the post suggests: :fedposting: )
The only people that have been seen viewing Vaush in public are cops and US soldiers, so you're probably right lol
Small places the us props up to oppose a threat to hegemony. Lots of weapon grift. People support them as anti-fascist for fighting designated enemies, despite having extensive fascist histories and governments. US really wants an invasion.
There is a lot to compare. Hopefully there will not be more to compare, however I can guarantee the weapons contractors and intelligence community want those comparisons to increase.
Right, a Ukrainian flag post invasion is actualy much more understandable
Imagine if he is being forced to say this, can you imagine that headspace? Having to fake political beliefs and debate and fight people who are clearly smarter than you, having to be a ham demon on line and being worshipped for piss-poor takes, becoming rich by screaming at anyone trying to make the world a better place, because you downloaded cp and the feds gotcha? I can't imagine living that way.
His parents are rich and I believe he works in IT, because of course he would. I assume he does it for the revolving carousel of impressionable teens and is just a useful idiot if he isn't on any watch lists.
I'm just going off of what the tweet says, I don't really think he was forced to do any of this. It's still possible, I don't know the guy(thank God), I just thought it was an interesting hypothetical.
Sorry I wasn't meaning to sound like I took you seriously. I feel like being a CIA asset is as reasonable of a conclusion as anything else about him.
good explanation for why vaush is less of a "libertarian socialist" (as he calls himself) and more of a democrat-supporting neoliberal.
edit: meant to say libertarian
He already sounds like Rush Limbaugh, seriously what does anyone see in this dipshit?
Do feds regularly turn pedos into assets? This is the first I'd ever heard of feds taking a debate bro and making him spew talking points
Its sorta a pedophilia thing they all seem to get info on each other and hold guns to there heads with videos, plus pretty sure the cia has admitted this before. That's why epstein whole thing was so spokey like two people get shit canned but yet no one else is magical involved yet the operation clearly was massive. Anyhow not to derail but yeah vaush could compromised in this way.
When Chris Morris made his comedy film The Day Shall Come trying to expose the use of assets/informants by the US government he specifically made one of the assets a pedophile that the government was using because he was Arab/Muslim background and could help entrap other Muslims as terrorists. Chris seems to have done a bunch of research into this topic so I'm guessing it's accurate.
It sucks because even when it is ostensibly something good - hurricane relief or anti-rape campaigns or whatever - it is so transitory as to be functionally meaningless over any time horizon.
You can only fit so many bumper stickers on your profile, so everything old has to fall off the back end to make room.
Sorry Climate Change. Sorry Migrant Rights. Sorry BLM. New Thing Just Dropped. We don't have time for you anymore.
The chuds and libs both, sure. But even when its sincere, its paper thin. How long until the Ukrainians that the UK fast-tracked through immigration are getting pillared as moochers and looters?
Meh. Hitler said he liked dogs.
They're both terminally online enough to see the trends. Hell, Elon's profited handsomely off "Current Thing". How many of his businesses are just grifts to monetize a momentary surge in investor enthusiasm?
They might suck as humans, but they're not wrong here. Americans - particularly Vaushites and the like - get dragged around by the nose all the time. They behave like they're changing the world, but their legacy is merely a pile of hashtags nobody ten years from now can decipher.
Clout-seeking edgelord apathy is very long in the tooth and it needs to die already
I haven't seen anything to suggest chuds are particularly apathetic.
Meanwhile, I've found the Fedposting to be the popular excuse among leftists to stand idle.
posting le edgy meme about how it’s stupid to support those things is worse
Pretending to support national soveignty - particularly of reactionary governments - is stupid and deserves to be called out.
A pedophile has a successful career as an influencer? I'm guessing his entire audience is white.
I still remember him getting into a spat with a terf and he was so explicitly sexist that he somehow ended up making her look good in comparison.
That terf was Jk Rowling. :agony-mescaline: