Also, literally who cares. This isn't politics. Zoomers and millenials are very left-wing and that hasn't changer significantly in recent years. This isn't happening at scales that are shifting the political landscape. Idk why there is an obsession with this shit.

  • bidenicecream
    2 years ago

    "Leftist" Dating Advice (in the West):

    • Go to the gym and groom yourself better (solid advice)

    • Be Yourself (no specifics)

    • Don't be Creepy (no specifics)

    • Touch Grass (no specifics)

    • Put yourself out there and take a chance (no specifics)

    • Realize it's not you but it's the system (noted, but again no specifics on what to actually do)

    • Masculinity and femininity is "all a construct bro" (true, but once again no specifics on how to deal with this, maybe other than "go to therapy bro")

    I'm with Awoo and 420blazeit69 and the others here that realize that there does need to be SOMETHING for these young men and it needs to be somewhat specific, actionable advice. Even if it's just advice on how to get laid (as opposed to finding companionship or a long term parter, etc), as long as it's not wrapped in reactionary BS, I think it's 100% ok.

    • fratsarerats [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Yeah honestly the PUA stuff is pretty solid advice as long as it's not using shaky evo-psych to justify it or any other red pill stuff. Like a straight cis young man should know how to navigate various social interactions in life, whether it's interacting with your grandmother or that girl you think is cute sitting next to you in the library.

      If you wanna "shoot your shot" (so to speak) then there's gotta be some advice on how to do it. A lot of the lib twitter feminist space (usually also TERFy) will tell young men that "you should meet a nice girl" while at the same time telling them "don't approach a woman at a coffee shop or library cuz they don't wanna be bothered." So where does a guy go? To a noisy club or bar filled with superficial people? Honestly it's like they're talking out of both sides of their mouth. I'd venture to say that real women won't be too bothered being approached in a coffee shop or library (or any other non-bar/club area) as long as you don't approach in a "weird/creepy" way and the overall interaction is fun and adds to their day positively. Even if they're in a committed and healthy relationship, a nice interaction is just that, a nice interaction.

      • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Even if they use evopsych reasoning, it's often right, but they're wrong about why it works. Like, one example I like to use is in the Mystery Method, the reader is told that, if they're attracted to a woman with a group of her friends, to talk to all of her friends as well. He says it's because it will make her jealous, because he views all relationships as adversarial, but it's actually good advice, because if her friends approve of you, she's likely to as well, and she wants to not be separated from her friends, so she'll enjoy talking to you AND her friends. Plus, you make more friends.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        2 years ago

        The coffee shop/library thing is questionable, and avoid flirting with your waitress or bartender unless you're someone they know or are in the same local service community and have some connection there. You can socialize at the same spots, but flirting on shift can be a bit aggressive and you're gonna get weird signals because their job is to be the smiling face so they can't tell you to fuck off and they also can't leave because they need to.

        If you do want to do want to "make a move" in a situation like that, always open with smalltalk, give a compliment, and move on. If you hover, stare, or push then it becomes a problem.

        If you're taking about patrons in these places that's different, they can leave and aren't bound by their employment contract to be nice. So you can lead with smalltalk, and just go from there.

        Also smalltalk and compliments aren't code for discussing appearance, a compliment could just be "nailing it with the matching bag and shoes" as opposed to "your very beautiful" and smalltalk should be situational at first with stuff like "maybe one day we'll be out of this line" or "have you ever read Das Capital Volume 1 by Karl Marx?" you know, keep it light and inoffensive.

        • fratsarerats [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          They just want to hurt men. Why would they deliberately give men good advice?

          I don't claim to read their minds but I think a lot of them genuinely do want to help men in dating, but are operating from the wrong paradigm. For the ones that aren't, I mean even complete ghouls can give good advice, e.g. do some pushups.

    • meth_dragon [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      i waste a lot of time debatebro-ing PUA/manosphere incels because i am masochistic. here is my list of social engineering shit.

      • be aesthetic, but not too aesthetic (you hit diminishing returns quickly in terms of attraction)
      • OLD and bar scene gender ratios are at best 50/50 and are highly zero-sum, optimization is almost entirely aesthetic, diminishing returns don't apply as much here
      • invading female spaces is effective, but is usually a larger commitment
      • there is a niche/type that you attract, figure out what it is and prioritize improving that demographic
      • get a hobby that involves touching grass, getting good at something real builds more confidence than just looking good
      • creepiness is dark attractiveness
      • 'putting yourself out there' is code for getting rejected enough times that you can better interpret body language
      • stop masturbating, you care less about rejection and engage in more risk taking behavior when you're horny
      • fratsarerats [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        creepiness is dark attractiveness

        Just curious, what do you mean by this?

        invading female spaces is effective, but is usually a larger commitment

        Also this? Like join a yoga studio or a knitting club?

        • meth_dragon [none/use name]
          2 years ago
          1. just a shitty way of saying that your actions are often perceived through the lens of how attractive you are, e.g the 'hello? hr?' lady meme

          2. yes

        • fratsarerats [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          That last one is 100% #nofap.

          I think that like PUA stuff, once the toxic elements are removed, nofap isn't actually a bad idea. I mean young men are so addicted to hardcore porn these days that it's no wonder many of them getting erectile dysfunction when they finally do get with a real woman. Just like "touching grass" and "logging off" I don't think it's a bad thing to abstain from masturbating for a little bit. Especially if masturbation is mentally linked in your mind to porn. If it takes like a few weeks (or in hardcore cases) a few months to deprogram your porn brain, that's probably for the better. Also, you'll come to appreciate realistic beauty instead of the "mega hot chicks" in the porn videos.

        • meth_dragon [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          the point is to get people out there. imo people are more prone to overthinking and less prone to action when they get to just relieve themselves with porn every day or two. obviously sexpesting is bad, but there needs to be some measure of proactive behavior, and masturbating less helps with that.

      • MerryChristmas [any]
        2 years ago

        I miss when the PUA guys wore funny costumes. The Mystery dudes were gross but they didn't seem to harbor as much actively aggressive hate towards women as the Andrew Tate guys that would replace them.

        Plus, you could always recognize them... because of the costumes.

    • Mickmacduffin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Here's one: expand your dating pool to include heavy women, disabled women, and women of all races. A lot of times the biggest thing keeping young men from getting laid is focussing on women they "should" find attractive instead of the ones they do

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        They want a pale virginal underaged princess to worship the ground they walk on, seeing their mediocrity as amazing, just like in their isekai cartoons. :pathetic: :libertarian-alert:

        • SaniFlush [any, any]
          2 years ago

          Like when Arthur Dent was stranded on a pre-industrial planet and became the inventor of the sandwich because it was the only thing he knew that they didnt?

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Yeah, something like that. Or their epic :freeze-gamer: skills let them conquer the isekai world and have an infinite harem because they're the hero by default and everyone else is NPCs that can be metagamed into sex scenes and relationship status.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Generally this. Obviously it's harder to internalise than just reading the advice, but let go of the idea that your friends are going to judge you if your girlfriend is "ugly". I'll accept some standards of attraction are pretty internal, but a decent number of lonely guys tacitly reject partners on the basis that their "friends" will laugh at them. Masculine jockeying for clout in your social groups is making you miserable.