Ukrainian dogs are actual descendants of German shepherds and golden retrievers. they are not like Siberian huskies who share the Slavic-mongolian temperament.
Word for word something you'd make up to make a crypto-racist joke about the DPRK.
"Our ruling ideology is so perfect that we have even civilized our dogs", says bad country propaganda.
My dogs ideology is strictly American.
This morning he saluted a cop, and called me a slur when his breakfast was late.
My dog sometimes shits in the grass right outside the front door of the cop that lives in my apartment complex :no-dogs-no-masters:
One pup is a ML and one pup is Maoist-Third Worldist and they both call me a shitlib every day when I wake up and tell me to get back to reading Lenin.
They aren't wrong I just wish they would stop teasing me :deeper-sadness: dog just tells me to go to specific coordinates in the pacific because Cthulhu's waiting
Everything looks like a line if you have literally no depth perception.
"Wow a disorganized group of animals facing the same way! This proves our national supremacy!"
proof of nato presence in Ukraine: the Queue has reached Kiyv :ukkk:
Throw this in the bin along with the go fuck yourself martyrs and the ghost of kiev
go fuck yourself martyrs
even in the story thy're just idiots. If a warship tells you to surrender the thing to do is surrender and then try and escape military jail not to fight to the death against an emeny you have no chance of even damaging.
Not even a fictional story about good soldiers
Taking care of stray animals is good and cool.
Using it as some weird nationalist propaganda is extremely cringe though.
Ukraine loving and doing more for their dogs during wartime more than Americans love and do for their homeless during peacetime should be surprising but it really isn't
5k langley accounts, this trips the bots which add 100k, then following them 30k real dedicated ukraine flag people, 7k normal people jumping on the bandwagon
Doesn’t most of Eastern Europe have a lot of stray dogs for some reason?
:soypoint-1: So CiViLiZeD :cracker: :lmayo: aNd EuRoPeAn :soypoint-2:
Is feeding dogs really a priority during wartime? Seriously people are starving and dying.
Just find it very weird that some people prioritise dogs over humans
people are starving
In Ukraine? I think Ukrainians are getting more aid than the American homeless ever have.