We're not voting for him libs, get the fuck over it already lol.

  • DasRav [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Why vote blue? If you live in a swing state you are one of the few people with actual power to sway the election. Unless you have an actually good reason to vote bloo, which I assume from how you phrased it you don't, means that you not voting bloo is the best message you could send. Probably the best of all would be a blank presidential vote and whoever is progressive down-ticket.

    • CrookedRd [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      This is exactly my swing state strategy. The thing that gives me the most confidence is that biden straight up.told me not to vote for him. I lose zero sleep on this decision.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          When you vote for Biden you’re essentially approving his platform.

          Lol not remotely. He has no meaningful platform, for starters. Voting is an extremely limited political tactic, not some sort of moral endorsement.

            • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
              4 years ago

              yeah he does have a platform

              But no meaningful platform. He doesn't care about it, his supporters don't care about it, the odds of him passing anything significant are slim, etc. It's just "hey remember Obama?"

              it’s an opportunity to make clear that you don’t support something

              You can't make anything clear with your vote, because a vote isn't a message, and the left doesn't control mainstream messaging outlets. Literally zero of the reasons you have for voting the way you do will be communicated to anyone unless you personally tell them. The messaging is all done after the fact, by people in the media.

          • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            succDems are so mentally weak its a joke

            They have no moral compass or sense of decency but instead are cowed at the fake hype that Biden is less worse than Trump

            Imagine writing rape apologia like this

            And heads up: i can make a very convincing arguement that Biden is worse than Trump as all the countries suffering under the jackboot of imperialism want Trump to win

              • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                Can start with under Obama/Biden

                • the dems took 3 wars to 7

                *Opened concentration camps on the Mex border

                • imprisoned more whistleblowers than every previous president combined under Obama/Biden

                *Obamas renege on his 2008 campaign and all his promises led directly to Trump

                Conversely Trump has not started a new major war

                But honestly if you can torture yourself mentally into having any respect for yourself after voting for Biden you're a shitlib and a lost cause

                  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                    4 years ago

                    And heads up: i can make a very convincing arguement that Biden is worse than Trump as all the countries suffering under the jackboot of imperialism want Trump to win

                    Looks like you struggle to read for comprehension if you think I'm "defending Trump" so I've just repeated what I said back to you ^

                    You’re the one putting way too much weight on electoralism

                    Oh only 2 comments up you said:

                    I’m voting against Trump. Yeah it sucks to do it

                    Nope - you're the one here focused on electoralism trying to get people to vote for a Rapist and writing rape apologia to do so

                    you sound like a larpy 15 year old

                    If larping means being an active member of a Communist Party then yes I'm a larper.

                    that thinks winning arguments on the internet has any value.

                    How I'll sleep the day after the election knowing my 3rd party vote cost you your favourite candidate winning

                      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                        4 years ago

                        I’ll vote for Biden and not really give a shit if he loses.

                        That's fine. Endorse a rapist, a segregationist and a guy that destroyed an entire generation of black lives

                        When the contradictions of capital come to the fore and the proletariat are on the move see you on the other side of the fence

                              • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                                4 years ago

                                Yup no proletarian revolutions ever happen.

                                Nope just bite your tongue and vote for Biden lol you fucking shitlib

                                  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                                    4 years ago

                                    They certainly do happen when you're a Succdem whiny loser crying on the net about voting for Biden to be "against Trump" cos you're a fucking cuck for Biden

                                    /r/TheMueller is that way buddy

                                    They're gonna impeach him (again) any day now lol

                                    Look if you want to vote for Biden that's great but fuck off to neoliberal instead of pretending you're any stripe of principled marxist

                                      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                                        4 years ago

                                        erm no actual purity tests (as you so illuminatingly put it) is what keeps a Marxist party free of liberalism

                                        It's called purging

                                        And no lol no libs are gonna be needed for a revolution

                                        Go read some fucking Marx instead of talking to me you useless cuck for Biden

                                          • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                                            4 years ago

                                            You would be if a Marxist party was stupid enough to let you in but I seriously doubt you would last beyond a 30 min conversation before being dismissed lol


                                            • advocating voting for a rapist

                                            • advocating voting for a capitalist

                                            • advocating voting for a segregationist

                                            • advocating voting for an imperialist

                  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
                    4 years ago

                    Wow, you really do struggle with reading for comprehension

                    On a serious note I would urge you to study and better your reading for comprehension skills. It is a valuable life skill


                    I'll go ahead and repeat a third time the key sentence I want you to understand and I'll leave it up to you whether you think I'm "supporting Trump" or whether I'm demonstrating the bit I've boldened

                    And heads up i can make a very convincing arguement that Biden is worse than Trumps all the countries suffering under the jackboot of imperialism want Trump to win

      • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        What do you think will be the consequences of rewarding the DNC for their present conduct?

      • DasRav [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        President Kamala sounds good to you? If they keep being worse and worse and yet you keep rewarding them, you are the fool and not them and you don't get to complain. The fact that you say not voting helps trump shows how fucking shackled you are to the two party system and the idea that there is no other choice.

        Yea Trump is terrible. But he only caused the Dems to also be even worse then before instead of better. Being the marginally lesser evil has been their only selling point at least since Nixon.

        They will not learn without resistance. We have to make them understand that there is a limit. They have to lose or they will absolutely not change. To be fair I don't think they will change enough of they lose, but losing twice to trump is the best wake up call I can imagine.

          • DasRav [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            If it doesn't matter then why are you gonna vote at all?

            I am condescending because we can't coddle each other like children over this stuff. If we can't talk candidly to each other then what can we do? I believe quite firmly that a vote for the lesser evil is always the wrong choice. If neither party is able to even promise you a thing you want, then it makes no sense to vote for either party. And a thing you want can't be one party saying 'we will not piss on you if you are on fire' and the other saying 'well we might be convinced to piss on you under the right circumstances'. Yes that is two distinct choices and you can rank them and one is better then the other, but they are still not choices you should see as the horizon of the possible.

            So, to spell it out: In a choice between Kamala and Pence, the correct choice is to choose neither.

              • DasRav [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Well I am sorry if I sound persuasive. Maybe I am making good points ;)

                And you do have another reason to vote for Biden after all. Not a good one but hey, it's something.

                This election not mattering is actually an okay stance in my book. I am very morally incensed about the democrats and I am not hiding that. If you are just done with the system for the most part then that's fair enough.

      • DasRav [none/use name]
        4 years ago


        If the Dems get through with their ratfuckery again, they deserve to lose again. It really is that simple.

        The Dems had every opportunity to extend an olive branch, between the pandemic and everything else 2020 is throwing around. They didn't do a damn thing. I would rather not be lied to by them then help them.

          • DasRav [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            You literally cannot imagine a good thing they will do. You cannot get hype for them or invested. They can just 'reduce harm' a little compared to orange Mussolini. That is the horizon of the possible with a vote for Biden and you said it yourself.

            Mark my words though: If Biden wins, there will be no harm reduction. They could have so very easily pushed for harm reduction now when it is already needed and they didn't. They are unwilling to even make a token effort now, before the election. If you think that will change if they win you are in for a disappointment. All they will give the millions of people who need help now is a 'Sorry, we know it's hard' as they do nothing. It is what they have done for decades and it has to stop working.

              • DasRav [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                The Dems do rely on the left to hold their nose and vote for them while offering them nothing. They have done so for decades.

                Note that I explicitly say don't vote for the president. If neither choice is good, don't choose at all. If the left vote can be captured by “probably actively pushing for the same things but sugarcoated”, then the left will never get anything at all.

              • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                4 years ago

                “actively pushing for awful things” vs. “probably actively pushing for the same things but sugarcoated”

                So, awful things in happening in a way that people will be more radicalized by vs. awful things happening but being completely ignored because Biden is so polite about it.

              • DasRav [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Seeing how the cities currently overpaying their militari...oh sorry cops to beat down left-leaning protests, I wouldn't hold my breath there either. They don't care about militias, they only care about putting a thin veil of normalcy over the shit heap that is the US.

                In regards to militias: What will really happen is that, without Trump to embolden them, these militias will go to ground on their own terms and harden their resolve and be back all the stronger in four years.

      • TransTomboy [she/her, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Wanting a fascist to win so you can own the libs,, but it's ironic, so that makes it ok.

        fuck me you're going to get us all killed.