• BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 个月前

    Reminds me of that TERF social media platform, Giggle, which required a user to show their face to be analyzed by a program to determine if they were "really a woman." Shock and surprise, the program was prone to false negatives and excluded a lot of cis women from the service.

    Of course, anyone who knows anything about the state of image recognition technology could tell you that it can't even reliably distinguish between things that actually are different, to say nothing of transphobes' made up bullshit.

  • AutomatedPossum [she/her]
    2 个月前

    This can work on people with average levels of residual transphobia and it never hurts (and isn't particularly hard, either) to be better at biology than terfs, it's absolutely useful to have examples like this on hand. It sucks that we need to be prepared to hold a ted talk justifying our existence at any moment, but that's part of being trans in a cisfascist culture. It's a survival skill to be able to spit the straight facts about all this gender stuff. But keep in mind that the hardcore transphobes are perfectly willing to throw cis women with inter traits under the bus. Like, Janice Raymond literally thinks that women with XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity who've been assigned female at birth and lived their entire lives as women and are 100% settled in their gender identity and repeatedly had normal pregnancies and have given birth to perfectly healthy babies are actually men entirely because of the Y chromosome. She's absolutely willing to die on that hill, and she's not alone in that.

    If these people have ever been feminists in the first place, they've switched to being single-issue white whale chasing obsessive nazi sympathizers a long time ago, and they do not know any actual solidarity with other women, they're single mindedly about attacking trans people and if that means somebody who isn't trans gets caught in the crossfire, they absolutely dgaf. If one of their own hatemob members doesn't pass the gender AI face test to get into their special treehouse, it doesn't matter if she contacts customer service 30 times over this, they let her rot (yes that is an actual example from Giggle). The cruelty is the point, do not expect to get a gotcha on somebody with terminal transphobic brainrot.

    I honestly recommend to not waste your time arguing with terfs, spend it on building communities, spend it on educating cis people willing to listen, spend it on having t4t sex in the bathroom stalls of lesbian dive bars or on voice training or on playing FONV, all of that is time better spent than growing callousses on your soul from online yelling contests with the world's most fascist Harry Potter fangirls.

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      2 个月前

      She's absolutely willing to die


      Its always crazy to me that anyone could regard an ai model as being 100% accurate, especially on a task like this. Even a bird/not bird classifier isn't going to be, and that's a hell of a lot easier then telling someone's chromosomes from a picture of their face. I know a lot of it is because of marketers, but come on people. When has a computer ever been 100% right?

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    2 个月前

    A while ago I started writing a script that I never finished for an anime parody I called Ya Girl Elagabala! wherein the famous Roman Empress gets transported into the room of an overgrown chunibyo hikikomori transfem, and the two of them proceed to go on all sorts of wacky adventures. As far as anime parody ideas I've had it doesn't quite match Kuroneko Hidari Wants to Overthrow the Bourgeoisie!, but it's a close second.

    In any case, Trans-Positive Diogenes would make for a Hell of a side-character.

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      2 个月前

      that idea rules, i would love that

      i would also love to hear more about kuroneko hidari wants to overthrow the bourgeoisie

  • DesertComrade [he/him]
    2 个月前

    My country is filled to the brim with transphobes And so is the medical community So I know every single gender disorder by heart so I can do this lol

  • Sons_of_Ferrix
    2 个月前

    "No Diogenes, a woman... wait, are you masturbating in public again?"
