We need your help to come up with several dumb taglines that can go on the main page.

We're thinking it’d be neat to have a list of taglines that it randomly rotates through (and maybe special taglines for days like Kissinger Crab Party).

A quick example by @Koa_lala was “Welcome to the Cool Zone”

So comment with your best / worst bits, jokes and CTH running gags, etc.

  • bewts [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    "A good representation of not only our podcast but our personal thoughts and feelings as well, highly recommended" - Will Menaker

  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    4 years ago


    This machine kills fascists

    Post hog!

    A website about being gay with your dad

    Capitalism, more like crapitalism, amirite xD

    Line go down

    Officially endorsed by George Soros.

    Patent pending

    Low energy raid!

    No gods, no masters

    You have nothing to lose but your chains!

    Nye nye, uwu

    A fascist worked out today, did you?

  • p_sharikov [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "America deserved 9/11" -- the tagline for every September 11th and maybe Fourth of July

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I was thinking, in the same vein of the "it's currently 5:32 in Moscow",

      Maybe have something like "the Chinese military currently has 2340983 Black people in cages" (or Iraqis dead, or babies in cages, or you get the idea)

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is me. This is how I win.


    Ah, nevertheless.

    We love to see it.

    ...and I'm reporting for DUTY.

    God, could dad drive a car.

    We love our beautiful posters, don't we folks?

    Stay safe out there.

    Don't blame me, blame society.

    Welcome to the machine!

    Because when I arrive, I, I'll bring the fire

    Never stop posting.

    We're in fuckin 1320 motherfucker.

    A GODDAMNED cheeto.

    I'm doing my part!

    Ad Astra Per Sanguinem

    The top 1% of the top 1% of the top 1%

    Uh, let me be clear.

    deleted by creator

  • CloutAtlaa [any]
    4 years ago


  • lib_0000429384 [any]
    4 years ago

    I thought the whole reason we came here was to be able to say

    John Brown did nothing wrong

  • Koolio [any]M
    4 years ago

    There's a dang CHEETO in the whitehouse!

    THIS SITE IS HENTAI FREE. Lookin for it? Leave.


    who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off

    i dont understand what this anime has to do with the interview

    "im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

    There is no ethical cum under capitalism.

    Everything is fucked. Piracy is cool.

    Yeet the rich.

    ...In Minecraft

    One neat trick your landlord doesn't want you to know.


    These CG bullet wounds aren't doing it for me

    Capitalism killed squibs

    You mean that drug lord?

    Yeah we're anarcho-marxist-leninist-maoist-trotskyist-dengist-christmanists.

    More 👏 Female 👏 Drone 👏 Pilots

    Fraternal Order of the Bernard Brethren

    Bullying Works.

    [number of active users] paid antifa protesters receiving soros bucks.

  • VolcelPolice [any]
    4 years ago


    Who must go?

    Avoid paying rent with this one neat trick!

    The Number One Chris Dorner Fan Site

    Antifa Cybercrime Division

    Hickenlooper would have won

    Is Thatcher still dead? Yes

    Stalin was too moderate

    Leave your horny at the door

    Legally we don't want to kill Jeff Bezos

    No, we don't know what a Lemmy is either

    A stern warning of things to come

    Made exclusively by free range posters

    Seize the means of posting

    Apply directly to the liberal

    Proudly sponsored by George Soros!